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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

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Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
ne znam da li da se usudim da primetim... ali ovo izgleda kao skroz nova jelena jankovic
chetvrtfinale, polufinale i finale po 2:0
nishta drama
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Originally posted by cumpig

mica maca nasa omiljena :)
kako je samo smirena i fokusirana
i kako lagano odservira za set i mec! :hypno:
ovaj cip mi izgleda previse opasno, mora da se i ona uplasila, izgleda da je i seljober (kako je samo drzao noge na ogradi, bas na mamine oci), ali ako dobri cika sancez nije mogao, neka bude ovaj :D

i oni misici na fotkama, ako pogledate starije slike videcete da joj je velika vecina nestala ili se smanjila :/
mica jedna, nije mogla ni da podigne pehar :meso: :palacinke: :D

Jeca mica... :mazi:
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Originally posted by spliff

ne znam da li da se usudim da primetim... ali ovo izgleda kao skroz nova jelena jankovic
chetvrtfinale, polufinale i finale po 2:0
nishta drama

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Stizu bolji dani za nashe srchane zaliske... :yay:

Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Samo neka je cika Chip provocira, ako je to put do njenog povratka... Ima igru, ima talenat, ima sad i napredak u ofanzivi, sve je tu... Ima najbolju backhand paralelu medju teniserkama, ima prilicno dobar forehand sad, radila je na servisu, kretanje je odlicno, klizi na svim podlogama, popravlja ofanzivu, igra promisljenije nego ranije, vidim radila je i na inside out forehandu, i to deluje dosta solidno... Polako postaje kompletna! :love:

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
sad sam odgledao reprizu finala iz indian wells-a
mislim da mi je to najdrazi mech koji je jelena ikad odigrala

By cumpig
ako nesto mrzim, to je upload slike na ovaj nacin kao sto forum trazi, ali ovo jednostavno mora da stoji ovde!!!!!! :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Hungry Jankovic ready to take a big bite at Miami
(AFP) – 1 hour ago

MIAMI — Jelena Jankovic is on the prowl for further prey after taking the WTA title at Indian Wells, with the Serbian star vowing Tuesday to take a bite out of the Miami Masters.

"I'm still hungry, I still want to do well," said the bubbly Jankovic, who defeated Dane Caroline Wozniacki in the final.

"I'm kind of like an animal."

Jankovic finished number one on the WTA Tour in 2008 then lost all form by over-training and bulking up to her detriment, but she has worked her way back to fighting-fit form.

"I will win a Grand Slam. I believe in myself," Jankovic said. "I'm thinking that I can do it. If I can win Indian Wells, I think I can win a Slam also. It's just a matter of time and doing the right things."

The 25-year-old enjoys a bye into the second round at Miami, with the seventh seed saying that her confidence is back to top level.

"When I come to the court I want to fight to the last point. I like competing, I like the challenges," Jankovic said.

"I always try my best to win -- sometimes I do, sometimes not -- but it's part of the game."

Jankovic's success at Indian Wells came more than half a year after her last trophy in Cincinnati.

"I beat a lot of good players in Indian Wells. My game is together," Jankovic said.

"I believe more in my shots and I go out knowing that I'm playing good tennis and believing much more in myself."

It doesn't take much prompting for the usually smiling player to remember her low periods of 2009.

"There were times when I wasn't feeling my game, and was not confident, but I am now and I look forward to playing here," Jankovic said.

"I'm feeling very strong. There are so many great players out there. I just want to try my best. We'll see how things will work out."

The women's field is headed by Svetlana Kuznetsova, the 2006 champion, with world number one Serena Williams out with her continuing left knee injury.

Wozniacki, newly promoted to second in the rankings at age 19, is seeded second with three-time champion Venus Williams third.

Williams is unruffled by the fact that her younger sibling Serena, last year's losing finalist to Victoria Azarenka, is missing.

"I'm a big girl. I can swing my own racket pretty well," said the American who turns 30 in June. "I'm just hoping to work my way through the draw.

"I'm healthy and have no complaints. My goal is to stay healthy, feel good and keep the balls in the court. I like winning each and every match.

Williams, a winner this year at Dubai and Acapulco, had no comment on her sister's progress, with Serena not having appeared on court since winning the Australian Open almost two months ago.

"I never talk about my injuries and I certainly won't talk about hers," Venus Williams said.

"We're both at the peak of our powers right now. We hope to stay that way as long as we have the abilities, stay healthy and have the talent."
By Ulix
Ne volim kad naše teniserke najavljuju da su spremne da osvoje bilo šta. :uljenavatru:
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by spliff
ne znam da li da se usudim da primetim... ali ovo izgleda kao skroz nova jelena jankovic
chetvrtfinale, polufinale i finale po 2:0
nishta drama
Evo, i ona se slaže sa tobom :shmi:

Znam, već dugo me mediji, fanovi, ljudi širom sveta koji vole i prate tenis zovu „kraljica drame“. To sam ponovo i dokazala u trećem kolu u meču protiv Sare Erani. Bio je to moj nateži meč na ovom turniru, tri sata iscrpljujuče borbe, ali to se sve dešavalo upravo zbog toga što nikada pre nisam igrala sa njom i nisam poznavala njen stil igre. Na kraju pobeda koja mi je dala krila da u narednim mečevima budem sve bolja, preciznija, jača u svim elementima igre i mentalno. „Kraljica drame“ je odlučila da poštedi sve, pa i samu sebe stresa na terenu, odlučila sam da svakom meču pristupam maksimalno koncentrisana i motivisana čime sam ostvarila ubedljive pobede i na kraju došla do velikog slavlja.

I Čip ipak nije stalni trener :sigh:
Biće samo na ovoj američkoj turneji uz nju...
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
:love: To joj je jedna od lepsih fotografija.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce




Dear all,

I haven't written you for some time, but I didn't forget you. Your support means a lot to me, and I know I can always count on you. I wasn't here because of the focus on my tennis, and work on the court. Now, when the result is achieved, when I have something to compliment on, here I am! :) )
I am happy! I won the 12th WTA title in my career, certainly one of the greatest and most important so far. I got the BNP Paribas Indian Wells 2010. trophy thanks to the great games during the two weeks in the Californian desert. It wasn't easy, but the result speaks for itself. I trained a lot, worked hard on the game, concentration, serve, my physics, and it was all worthwile. In the end of the competition in Indian Wells the hardest task was to lift the champion's trophy, which is very beautiful, but also quite heavy, so I had to pose to cameras standing beside that wonderful cristal.
One of the keys to success in Indian Wells is in the fact that my mom was there, beside me. She is my motivator, someone who gives me positive energy while I'm on the court, and also someone who is my great protector. During the most difficult and decisive moments in the match, when I have to cool down a bit, I just look at my mom and everything comes in its right place. Chip Brooks also helped me a lot. He is a coach from IMG Academy whom I know for years, and who worked together with me at Nick Bollettieri. I am still without a coach, but I have a great help in this moment from Chip and Nick. During the American tour, Chip will be with me, and this progress, improvement in serve, and mental stabillity is something I owe to Chip and Nick.

I expect, and its my goal, to continue like this. There are new challenges, a great tournament in Miami, another place in the world where I feel like home. In Indian Wells I felt like I was playing on home field, because in the neighborhood of this californian town I'm building a house, where I'm planning to move in by the end of this year. On the other hand, I'm in Miami now, which is my base for years, so I came from one positive and healthy surrounding into another. I am full of self-confidence and I am ready for new great things.

I would like once more to say a few words about the tournament and the matches in Indian Wells. I know that media, fans, and people around the world who loves me and like to watch tennis, call me "Drama queen". I have proven the nickname in the third round against Sara Errani. It was the toughest match for me on this tournament, which lasted for three hours of exhausting fight, but it all happened because I never played against her and I didn't know her style. In the end, the victory gave me strenght to be better, more precise, stronger in all elements, including mental aspect, in the next rounds. "Drama queen" decided to spare everyone, including my self, with the stress on the court, so I played every match with maximum of concentration and motivation, which helped me to achieve four convincing wins and eventual great celebration.

I have to compliment on my new dress created by ANTA. Even though I thought people would criticize it because of the colour, since it is unusual - fluorescent green, everyone says only nice things about the dresses I'm wearing, which makes me pleased. I like strong colours, so I'm very fond of that dress.

There is no time for celebration, shopping and relax. At least, not by the end of the American tour, during which I know only about work, order and discipline.
I am writing you from Miami, where I arrived yesterday. I hope you are glad because of my triumph in California, and I will make sure to keep up like that.
Thank you for being always with me, and for giving me constant support. Thanks for everything my dear all,

Loves you,
your JJ
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Ko je novi trener Jelene Janković?

Pre dve godine Jelena Janković je započinjala saradnju s španskim trenerom Rikardom Sančezom. Prvi veliki rezultati došli su u Indijan Velsu i Majamiju - polufinale i finale. Ove godine pred Indijan Vels počela je da trenira sa teniskim direktorom IMG Akademije Nika Bolitijerija, gde je i brušen njen talenat prethodnih godina, Čipom Bruksom. Rezultat - titula!
Ko je Čip Bruks? Reč je o 60-godišnjakinju koji se u Akademiji Nika Bolitijerija nalazi d 1977. godine. Spisak imena koja su radila sa Bruksom podugačak je i impresivan. Tu se nalaze legende Pit Sampras, Boris Beker, Džim Kurijer, Andre Agasi, kao i devojke Meri Pirs i Ana Kurnjikova. U njegovoj biografiji ističu se i mandati na mestima selektora Dejvis i Federejšn kup reprezentacija Tajvana i Koreje, kao i mesto trenera kineskog Federejšn kup tima.

Nakon trijumfa Jankovićeve u Indijan Velsu, što joj je pored finala "US Open-a" najveći uspeh u karijeri, mediji su prstom uprli baš u Bruksa kao čoveka zaslužnog za "preporod" Beograđanke. Kris Odo, teniski novinar, napravio je intervju sa Bruksom za sajt "On the baseline", koji mi prenosimo.

Prilično dobro poznajete Jelenu s obzirom da je dosta vremena provela u IMG-ovoj Akademiji. Da li vam je to pomoglo da se brzo adaptirate u ulozi njenog trenera?
- Ona je na neki način odrasla u Akademiji, ali ja zapravo i nisam radio puno s njom otkako je ušla u profesionalne vode. Uglavnom je imala privatnog trenera koji je putovao s njom. Kada je bila u Akademiji u decembru, u sklopu priprema za Australiju, tada sam proveo malo više vremena sa njom. Mi smo se oduvek odlično slagali. Mislim da se ona oseća opušteno u mojoj blizini zato što se ja trudim da pojednostavim sve njene obaveze. Pokušavam da "ojačam" njene slabe strane, ali je uglavnom teram da se fokusira na svoje vrline kada igra.

Zvuči kao da saradnja između vas dvoje ide dobro?
- Ona se nedavno rastala sa Rikardom Sančezom i ja sam zato počeo da radim s njom. Trenirali smo pre Federejšn kupa, kao i posle turnira u Dubaiju, pre nego što je otišla u Monterej. Ona je imala problema nakon "Australian Open-a", pa me je pitala da li bih ja išao s njom u Indijan Vels. Razgovarao sam s Nikom i on me je čak i ohrabrio da to uradim. Bilo je zabavno, pogotovo s obzirom da nekoliko godina nisam putovao na turnire, znate ja imam ženu i četvoro dece. Dosta igrača i trenera u Indijan Velsu, poput Marije Šarapove, Maksa Mirnjija, čak i Svena Grenevelda su me pitali "Šta kod đavola ti radiš ovde?"
Možeš li nam reći koji su tvoji glavni saveti Jeleni?
- Prvo sam je ohrabrio da igra dubl! Ona nije dubl igračica i preispitivala je tu moju želju. Znate, kada sam radio sa Bekerom on je uvek želeo da igra par kola u konkurenciji parova na startu turnira. To ga je učinilo agresivnim, ojačalo njegov kik servis i povećalo mu procenat prvih servisa. Jednostavno Beker je morao da pogađa ciljeve i na servisu i pri riterniranju, a morao je i konstantno da se kreće ka mreži. Sve to mu je dosta pomoglo u singlu. Zato sam i Jelenu ohrabrio da radi to isto i mislim da joj je to dosta pomoglo. - objasnio je Bruks povratak Jankovićeve u konkurenciju parova, u kojoj je pre par godina beležila solidne rezultate (osvojila WTA turnir u Birmingemu s Na Li).

Primetili smo u Indijan Velsu da je Jelena u mnogim poenima prva napadala. Da li ste i o tome razgovarli.
- Da. Ona sada ne sedi i ne čeka. Jelena je najbolja kada se kreće dobro i kada svojim udarcima seče uglove.

Da li misliš da je njeno povlačenje u defanzivo krivo za njene slabije rezultate u poslednje vreme?
- Jelena jeste postala malo defanzivna. Kretala se po osnovnoj liniji i išla unazad, umesto da ide napred. Nije dobro birala udarce kada je u defanzivi. Jednostavno i par metara iza osnovne linije ona je pokušavala s agresivnim udarcima. Sada počinje da postavlja stvari na svoje meste. Finalni duel protiv Voznijački je dosta sličan igrama koje je pružala 2008. godine kada pričamo o diktiranju igre.

Primetili smo i da je Jelena zaista dobro servirala u Indijan Velsu.
- Da, radili smo na povećanju agresivnosti. Radili smo na nogama i uopšte donjem delu telu kada "ide" kroz servis. Potrudili smo se da se lepo odigne od zemlje pri servisu, umesto da ceo posao odradi rukama.

Da li ste napravili neki plan za naredne dve nedelje (turnir u Majamiju), kojim biste izbegli mogući neuspeh?
- Glavni fokus u Indijan Velsu je bio na tome da Jelena radi ono u čemu je najbolja, a to je da kontroliše osnovnu liniju. Znate, da ne dopusti protivnici da je gurne u defanzivu, da ne ode sama pozadi, čak i ako mora da udara lopticu u dizanju.

Radićete sa Jelenom u Majamiju, kao i na narednom turniru u Čarlstonu. Da li će se nakon tog turnira prekinuti vaša saradnja s obzirom na vaše obaveze u Akademiji?
- Da, ja ipak imam posao. Zajedno s Nikom ćemo pokušati da napravimo strategiju koja će pomoći Jeleni. Potrudiću se da budem s njom na 6 do 8 najvećih turnira. Ukoliko ona odluči da zaposli "full time" trenera to je u redu. Ja sam i ovako srećan što sam joj pomogao - završio je Bruks.
By cumpig
samo da pomenem da je jeca na centralnom mestu na eurosportovoj najavi programa za mesec april!
:awesome: :mama:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Dear all,

Finally even I found some time to relax. I'm sure the same is with you, because the holiday is just about to start - Easter! I ended the tournament in Miami in the fourth round, which was, as you would probably agree, a bit too early and unexpected, and I could have done more, for sure, but simply, on that day I couldn't have done much on the court and play well, since the strong wind gave me no chance to develop the game, find the rhythm, and the strength won, instead of the technique. The one who had more strength, more powerful strikes on that day, won the points - it was the case in most of the matches, just like in mine against Stosur. The most important thing is that I finished the tournament healthy, and that there were no injuries, because the conditions for the game were such that the injuries could have happened at any moment. I have been playing in Miami for years, but this was the worst weather conditions ever. Humid was high, it was raining, with wind, and such things welcomed and escorted us all from this year's tournament in Key Biscayne, by which the first part of the hard court season is over.

It is time for clay! Several days I'm going to relax and practice a bit, and also to celebrate the holiday - Easter, with my family. Then, I'm going to Charleston - South Carolina, were I will play my first tournament on clay in 2010. I like to play on clay, and also to play in Charleston, where the surface is green, not red like in every other tournament around the world. Three years ago I won the title on this tournament, and it was one of the moments in my career I will never forget. Not only because I lifted the trophy in the end, but also because I was losing against Venus Williams in the tie break of the third set 5:1, but then I managed to win six points in a row, which brought me victory and a place in the final. I easily won the next match against Safina 6:2, 6:2, but that day was for memories, too. Before the very beginning we knew a storm is approaching Charleston, and it was so strong that it threatened to crush and break everything on its way. Still, we went to court and the wind was so strong that it was hard not only to play, but also to breathe. Fortunately enough, I managed to end that match quite soon. Immediately after the award ceremony I sat into a jeep and we drove to Atlanta for hours, where I caught a plane to Sofia. After many hours of flight I finally came to Bulgarian capital, where people from Serbian Tennis Federation and our Fed Cup team waited for me. From there we went to Plovdiv by mini van, where we had to play the matches in the Fed Cup, first group of Europe/Africa zone. I remember that our team was put in front of mission impossible, but we managed to do something no one had believed in, except ourselves. After five days of fight we became one of the two teams which, out of 16 that played in Plovdiv those days, managed to qualify for the play off for the World group B. I played 16 sets in four days, which no one has done so far, it was really exhausting, but I will never forget it since it was one of the most memorable moments in the national team in my career.

I am writing a lot about the times from the past, but it is something I like to share with you. The national team is something holy for me, and all the matches I played for Serbia - there have been 38 so far, I played with my hearth, till the last breath.

In the same 2007. where I won Charleston and played in Plovdiv for the national team, we played the famous match against Slovakia in Kosice. I played only one match then, because in the tie against Cibulkova I suffered an injury - I had a torn fiber on the left thigh, we fought on the court for three hours and 32 minutes, and in the end I am not sure how I was able do finish the last two points and win that match. The Slovakians welcomed us in the crowded Steel Arena, in the hellish atmosphere in which we, unfortunately, burned out. Three years after, we got the chance to make the score even, and make up for the loss, but also to show them how Serbia cheer and love its girls. It will not be easy on April 24th and 25th in Belgrade Arena, since we are to play without Ana Ivanovic, who gave up because of the bad form which troubles her, but we are going to give our best, just like we did so far, and what will be, will be. One is for sure - I will give my maximum, which, I hope, will motivate my colleagues to reach a great victory in joint strengths, and secure a survival for Serbia in World group A. The whole team would be very happy if Ana supported us by her presence in the Arena, no matter of her absence from the court, because it would mean a lot to our players.

And now, the most beautiful thing - I wish you Happy Easter! Have fun with your most beloved ones, and have a nice rest, too. Also, come to Arena on April 24th and 25th to help our national team!

Loves you
Your JJ
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by cumpig

samo da pomenem da je jeca na centralnom mestu na eurosportovoj najavi programa za mesec april!
:awesome: :mama:
Da da :oskar:
Super im je najava :kolo:

A, pogledajte ovu sliku :smeh: :smeh:

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Na Eurosportu - najava programa za mesec april.
Korisnikov avatar
By mmiki
Bas joj se otvorio zreb za Charlston. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

My dear all,

I arrived to Brandeton. I somehow managed to catch a sleep for a couple of hours. I travelled the entire day from Charleston untill late at night. Right after the quarter final match ended, which I played against Hantuchova, we packed our things and went to Brandeton by car. Now we are trying to find tickets and a plane, which would get us to Belgrade, but most of the airports in Europe are shut down due to the volcanic dust which appeared after the erruption in Island, it has covered almost entire Europe so far, and paralized air traffic.
Since I woke up I'm sitting at the computer reading all the news, following the situation with the air traffic problems, because it is very important for me to come to Belgrade as soon as possible. In a week time we are playing Fed Cup match in the play off, against Slovakia. I want to come home on a first possible flight, because I need to go to therapy at my doctors. My left wrist is hurt, and it has been swallen for almost seven days now. It was getting more and more worse from one match in Charleston to another. The balls in Charleston were too heavy and, unfortunately, on the first practice there I made some move which cost me an injury. I didn't want to talk about it on the press conferences, because I didn't want to encourage my future rivals by such information. I played as much as I could, without backhand and with fear that I could worsen that injury.
I started the match against Hantuchova quite well, I easily won that first set, but in the beginning of the second the hand started to hurt a lot, and I got panicked, lost the focus and untill I got calmer the result could not have been saved. If I had been healthy the story would be totally different. I'm getting lots of injuries in the past few months because I started to work much more and differently, in order to lift my game to the best possible level. If I stay healthy, the results will come.

So much from me at this moment. I'm continuing with the search for the flight by which I could arrive to Belgrade, but as could see on the news even our airport ?Nikola Tesla? is cancelling all the flights. I hope that I will be able to come to Serbia somehow in a couple of days. If there are no planes, maybe I'll find some submarine, hehehe, I'm just kidding ;)

I can't wait for the national team to gather, and for Dejan, my team mates and I to be together again, and to prepare for the match against Slovakia, as I hope, in the crowded Arena to welcome the opponents and win a very important match for us. I hope you have already bought the tickets and that you will come to support us, because you're cheering is crucial to us.

I will write again in a couple of days with new information, I hope nice and succesfull.

Loves you,
your JJ
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