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Prijateljstvo, druženje i ostale radosti socijalizacije

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

By ~ Le Saint X ~
pre dve nedelje, napisao ovu pesmu...inspirisan jednim dogadjajem u Toksiku sa jednim deckom...
koji je opisan u pesmi


Your kiss was a surprise to me
It came so totally out of the blue
I approached you just to know your name
But you whispered in my ear: I like you
And right away
Started kissing my neck
With one hand on my back
You were feeling my whole body
And said you liked my six pack

So, baby, tell me, show me
What’s the next thing in store for us
Coz I can’t wait to see what you wanna put me thru
Be sure I’ll obeyantly volunteer to all your favorite moves
You got me all hooked up on you
It ain’t no trick I wouldn’t do

I don’t care about the crowd in the club
It’s you I’m feeling now
And while the DJ plays my favorite dub
Every thing feels so right
Your hands around me, your lips against mine
I can bet I know what you think
Coz I’ve been thinking about the same thing too
Ever since the first time I saw you

I like the way you play your game
By only one simple rule
There are no rules when it comes to physical attraction
All who think there are are fools
And with no further a do
You applied your rule number one bravely on me
I accepted that there were no conditions
And I was awarded multiplily

So, baby, show me, all over me
All the things other guys talk about concerning you
Coz I’ve been dreaming for so long
That I’m the one on whom you’d like them to do
Be sure I’d obeisant volunteer to whatever you got in store
You got me all hooked up on you
You might as well do it hardcore

I don’t care about the crowd in the club
It’s you I’m feeling now
And while the DJ plays my favorite dub
Every thing feels so right
Your hands around me, your lips against mine
I can bet I know what you think
Coz I’ve been thinking about the same thing too
Ever since the first time I saw you

There’s no need to slow it down
Coz this is not about love and romance
This is about having fun on Saturday night
And about taking a chance
By ~ Le Saint X ~
pre nedelju dana u ovo vrem ugovarao dejt...

koji je bio ispunjenje moje dugogodisnje fantazije

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by the1whowished je to lep dan sigurno...
taj rad...
By ~ Le Saint X ~
pre XX godina...rodila se moja prva velika ljubav



decko kome sam posvetio knjigu
koji je velikim delom zasluzan ...
pour ce qui je suis maintenant!
Korisnikov avatar
By bas bleu
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
Be sure I’ll obeyantly volunteer to all your favorite moves
no such word. obediently?
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
It ain’t no trick I wouldn’t do
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
And while the DJ plays my favorite dub
is playing?
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
I can bet I know what you think
don't need that.
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
And with no further a do
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
You applied your rule number one bravely on me
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
And I was awarded multiplily
no such word.
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
That I’m the one on whom you’d like them to do
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
Be sure I’d obeisant volunteer to whatever you got in store
missing be after i'd.
Originally posted by ~anAMORphOsé~
This is about having fun on Saturday night
missing a before saturday.

hopefully you speak better sex ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By tamanoir
Pre mesec dana, just_me i ja smo upoznali elektron84, i zaista, bio je to pocetak jednog predivnog prijateljstva.. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
Originally posted by bas bleu
hopefully you speak better sex ;)
:smeh: :smeh:

ont: pre godinu dana sam bio godinu dana mladji :oskar:
Korisnikov avatar
By NewYorker
Pre dve godine sam upoznao meni najdivnijeg decka kog znam :mazi: ,
a pre 3 meseca zakljucili smo da nam vise ne ide. :no:
Pre nedellju dana shvatio sam: show must go on :yes:
Korisnikov avatar
By bigirl
Pre nedelju dana... jebala se sa izveštajima.
Pre mesec dana... paničila zbog poslednjeg kolokvijuma iz elektro.
Pre godinu dana... spremala metode.

Džizs. Postajem nerd. :nerd:
Korisnikov avatar
By scout_finch
na danasnji dan pre sest godina sam polozila vozacki ispit:D
Korisnikov avatar
By scout_finch
na danasnji dan pre 76 godina rodjena je moja baba. goga srecan rodjendan!:D
Korisnikov avatar
By tamanoir
Pre 3 godine sam je prvi put poljubila...
Korisnikov avatar
By elektron84
Originally posted by tamanoir
Pre 3 godine sam je prvi put poljubila...
:radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice:
Korisnikov avatar
By elektron84
pre 23 godine rodjena je moja drugarica Jelena :D
By ~ Le Saint X ~
pre mesec dana sam uzivao u predivnoj,predivnoj Italiji


Roma = Amor

Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
pre 42 godine rodila se Kylie Minogue :radosnice: :rodjendan:
By ~ Le Saint X ~
Originally posted by Sanja Steppenwolfin

pre godinu dana bila pod utiscima nakom koncerta Enrique-a u Areni :love:
kad se setim da me je ENRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIQUE manija
drzala 3 nedelje posle koncerta

i kad se setim kad nas uhvatila kisa...
i kad se slikali oko Arene - ti,ja i one dve lujke
By ~ Le Saint X ~
pre godinu dana tacno imao H.T.O.

pre 10 dana umro je jedan od drugova sa kojim bio 10 godina nerazdvojan

pre nedelju dana se dogodilo najlepse vece za mene ove godine
i jedna od najlepsih noci ikada
da bi ...
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