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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the women kissing, it was the Betty theme song. It was the organic friendships, it was the disappearing characters. It was the first five seasons of The L Word, and this wouldn't be a lesbian blog if we didn't process it just one more time before the final season starts on Sunday night. Below, our bloggers weigh in on the best and worst of The L so far.


Bette and Tina's sex scene: Not only was the scene hot — and it was definitely hot — but it established a lot about Bette and Tina. We watched them discover their passion for each other and recommit to each other. It was a great way to begin the series.

Singing "Closer to Fine" on the road trip to Palm Springs: Yes, it was a little cliché but it was a real, fun lesbian moment. Who among us — at least who among us of over 30 or so — has not sung "Closer to Fine" on a road trip? And sometimes it's nice to identify with the characters on the only lesbian show on TV.

Bette, Alice and Shane stealing the sign for Jodi: Although a little slapstick for my taste, the scene was a glimpse of the old gang having fun doing something stupid and goofy. Bette, Alice and Shane were acting like buddies, and I had really missed that.

Dana's post-mortem cameo: Dana was back, if only for a moment, and that was enough.

The final scene: Jenny shared a peaceful, human moment with Lisa and Gene; Bette and Tina’s convincingly real — albeit disturbingly violent — breakup sex; Alice made herself vulnerable on Dana's doorstep. It was a montage that was honest and respectful of who all the characters were. And it was set beautifully to Joseph Arthur's "In the Sun."


Dana's death: The death scene, itself, was not bad. In fact, I thought the episode was as well done as an episode in which a show unnecessarily kills the most beloved character could be. Yes, I know breast cancer kills beloved people in real life, but there are other ways to make that point. And, frankly, if that's really the point Ilene Chaiken was making, then some of Dana's friends might have given some indication that they remembered her the following season

Jenny's flashbacks: Given every insufferable, aggravating and occasionally horrifying (she adopted a dog just to euthanize it and manipulate a woman to get at her girlfriend!) thing Jenny did over the course of the show, her flashbacks shouldn't even rate as an annoyance. But I found every second of the artsy, film-school nonsense excruciating.

Tina's sex chat with "Daddyof2": Not only was the chat gross and unrealistic — she and some random guy discuss how she wants him inside her? Really? — but it was representative of the bizarre character transformation Tina underwent in Season 3. It's not just that she left Bette for a man. It's also that she became power-mad, and controlling about money. None of it rang true.

Jodi's art revenge: How many illogical details can we cram into one scene? Jodi would throw away a major art opportunity to transparently exact revenge on Bette? And if she would, where would she get all that footage? (Real people don't have access to dailies, Ilene Chaiken!) And the piece would be dependent on tightly edited audio files that she never heard? Lazy, dumb-ass writing.

Shane and Niki: And speaking of lazy writing — the absolute rule of Shane is that she does not betray her friends. Period. She might break a few hearts and leave a fiancé at the altar, but Shane does not betray her friends.
Korisnikov avatar
By emo_haos_
e pa meni je ZAKON ona scena basket-okrsaja :pucaodsmeha:
By жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

Najgora stvar u L-wordu - Sve ostalo :hvala:
Korisnikov avatar
By simarrgL*
meni je sve u L wordu super :adiktusha: jenny bas gotivim zato sto je jedina pomalo zlobna, i jedina koja nije savrsena. naravno, prikazane su nesavrsenosti i kod drugih, ali deluju previse vazdusasto i providno.
Korisnikov avatar
By kenozoik
Originally posted by жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

Najgora stvar u L-wordu - Sve ostalo :hvala:
Marina je hladna, ustogljena i antipaticna. :sesir: e da, i dosadna.

jedna od najboljih stvari u seriji je odnos - Bette & Tina i Shane & Carmen
By Swanheart
Originally posted by жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

:hail: :hail:
Korisnikov avatar
By Birthday_girl
Originally posted by kenozoik
Originally posted by жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

Najgora stvar u L-wordu - Sve ostalo :hvala:
Marina je hladna, ustogljena i antipaticna. :sesir: e da, i dosadna.

jedna od najboljih stvari u seriji je odnos - Bette & Tina i Shane & Carmen
"Jenny, it is I, Marrrrrina!". :lol:
By жњ
Originally posted by Birthday_girl
Originally posted by kenozoik
Originally posted by жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

Najgora stvar u L-wordu - Sve ostalo :hvala:
Marina je hladna, ustogljena i antipaticna. :sesir: e da, i dosadna.

jedna od najboljih stvari u seriji je odnos - Bette & Tina i Shane & Carmen
"Jenny, it is I, Marrrrrina!". :lol:

sto je nekom hladnoca i ustogljenost, to je drugom prefinjenost i stil

Korisnikov avatar
By kenozoik
ma vazi. onda Karina Lombard lose glumi. uopste nije spontana i prirodana ta njena navodna prefinjenost i stil :nope:
razumem ja sta su oni hteli da postignu ulogom Marine, al kako je ispalo, meni je to jedan od najgorih/najdosadnijih likova.
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Alice, obozavam je..... mnogo mi je medena.... takvu devojku bih.... :)
Jos i ova njena grupa uh huh her mi je super :D
Cekam da bude gotova sesta da je miru pogledam :)
Korisnikov avatar
By sleepingsun
ne znam koji mnoron je stavio da je Jenny mrtva..gadjacu ga i pucacu :ugriz:
Korisnikov avatar
By scout_finch
:lol: kao u south park-u
omg they killed kenny. you bastards! :smeh:

ont. da,ipak su uspeli da ucine seriju tupavijom nego sto je dosad bila. a mislila sam da je to nemoguce posle 3. sezone.
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Najgori od svih momenata mi je ona bejbisiterka, ona plava tupava. Jao ja cim sam je videla, htela sam da joj lupam glavu dvema ciglama, u svakoj ruci po jedna. Ne znam sta je to sa mnom, mene tako neki ljudi/likovi iritiraju do kostane srzi cim ih vidim i bez nekog razloga.
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Ali ne, ima gori momenat. Kada Tina nadje onog strejt tipa sa detetom, i oni su u kuci i Tina nesto radi ili telefonira u pozadini, a on sedi na kaucu i grickalicom sece nokte na nogama. Isuse.
Korisnikov avatar
By emo_haos_
e sto se tice najgorih momenata - cela druga sezona je tupavo odradjena :retard:
[valjda bese druga ako se dobro secam]

i jos uvek smo kod bad momenata -> Tinina gluma je... ispod proseka.
Korisnikov avatar
By Birthday_girl
Najbolje scene seksa:
Bet i Tina - kraj prve sezone
Dejna i Elis - u drugoj sezoni, cini mi se 5. epizoda
Najbolje sise - Dejna
Korisnikov avatar
By starsailor
o ako smo kod sexa, jeste primetile da Shane sve zene j... na ist nacin :lol:

moj favorit za best sex je Dilan i Helena, scena kada joj Helena uzme ruku i stavi u...pantalone :D
Korisnikov avatar
By starsailor
Originally posted by m..
Najgori od svih momenata mi je ona bejbisiterka, ona plava tupava. Jao ja cim sam je videla, htela sam da joj lupam glavu dvema ciglama, u svakoj ruci po jedna. Ne znam sta je to sa mnom, mene tako neki ljudi/likovi iritiraju do kostane srzi cim ih vidim i bez nekog razloga.
Originally posted by m..
Ali ne, ima gori momenat. Kada Tina nadje onog strejt tipa sa detetom, i oni su u kuci i Tina nesto radi ili telefonira u pozadini, a on sedi na kaucu i grickalicom sece nokte na nogama. Isuse.
bravo :smeh: slazem se :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By kenozoik
Originally posted by starsailor
o ako smo kod sexa, jeste primetile da Shane sve zene j... na ist nacin :lol:

nemoj molim te :odbij:
a kad `ebe Cherie Jaffe pored bazena sa strepom?

i da, ta cela 'epizoda' sa Cherie Jaffe and Shane je medju boljim stvarima u seriji. Jer je Rosanna Arquette i u svojoj 50oj godini mnogo jebozovna.

Korisnikov avatar
By jovanabeograd
meni je najbolja sex scene izmedju helene i dylan.. kada na nekoj sedeljci ne mogu da se iskontrolisu, krse dogovor da su "prijateljice" i odlaze kod helene :drkanje:

a shane mi je kasnije vec postala degutantna. tj nacin na koji Hebe
nekako mi se nista njene sex scene nisu razlikovale od onih izmedju jenny i tima u prvoj sezoni.
Korisnikov avatar
By starsailor
Originally posted by kenozoik
Jer je Rosanna Arquette i u svojoj 50oj godini mnogo jebozovna.

upravo to.u svakoj sceni Rosanna :love: je cak i kada je bila nije to do Shane :lol:
By Garbo
Originally posted by starsailor
moj favorit za best sex je Dilan i Helena, scena kada joj Helena uzme ruku i stavi u...pantalone :D

The best spored mene je Dylan. I pravo osvezenje nakon jednih te istih likova.

Interesantni kao likovi su mi i Dana i Max.

Ali Dylan je......ufff :vruce:
By Garbo
Originally posted by starsailor
aham :D something is in "our" air :lol:
меЈби :bouncy:
By Garbo
A kad smo vec kod toga "ko vas nervira"...posto ste se sve vec izjasnile, ja glasam za Helenu.
A da...i za Tinu, zbog ubedljivo losoj glumi. Ustvari ona uopste i ne zna da glumi.

By faceless
Originally posted by жњ
Najbolja stvar u L-Wordu - MARINA (all about her) :love:

Najgora stvar u L-wordu - Sve ostalo :hvala:

Slazem se - Marina - definitivno the best!

Jenny - :cupakosu:
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