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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
Usain Bolt has broken the 100m world record with a time of 9.58sec in the final of the World Athletics Championship. By an amazing eleven hundreths of a second, the Jamaican almost effortlessly broke his own time of 9.69sec in last year's Olympics to stun the Berlin crowd.

Any hopes his main rivals, Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell, who finished second and third respectively, might have had of beating Bolt were swiftly over, as the Olympic champion simply blew the competition out of the water. Bolt was quickly out of the blocks to leave the other competitors behind, intent on making yet more sporting history.

"I was feeling good after the semis. I knew it was going to be a great race and I executed it," Bolt said. "It's a great time, a great feeling, I feel good in myself and I knew I could do it.

"There was a big build up, great atmosphere. It wasn't going to be an easy race but I had a perfect start and just went from there.

"I came out here to do my best and I did what I had to do. There'll be no partying for me ahead of Tuesday. I'll rest up as always, I need to rest up for the 200m."

Bolt had taken it easy in the semi-final, jogging to victory in an apparent attempt to save himself for a big effort in the main event. If that his was plan, it was executed with perfection.

He was even guilty of a false start in the semi-final, meaning that anyone who committed a similar offence afterwards would be automatically disqualified. Britain's Tyrone Edgar, who later revealed his disappointment at missing out, was the unfortunate man. Bolt shrugged the delays off to storm out of the blocks, before easing down to a time of 9.89sec.

That indicated something special could be on the cards for the final, and Bolt powered forward at the start, seizing control of the race after just 30m. It was only a matter of time before he broke the record, Bolt sending the crowd in Berlin's Olympic Stadium wild as he streaked across the line.

One consolation for Gay was breaking the American record of 9.77sec with a time of 9.71sec, while Dwain Chambers enjoyed a season's best, coming sixth in a time of 10.00sec.

"I ran the best I could. I just wanted to give my best tonight, it wasn't enough but I'm happy to have the national record," said Gay.

"I knew I had to put out a championship performance. I gave it my best and that's all I could do.

Powell, who has been struggling with an ankle injury this season, added: "I was relaxed before the race. A lot of things have happened this year but to come back and get third place, I'm very happy.

"When I saw the time, I knew I had to go out and catch him. But even after the finish I couldn't catch him."


Usain Bolt wins the 100m final at the World Championships in a time of 9.58sec.

Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
još je stigao i da maše glavom levo-desno. malo gledam u publiku, malo u semafor :lood:

svaka mu čast! :hail2:
Korisnikov avatar
By Darling
Pogledao je gde je Tajson Gej, pa u semafor, izbecio se, valjda ni sam nije mogao da veruje za koje je vreme pretrcao. Svaka mu cast!
By Kragi
Trcace on i brze, smao je rekord mnogo bolje obarati stotinku po stotinku zbog para :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Zibro
a ja mislio neko objavio moj prosek sa studija :)
Korisnikov avatar
By antibiotic
doping... mnogi sportisti, pogotovu atleticari se dopinguju u veliko,
a samo pojedine po nekad navataju na testu sto obicno svi saznaju.
Korisnikov avatar
By deran
Nema šanse da je doping-ako njega nisu testirali,ne znam koga su... :srbin:

Jedino da postoji neko ULTRA novo sredstvo,ali brijem da bi za tako nešto pre saznali Ameri...:rei:
By cumpig
svaka cast! ali , svaka cast
neverovatno je kako to on sa lakocom odradi
plus, njegov stav pre trke, opusten, pozira, kezi se, cak si dozvoli i pogresan start u polufinalu

i jasno se vidi da ce ovaj broj da pada i dalje, kako i kad resice on to sam

nego meni je Gay jako simpa, retki su crnci sa bradom,a njemu tako lepo stoji, plus sto ima lep glas, sav mi je tako :njam:
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
Originally posted by deran
Nema šanse da je doping-ako njega nisu testirali,ne znam koga su... :srbin:

Jedino da postoji neko ULTRA novo sredstvo,ali brijem da bi za tako nešto pre saznali Ameri... :rei:
ne znam koliko ste pratili olimpiske igre i atletiku na istim ali najvise se frke diglo oko toga koliko su puta testirali Bolta. Cak je i sam Bolt to komentarisao i pitao se kome on to smeta. Ameri su naravno umesali prste (bar se prica da su ameri, a i ko bi drugi) i hteli su na sve nachine da se ga sklone sa staze pa su mucenika testirali ponekad i dva puta u toku dana za te dve nedelje takmichenja. Steta sto ameri nisu uvek tako hrabri pa recimo da svoje trkace ili jos bolje plivace kao sto je Majkl Felps testiraju po dva puta dnevno.

on topic:

trka je bila savrshena....sada je vreme za 200 m i novu senzaciju.

sa zastave jamajke u mojoj sobi je ponovo spala prashina :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Originally posted by antibiotic
doping... mnogi sportisti, pogotovu atleticari se dopinguju u veliko,
Pretpostavljam da svi u pripremnom periodu koriste neku vrstu dopinga. Zna se koliko je vremena potrebno da prodje da se na testu ne bi otkrilo prisustvo dopinga i tad se prestaje. I ja to, i kao navijac i kao sportista podrzavam.

Ali je grozno sto znam za slucajeve nekih sportista koji su morali da napuste takmicenja zbog solje kafe, jer se i kofein smatra dopingom, sto (mi) je vec preterivanje.
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
kaze moj drugar da je on to samo prestao da duva pa se malo "trg'o"...kaze jos i "vidis kakvi su oni kada ne duvaju! odma' povilene! zato ih i drzi amerika polupane stalno"....

on: slazem se sa delete...neki doping u pripremama sigurno postoji i mislim da postoji kod svih...tako mu i dodje na isto, ne?
By cumpig
nego, jel ste usnimili ove desetobojce?
svi od reda su super hot, macani sa savresnim telima i skoro svi sa identicnim (kratkim) frizuricama.
hell yeah!
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
trčao je 200m 19.19 :shok:

kakav :kralj:
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