Jedan jako cudan san koji sam imao pre 2-3 meseca...
Sanjao sam da sam na nekoj drugoj planeti, sve je smedje boje-ulice, nebo, zidovi.
1) Razgovaram sa nekim ljudima i pitam ih kako im se zove planeta, i oni mi odgovore da se zove Nimbal. Onda ih pitam kojim jezikom govore, i kazu mi da je jezik Sikhet (ili tako nekako).
2) Stojimo na ulici i ja posmatram jedan zid gde su kredom uradjene skice nekih hriscanskih pravoslavnih fresaka, i te skice se menjaju i jedna dobija oblik coveka sa dugom kosom koji nosi mac o pojasu.
3) U nastavku sna, sanjam kao da padam i tada primetim obrise nekog kao zlatnog grada, sa kupolama, usred nekoj jarko plavog mora.
1) Kad sam se probudio, odem bzvz na net, ukucam one pojmove (Nimbal i Sikhet), i za prvi nadjem da je neko selo u Indiji, a Sikhet me odvede na sajt neke religije Sikhizam, takodje iz Indije. I dok sam gledao sajt nadjem tekst:
The Sikh Gurus have not directly mentioned anything about the certainty of life on other planets but there are references, which can only be construed as having relevance to life on other planets. For example, we hear that there are only 8,400,000 forms of life on earth and also Sikhism tells us that the limit of God’s creation is beyond human comprehension. The Guru says, “O Lord, You have embellished the creation with beauty creating the beings of various kinds, you infused your power into them. No one knows your limits.” (AGGS 1094)
“God has established his stocks and stores in many worlds. He has replenished them once and for all so that the supplies never run out.” (AGGS. 7 )
“I see none as great a giver as you. O Great Giver; You give in charity to the beings of all the continents, worlds, solar systems, nether regions and universes.” (AGGS. 549 )
Regarding these other worlds he says, “Having created the creation, He watches over it. By His glance of Grace, He bestows happiness. There are planets, solar systems and galaxies. If one speaks of them, there is no limit, no end. There are worlds upon worlds of His Creation. As He commands, so they exist. He watches over all, and contemplating the creation, He rejoices. O Nanak, to describe this is as hard as steel.” (AGGS. 8 )
Obviously Sikh Gurus believed that there was life on other planets, otherwise the above lines of the Guru would have no meaning and he would not have said, “Many solar systems, many galaxies. Many forms, colours and celestial realms. Many gardens, many fruits and roots. He Himself is mind, and He Himself is matter. Many ages, days and nights. Many apocalypses, many creations. Many beings are in His home. The Lord is perfectly pervading all places.” (AGGS. 1236 )
2)Slika jednog od gurua.
3) Nadjem da je glavno svetilishte sikhizma Harmandir Sahib, odnosno Zlatni Hram.
Znam da postoji hiljadu objanjenja zasto se neke stvari poklapaju, od kolektivnog nesvesnog pa do toga da sam ja znao za sve ovo, pa sam zaboravio, i onda je slucajno isplivalo tokom sna. Meni se obicno za mozak lepe razne stvari i zanimljivo nepotrebno znanje, tako da sam sasvim siguran da ovo ranije nisam znao.
U svakom slucaju, taj dan mi je bio jedan od najcudnijih u zivotu, celokupan dozivljaj sveta mi je bio izmenjen, ali nakon par dana vratio sam se na staro.