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Why Would you Settle for Less when you can have More? Do not let other Authors Fool you with Empty Marketing Keywords. FLATBOOTS is what you Deserve. Built to last, Built from Scratch, Nothing Less.
Read moreOver a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...
Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators
Originally posted by constantinesto jest jest..al ovo je previse..lol D:
ooo bozeeal ste vi lezbejke komplikvane
Originally posted by buti si soft butch
wtf??sta je soft buch...odakle silne ove podele..andro/femm..lol..ne bi da glasam..hahah
Originally posted by geeky_dork
Originally posted by scout_finchAli moram opet da citiram kao baba neka kad se digne ovakva tema
pa pod 20![]()
Originally posted by Kittrie
nema cak ni femm/femm.
ma, muti mi se u glavi od ovoga gore.
Originally posted by Sanja Steppenwolfinahahah jao ubicu te kad te vidim..
Originally posted by buti si soft butch
wtf??sta je soft buch...odakle silne ove podele..andro/femm..lol..ne bi da glasam..hahah
ne znam kako se ti deklarises, ali ja sam te tako predstavljala![]()
Originally posted by zozefin stfemm koja voli lipstick?
onda ti mozes da glasash po 11
Originally posted by Kittrieovo je tako
aj da su andro cice kao freja beha, pa ajd, al kod nas to nije tako, to su vise neke nafurane shejn-wona-bi ribe.
stavi kravatu, stajk a pouz i sva si opasna![]()
Originally posted by ultravioletahahahahahaha
joj, ništa mi nije jasno.
glasam za 20.
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