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Moderatori: KorvinOdAmbera, Moderators
[url=http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2619529#p2619529]Mage napisao:[/url]Heh, kako mi je pomalo smesna ova tema posle par godinaNo, mogu samo reci da sto bivam stariji i "iskusniji", pogotovo u domenu nauke, sve mi se vise cini da je "istina" daleko veca i kompleksnija nego sto nasi zbunjeni, iskompleksirani, i uplaseni umovi mogu i da pojme. Sa jedne strane me to plasi, ali sa druge strane... well, obozavam kada se sve sto ljudi misle da znaju okrene naopacke i padne im na glavu. It's good for us
Tako da sve manje i manje verujem ljudima koji su "sigurni" u bilo sta.
[url=http://www.gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2645711#p2645711]ZlatnaPtica napisao:[/url]What Katengl said.
....Nauka je odlično objasnila kako funkcioniše život, kako se razvija, šta ga održava, nema rupe u računici, i nikakva duša nije deo iste.
[url=http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2629246#p2629246]EnMademoiselle napisao:[/url]što se više duhovno razvijam i što više proučavam psihu uopšte to više verujem da je život samo period postojanja. nekako mi je nepojmljivo da duša umire sa telom, jer mislim da su mogućnosti duha veće od mogućnosti tela. no opet ostavljam otvorenu opciju da je možda cela ta ideja, počevši od ideje duše, samo delo mozga i da je kad on rikne game over![]()
mada u suštini i da ta opcija jeste tačna, svakako bi imala isti efekat, kao i ideja, na to kako proživljavam život, a to je da je sve u trenutku - prošlost je bila trenutak, sadašnjost jeste trenutak, budućnost će biti trenutak - i da sve zavisi od trenutka, kao i to da univerzalan smisao života ne postoji već svako individualno življenjem stvara smisao svog života, bio on samo deo postojanja ili samo postojanje.
inače zanimljiva mi je ova priča, naišla sam na nju negde krajem osnovne i mislim da me je zapravo to prvo i podstaklo da razmatram tu ideju, doduše poprilično površno u odnosu na sad
Twins are having a conversation in the mother’s womb:
A: Do you believe in life after birth?
B: Of course, there must be something after birth.
A: That is nonsense. There is no life after birth. How would this life look like anyway?
B: I don’t know exactly, but I am convinced that there will be more light and that we will be able to walk and eat with our mouths…
A: That is complete nonsense. You know that it’s impossible to run and eat with your own mouth, that’s why we have the umbilical cord. I’m telling you, after birth there is no life.
B: The umbilical cord is too short. I’m convinced that there is something after birth. Something completely different from what we are living now.
A: But no one has ever returned from there. Life ends after birth. Besides, life is nothing else but existence in a tight and dark environment.
B: Well, I don’t know exactly how life after birth looks like, but we will, in any case, meet our Mommy. Then she will take care of us.
A: Mommy? You believe in Mommy? And where, according to you, would she be?
B: Everywhere around us, of course. Thanks to her, we are alive, without her, we would not exist at all.
A: I don’t believe it. I have never seen Mommy, so it is clear that she doesn’t exist.
B: Yes, it is possible, but sometimes, when we are perfectly still, we can hear her sing and caress our world. You know, I am convinced that life after birth, in fact, is only just the beginning.
[url=http://www.gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2651309#p2651309]Maximillion Pegasus napisao:[/url] Rodimo se, razvijamo, razmnozavamo (kako ko) i umiremo.Cause you and I, we were born to die (kako ko).
[url=http://www.gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2571865#p2571865]Anhedonie napisao:[/url]pa rekoh sta ce tu bog. istina je preteska za svariti i njeno poimanje moze stvoriti traume, strahove i fobije ukoliko osoba nije dovoljno "jaka" psihicki.Istina je teska onda kada je se bojis i samo onda :-)
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