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Verujete li u ASTROLOGIJU?

Ne verujem
Korisnikov avatar
By Darling
[url=]De Vil napisao:[/url]Damn! Idem da se ubijem od plakanja sad jer me kinezi ne bi zaposlili... :sigh:
Vili, ništa čudno, s obzirom na to da se ne venčavaju dok ne urade uporedni horoskop.
[url=]Dirrty napisao:[/url] ... avamo.html
Kakav je posao u pitanju i koje radno mesto? Nisu napisali najbitniju stvar.
"Zaposlila sam ljude koji su rođeni u ta dva horospokspa znaka i oni su se ili svađali sa kolegama ili nisu mogli dugo da ostanu na poslu", rekla je žena predstavljena samo kao Ksija.

1) Možda je Ksija neki direktor, pa se plašila da ne ostane bez te pozicije, jer su i Škorpije i Device sposobne da je zbace sa iste, pogoootovu Škorpije, koje su rođeni šefovi ( iliti dobri organizatori i manipulatori).
2) Svađali su se sa kolegama, jer ne podnose neorganizovanost i saradnju sa nesposobnim ljudima, pedantni su, analitični, pragmatični i vrlo posvećeni poslu koji rade.

Lično, najviše volim da radim sa Jarčevima, Škorpijama i Devicama, jer se odlično razumemo. :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By disaster blue
verujem u slaganje znakova.. tj. u neke karakteristike.. tj. sta znam zanimljivo mi je to..
a da verujem...hmm pa po astrologu ja bih bio sada na arhitekturi i imao bih dete sa devojkom van bracne zajednice.. mozda bi sve to bilo tako da sam u stvari str8.. ko ce ga znati :sigh: :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By De Vil
Ali pod ovim "as long as you pay me well" ne mislim na plaćanje u naturi :lol:

Škorpijetina pita:Hoćeš li da radiš sa mnom ili Hoćeš li da radiš za mene?
Nije važno,samo da se komanduje i naređuje! :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
takodje, ko god je ikadA radio kod mene je bio dobro placen...nikad u naturi :pucaodsmeha:

samo mnogo trazim...:lol:

sa darling bi vec drugacije......... :pervert:

Korisnikov avatar
By scout_finch
ne verujem, mada ume da mi bude zabavno ponekad. i smesno mi je sto kad god uradim nesto sto se mojoj devojci ne svidja ona kaze, to je zato sto si bik. al' s druge strane, ona sama mi nalazi izgovor za kretensko ponasanje, tako da to nije lose. a ako se ponasam ko "pizda mala" onda je to zato sto sam u podzaku rak.
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald
[url=]scout_finch napisao:[/url]ne verujem, mada ume da mi bude zabavno ponekad. i smesno mi je sto kad god uradim nesto sto se mojoj devojci ne svidja ona kaze, to je zato sto si bik. al' s druge strane, ona sama mi nalazi izgovor za kretensko ponasanje, tako da to nije lose. a ako se ponasam ko "pizda mala" onda je to zato sto sam u podzaku rak.
Jeste, opasno je to, ume da obuzme. Ja sam zabranio da se u mom prisustvu koriste imena planeta i znakova. Po modelu: "Ne koristi uzalud imena Gospoda, Boga svoga."
Inace, ja sam Bik. :lol:
By alexandermagic
[url=]Dirrty napisao:[/url] ... avamo.html

Da li bi mene zaposlili kao Jarca sa ascedentom u Škorpionu, pitanje je sad? :awesome:

Meni kao poslovni suradnici najviše odgovaraju tipični muškarci Vage: uravnoteženi, šarmantni i rade kako im se naloži, bez suvišnog zapitkivanja.Malo sporiji, no bitan je rezultat.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
astrologija je do sada toliko bila egzaktna za mene da bih bio budala kada ne bih verovao u nju

inace ja sam ovan/vodolija xD
Korisnikov avatar
By Darling
[url=]alexandermagic napisao:[/url]

...rade kako im se naloži, bez suvišnog zapitkivanja...
Biće da je osobito zbog ovoga. :trep:

Na poslu koji trenutno radim se najbolje slažem sa koleginicom koja je Vaga/Škorpija, u životu nisam tako dobro sa nekim funkcionisala na poslu. Sve se odrađuje savršeno pedantno i precizno, bez mnogo priče, apsolutno se razumemo. Ostale su u kombinacijama Ovan, Strelac, Rak, znak/podznak :shrug: i teške su guske, svaku frku rešavamo ona i ja. :smug:
Korisnikov avatar
By Darling
Upravo. Rakovi su mi, u svakom slučaju iritantniji, naročito kada krenu sa nekom patetikom :barf: Ovnovi se pogube i ne znaju gde biju, moraš da ih prodrmaš da se osveste. Ja sam odustala od objašnjavanja, jer sam shvatila da je uzalud, naročito kada radiš sa ljudima koji teško uče ili neće da uče.
By Guion Nerville
Neke stvari koje ne treba izgubiti iz vida…

While astrology may bear a superficial resemblance to science, it is a pseudoscience because it makes little attempt to develop solutions to its problems, shows no concern for the evaluation of competing theories, and is selective in considering confirmations and dis-confirmations.[4][5]

Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status.[1] Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.

Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs such as those found in astrology, medical quackery, and occult beliefs combined with scientific concepts, is part of science education and scientific literacy.[8]

Scientists consider astrology a pseudoscience.[73] Criticisms include that astrology is conjectural and supplies no hypotheses, proves difficult to falsify, and describes natural events in terms of scientifically untestable supernatural causes.[74][not in citation given] It has also been suggested that much of the continued faith in astrology could be psychologically explained as a matter of cognitive bias[75] (see also Forer effect).

The Forer effect (also called the Barnum Effect after P.T. Barnum's observation that "we've got something for everyone") is the observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.[citation needed] This effect can provide a partial explanation for the widespread acceptance of some beliefs and practices, such as astrology, fortune telling, graphology, and some types of personality tests.

The practice of western astrologers allows them to avoid making verifiable predictions, and gives them the ability to attach significance to arbitrary and unrelated events, in a way that suits their purpose

Most astrologers make claims that the position of all the planets must be taken into account, but astrologers were unable to predict the existence of Neptune based on mistakes in horoscopes. Instead Neptune was predicted using Newton's law of universal gravitation.[22]

Georges Charpak and Henri Broch "dismantled claims from parapsychology and astrology" in the book Debunked! ESP, Telekinesis, and other Pseudoscience[77] They noted that astrologers have only a small knowledge of astronomy and that they do not take into account basic features such as the precession of the equinoxes which would change the position of the star signs with time.

Astrology has repeatedly failed to demonstrate its effectiveness in controlled studies. Those who continue to have faith in astrology have been characterised as doing so "in spite of the fact that there is no verified scientific basis for their beliefs, and indeed that there is strong evidence to the contrary."[79] One well-documented and referenced paper, for instance, which conducted a large scale scientific test, involving more than one hundred cognitive, behavioral, physical and other variables, found no support for astrological accuracy.[80]

In a lecture in 2001, Stephen Hawking stated "The reason most scientists don't believe in astrology is because it is not consistent with our theories that have been tested by experiment."[87] Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson asserted that "astrology was discredited 600 years ago with the birth of modern science. 'To teach it as though you are contributing to the fundamental knowledge of an informed electorate is astonishing in this, the 21st century'. Education should be about knowing how to think, 'And part of knowing how to think is knowing how the laws of nature shape the world around us. Without that knowledge, without that capacity to think, you can easily become a victim of people who seek to take advantage of you'". The founder of the Astrological Institute to which Tyson's criticism was directed responded "It's quite obvious that he hasn't studied the subject."[88]
Astrologers for their part prefer not to attempt to explain astrology,[89] and instead give it supernatural explanations such as divination or synchronicity.[90][91][92] Others have proposed conventional causal agents such as electro-magnetism within an intricate web of planetary fields and resonances in the solar system.[93][94] Scientists dismiss magnetism as an implausible explanation, since the magnetic field of a large but distant planet such as Jupiter is far smaller than that produced by ordinary household appliances when measured from earth.[95]

Carlson's experiment
A different approach to testing astrology quantitatively uses blind experiment. The most renowned[96] of these is Shawn Carlson's double-blind chart matching tests in which he challenged 28 astrologers to match over 100 natal charts to psychological profiles generated by the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) test. When Carlson's study was published in Nature in 1985, his conclusion was that predictions based on natal astrology were no better than chance, and that the testing "clearly refutes the astrological hypothesis".[97]

Itd. Itd" target="_blank

Meni je razumljiva svojevrsna intrigantnost u genezi tumacenja jer podrazumeva preplitanje mitoloske, psiholoske i simbolisticke pozadine, a naravno tu je i tradicija; ali kada se pretenduje preci na fizicku realnost, ostvara se prostor za zloupotrebu. Autosugestija kao takva moze imati neke efekte kroz verovanje u astrologiju ili druge vrste, ali se oni ni tada ne mogu pripisati samim astroloskim pozicijama, nego vec prilicno utvrdjenoj psiholoskoj dinamici. Astrologija se smatra pseudonaukom, to ne treba zanemariti.
Korisnikov avatar
By mega therion
ne verujem... I mrzim kada mi neko kaze - ah to je tako tipicno za blizance... (najcesce po pitanju rasejanosti)
Korisnikov avatar
By Blond Brat
Verujem. Toliko toga su mi pogodili, npr.kažu da mi u horoskopu vide da imam jako lepe crte lica i ja šta ću, kako da ne verujem :lol:
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