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Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Znas kako ja licno nikad nisam cula da postoji takva vrsta strepa... pa cak i u ovom pornicu nisam bas shvatila najbolje kad butchica drka strep... :glupan: jer videh da joj druga ruka skroz u gatjama...

Sto se ne oglasava Tramp ona je strucnjak za te igracke... :smilegrin:

Ja u zivotu nisam usla u sex shop to prepustam drugima... :trep: :blush:

p.s. Podseti me kad bude sajam ocu i ja da idem... :blenta:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Ima taj sa stimulacijom klitorisa, ukljuci se samo valjda sa strane kao mini vibracije. Pouzdano znam, posto znam osobu koja ga je pazarila, i to ovde u Zemunu :)
nisam ja u pitanju, info na u2u :D

edit da dodam:
persona je osecaj opisala kao "golicajuc" :giggle: Mada, sta nekoga golica, drugome prija :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Momo
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
Ima taj sa stimulacijom klitorisa, ukljuci se samo valjda sa strane kao mini vibracije.
Uh ne volim te elektricne aparate, jedva smem i mashinicu za shishanje da prinesem uz glavu a kamoli neku zujalicu tamo dole :lol:

Bilo bi zgodno da obican strep ima kao neko jastuce kao mini sedlo (ne znam kako druagcije da ga opisem) sa druge strane i da ti to samo naleze na klitoris a kako cu ja da ga stimulisem ostaje na meni...

cini mi se da bi mi ,cak i da ne zazirem od tih elektricnih vibrirajucih stvari, bilo smesno da me tako nesto shasholi tamo dole a i ne znam kako bi se skoncentrisao... jer sa jedne strane se koncentrishes na partnerku a sa druge strane na vibracije, hm, ne znam...zbunilo bi me :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
Brate mili jezik i prstici su zakon! :smilegrin:

@ Nanny cekam u2u. :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
ja nisam pogledala lepo+nisam sigurna ko je ovde butch, moram da pogledam kako treba
Korisnikov avatar
By Galateja
Originally posted by Nanny Ogg
ja nisam pogledala lepo+nisam sigurna ko je ovde butch, moram da pogledam kako treba
:lol: Pa fora i jeste što ta što je buč je potpuno pasivna, a ova što je (uslovno rečeno fem) 'cepa'. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
e dobro si mi rekla, onda me ne zanima :smeh: /jbg, ne lozi me/
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Team Gina "Butch/femme", fenomenalne su :smeh:

1:Damn. You see that girl over there Gina?
2: Yeah, the one with the leatherman?
1:Oh. She looks real good.
Both: mmm hmm
1:They don't make them like that anymore
2:It's true. They're a dying breed.
1: And you know what's sad? You don't see many of them as you used to, like in the day you know,when they had to wear at least three pieces of women's clothing so they wouldn't get arrested?
2: Yeah, they would get tattoos of stars so they would recognise each other?
1: Aw, she's just so tough
1: She's just so handsome
2: She's so...butch!

I like butch girls and I cannot lie
You other femmes can't deny
When a butch walks in all the femmes make a fuss
Because there's like one of them and thirty of us

I see you girl with your backwards cap
And I know you want me to sit in your lap
Butches and femmes think it's so hot
Because they know how to hit each other's right spot

Sometimes I miss the butch/femme dynamic
Because only girls in cars ? can make me panic
In panic- the way we search the room for signs of life
Searching for wife beater half size ? and hair spike
I like a girl whose pants hang of her ass
I like a girl with a little bit of body mass
I like a girl who knows she makes me gawk
At her star tattoos, sunglasses and mohawk

When I spot a butch and her eyes avert this
The words won't come out because I get so nervous
How do I tell her that I like her style?
I'm the kind of femme to go the extra mile
Fulfil your needs, kiss you for days
But in the morning you scramble the eggs
With a french manicure I can still fix the plumbing
And I don't need a man to give me a good humping

I know how to change my oil
And I can talk to a hot butch girl with a bunch of foil
When we walk down the street together
Open my doors forever and ever
Write me letters, bring me flowers
Screw me all night for hours and hours
I wanna date butch girls for life
Every butch in town wants to make me her wife
Take me for a walk down a dark alley
And I'll show you the meaning of femme hospitality

That's how we do

Wanna show some appreciation
On behalf of the queer foundation x3
Huh? What? You know what I like?
The rough strong hands of a big butch dyke
Butch dyke. Butch dyke dyke dyke

I don't wanna look tough but I got to start speaking
I put my arms around you while you're sleeping
I don't want to treat you like a doormat
If you have a flat tyre, I could change that
I could be there too, to relieve your tension
And I could hook up your stereo-system
Plus, if there was a noise in the night
I'd be the one jumping out the bed and ready to fight
And I'd do my best to keep you safe and sound
And then take you out for a night in the town
'Cos I love to watch you getting ready
But most of the time you never let me
But that's ok, you're worth the wait
And who says that femmes can't pay for the date?
That's the way I roll, don't be mad at me
And if you've got a problem, come to daddy....

Wanna show some appreciation
On behalf of the queer foundation x3
Huh? What? You know what I like?
The rough strong hands of a big butch dyke
Butch dyke. Butch dyke dyke dyke

Hey butch girl, I'm kinda having a problem
I see you from your hanky that you're flagging a bottom
It's not that I wanna be a stereotype
Of a passive femme girl, receptive, polite
But come on is your bark worse than your bite?
Are you really going to make me top you tonight?
I'm not trying to be predictable
But you're going to have to pin me against this wall..

Wanna show some appreciation
On behalf of the queer foundation x3
Huh? What? You know what I like?
The rough strong hands of a big butch dyke
Butch dyke. Butch dyke dyke dyke

Butch: Oh. Is that what that bandana meant? Oh no. I must have had that in the wrong pocket or something. I'm a top, I swear!

There ain't no butch like the one I got
No one can - me better
Sleeps around but she gives me a laugh
She's got a harness made of leather
My friends they tell me I should leave her alone
Uh huh, uh huh
Well, tell them dykes to find a butch of their own.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Ja gledam po 3 put :smeh:
A sto puta kad sam pretrazivala youtube vidim taj video da mi izadje u srchu i uvek sam tripovala da je neko njesra, kad ono pravi dragulj :love:

A tekst ko da sam ja pisala :kesa: :giggle:


Huh? What? You know what I like?
The rough strong hands of a big butch dyke
Butch dyke. Butch dyke dyke dyke

Korisnikov avatar
By Shmi
I kad cemo Nanny da pravimo ovakvu audiciju za butchice i femice? :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
:zavera: :namig2: :giggle:

Ali kad kaze:
"And if you've got a problem, come to daddy...."

Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Jel mogu ja da budem dezurna andro leca? :sweet:
Korisnikov avatar
Kako mi se svidjaaaaa...

A i devojke iz Team Gina su potpuno simpaticne. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Butch in the City
4 Butch lesbians play the parts of the women as a hilarious send up to the hit HBO series "Sex and the City." Terry Madshaw wants to try out a relationship with a man for a change.

-prvo idu reklame, samo sacekajte malo i krece filmic-

Ja se sada spremam da ga pogledam, cekam da baferuje :eya:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Pogledajte i Str8 eye for the queer guy. :andromrljasingingout:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Zashto li sam to pomislio kada sma video prvu scenu. :smeh:
Reko sada ce Nanny da balavi.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Vec sam postovala i na njenom forumu na imdb (pre cirka 2 minuta) :blush:

Ovaj spike sajt je skroz super, nasla sam jos par filmica za koje nikad nisam cula, pa kad pogledam cu postavim :eya:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Ok, zvanichno postajem Lezbejka! :sise: :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Mrjiceeeee :hug:

Ovo je izgleda uradjeno 80-tih, skroz je slatko, a da ne pricamo o modi :giggle:

In spite of desperate warnings from her friends, the unsuspecting new girl in town falls for a dark, dangerous butch.

A ovo je ButchJamie trejler, planiram da nabavim film sa zenom, ovo ce ti se dopasti :smeh:

Jamie Klien is an out-of-work lesbian actor willing to try almost anything for a role. Femme, Butch, and Male Jamie all make an appearance throughout this quirky, gender-bending romantic comedy about struggling for success in Hollywood. Coming to festivals in '07! Go to for more info.

Glumica iz Butch Jamie ima jos nekoliko filmica /ti su kratki/ koji su odlicni, postovacu kasnije :eya:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Rosser Goodman

After attending the Anthropology Film Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico Rosser Goodman got her start Assistant Directing on the set of NBC's Earth 2. With a cast and crew of over 150 Rosser recalls it as "film boot camp." While shooting 22 episodes, Rosser wrote, produced and starred in Top of the World. It successfully went on to screen at over 75 film festivals around the world including airing annually on PBS. The film won multiple awards and Wolfe Video acquired it for DVD distribution.

Next, Rosser moved to Los Angeles continuing to freelance on many TV shows, commercials, pilots and films. In between, she was Head of Music Video at a Hollywood based company creating music videos for Capitol and Universal Records. She worked a year as Director of Development at an indie film company. For 4 seasons Rosser managed the iconic Egyptian Theater at the Sundance Film Festival. Simultaneously, she worked as staff Production Manager at a bi-coastal, boutique commercial house. When requested she teaches filmmaking classes at the Learning Annex.

IndieWire film critic Lydia Markus describes Rosser's directing work as spanning from "moody and edgy" to "charming and comical." Ms. Goodman "boldly conveys satire," and her work can "haunt you for days." In 1999, Rosser directed, wrote and shot Wet Dress. That film and subsequent ones also directed, written and shot by she won festival awards and screened over and over worldwide. CFMDC in Toronto acquired the entire KGB FILM'S shorts collection for international broadcast distribution. Other work and festival favorites include both narratives and documentaries: Daddy-O, Life's a Butch!, Drama and Pain.

In 2005, Rosser was approached by record label executive, Nicole Ehrlich, to direct the rock music documentary Dropped; a tell-all expose about a band dropped from a major label in the 90's. Dropped currently airs on the Sundance Channel and is available for rental from Netflix.

In 2006, Rosser directed, as well as produced the character driven, narrative full-length screenplay, Holding Trevor. Shot on tape-less high def with multiple cameras the project blossomed into a melodic and complex narrative about youth culture, addictions, HIV, friendship and self-discovery. The film hits festivals in spring/summer of 2007.

Growing up on the East Coast and attending the Columbia School of Theatrical Arts, Rosser is an actor's director. Her life experiences, education and travels make her a "real people" director. After winning multiple writing competitions, Rosser continues creating atypical stories such as: mongoose8, Saint Hell, and CowBoy. Her production company KGB FILMS has these projects and others in development. "mongoose8" is the 2004 Winner of the Panasonic Filmmakers' Grant. Much of Rosser's short form work streams on,, PlanetOut, and yes, even

Njen je film koji sam vec postovala "top of the world"

jos jedan:

"Wet Dress"

A popular and stunning but aloof butch is plagued by images of her dream girl. What will happen when they suddenly meet?


"Life's a Butch!"

Movies & TV - one femme's butch is another femme's femme?
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Kao sertifikovana lezbejka, dajem sebi za pravo da kazem da ona cica iz wet dress-a lichi na shishmisha malo! :shok:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
kako si slicicu napravio, keptchurovoooooooo :eya: ?
I da, lici malo na shishmishku :D
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