Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Ljubi, ljubi al glavu ne gubi

Moderatori: KorvinOdAmbera, Moderators

WHen moſt I winke, then do mine eyes beſt ſee,
For all the day they view things vnreſpected;
But when I ſleepe, in dreames they looke on thee,
And darkely bright, are bright in darke directed.
Then thou, whoſe ſhaddow ſhaddowes doth make bright,
How would thy ſhadowes forme, forme happy ſhow
To the cleare day with thy much clearer light,
When to vnſeeing eyeſ thy ſhade ſhines ſo!
How would, I ſay, mine eyes be bleſſed made
By looking on thee in the liuing day,
When in dead night thy faire imperfect ſhade
Through heavy ſleepe on ſightleſſe eyeſ doth ſtay!

All dayeſ are nightſ to ſee till I ſee thee,
And nights bright dayes when dreams do ſhow thee me.

I fell into the ocean
When you became my wife
I risked it all against the sea
To have a better life
Marie you are the wild blue sky
Men do foolish things
You turn kings into beggars
And beggars into kings

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
We can bring back the old days again
When all the world is green

The face forgives the mirror
The worm forgives the plow
The questions begs the answer
Can you forgive me somehow?
Maybe when our story's over
We'll go where it's always spring
The band is playing our song again
And all the world is green

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
Can we bring back the old days again?
And all the world is green

The moon is yellow silver
On the things that summer brings
It's a love you'd kill for
And all the world is green
He's balancing a diamond
On a blade of grass
The dew will settle on our graves
When all the world is green

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
We can bring back the old days again
When all the world is green

He's balancing a diamond
On a blade of grass
The dew will settle on our graves
When all the world is green.
Everly Brothers - Let It Be Me

I bless the day I found you
I want to stay around you
And so I beg you
Let it be me

Don't take this heaven from one
If you must cling to someone
Now and forever
Let it be me

Each time we meet, love
I find complete love
Without your sweet love
What would life be?

So never leave me lonely
Tell me you love me only
And that you'll always
Let it be me

Each time we meet, love
I find complete love
Without your sweet love
What would life be?

So never leave me lonely
Tell me you love me only
And that you'll always
Let it be me
Plus j'observe ces lieux & plus je les admire,
Ce Fleuve coule lentement
Et s'éloigne à regret d'un séjour si charmant.
Les plus aimables fleurs & le plus doux Rephire
Parfument l'air qu'on y respire.
Non, je ne puis quitter ces rivages si beaux.
Un son harmonieux se mêle aux buit des eaux
Les oiseaux enchantez se taisent pour l'entendre
Des charmes du sommeil j'ai peine à me deffendre;
Ce gazon, cet ombrage frais,
Tout m'invite au repos sous ce feüillage épais.

hrál kdosi na hoboj a hrál již kolik dní
hrál vždycky na večer svou píseň tesklivou
a ani nerozžal si oheň pobřežní
neb všecky ohně prý tu zhasnou uplovou.

hrál dlouze na hoboj v tmách na pobřeží v tmách
na plochém pobřeží kde nikdo nepřistál
hrál pro svou lhostejnost či hrál spíš pro svůj strach
byl tichý pastevec či vyděděný král?

hrál smutně na hoboj vzduch zhluboka se chvěl
pod písní váhavou a jemnou mollovou
a od vod teskně zpět mu hoboj vlhkem zněl
jsou ohně marny jsou vždy zhasnou uplovou.
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