Originally posted by Tungi
2.Herakle je bio prvi koji je pobedio na olimpijskim igrama(ne mogu da se setim koji je "drugovao" sa Sokratom)
3.Nastanak pozornice zahvaljuci Dionisu..itd.
Bas ti hvala. Voleo bih da posetim to mesto.
In the Classical period of Greece, from as early as 1700 BC up to the era of the Roman Empire, Eleusina, or Eleusis, was the site of the Eleusinian Mysteries, or the Mysteries of Demeter and Kore. These Mysteries revolved around a belief that there was a hope for life after death for those who were initiated. Traditionally in Ancient Greece there was little optimistic outlook of death for the general public, one would cross the River Styx and enter Hades, however the Eleusinian Mysteries gave Greek speakers of that time a hope of a better life in Hades. Such a belief was cultivated from the introduction ceremony in which the hopeful initiates were shown a number of things including the seed of life in an ear of corn. The Mysteries are attributed to Demeter and her daughter Kore, or Persephone, and were created while Demeter searched for her lost daughter who had been abducted by Hades.
Tekst o misterijama:
I jos jedno pitanje: Afrodita je boginja ljubavi, lepote, seksualnosti, a negde sam citao da je bila boginja i harmonije i jos necega. Zaboravio sam sta je jos bila....Znas li ti?