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Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
Evo :) Ostavio sam par komentara/nedoumica u zagradama, jer, kao u svakodnevnom govoru, ima nepovezanih recenica koje je teze prevesti:
Show host: Does your professional opinion about gay population differ from your political opinion? Let’s talk about Gay Pride first, comments? (ne znam kako drukcije da prevedem ovo, nepovezana recenica skroz)

Maric: Of course it differs. Today on the Nova Srbija press conference, which is held every Tuesday, I elaborately explained the latest medical researches related to homosexualism ; and, indeed, it has been proven that the brain structure of homosexual men and women differs, they have completely different hypothalamus. I won’t bother you with explaining what structures are those, some commissures, interconnection of hemispheres… So, they have a completely different structure, some even think it’s genetic, that it’s related to the mother’s pregnancy, and so on; that it’s not a type of recalcitrance, or whatever some think it is, it’s simply an anomaly. Unfortunately. I say ‘unfortunately’ because I have worked with that population. I know them very well, they’ve come to me because of depression, impotency. For depression, they come in their 40s, they have no kids, etcetera. For impotency, they have the right to be impotent, and everything. But, in my honest opinion, they don’t need that exhibitionistic parade, that’s exhibitionism. I have accepted it, and wrote in my textbooks that it is - even though it’s an anomaly it’s sounds nicer as - a variation in human nature. And it is a variation, it’s 3 – 5% of population. Just like being left-handed is a variation, 5% of people are left-handed. Just like being 2m 15cm tall. And I’ve worked for 2 years with Partizan basketball players, and I know it’s not easy at all to be 2m 15cm tall. You can’t find a bed to sleep in, left-handed people also have their problems. Gay population also has certain problems. It’s hard for them to find a partner, it’s a narrow range, and all else. But they don’t need…

Show host: So, they are born like that?

Maric: Mostly that’s the case, since the earliest childhood and all that. So, that is, medic.. classifications ruled out the option that it’s a disorder, but rather a variation of human nature. We can accept that, but they don’t need exhibition, that is exhibition. When you see what those parades, parades, gay, gay parades look like, that’s showing naked behinds and all else. We don’t need that in Serbia. After all, you know, when they asked patriarch Irinej if he would take them in (ili mozda ‘welcome them’?), he said: “Not even if I was mad” (ili samo ostaviti ‘Never’, ‘No way’, ne mogu neki ‘lep’ izraz sa ludilom da smislim). And we go back to the start of the show, who is mad here? He said: ‘Not even if I was mad.’ And in the traditional Serbia, and also in my political party Nova Srbija, you don’t speak after the Patriarch.
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald
Super! Za korekcije, i kako najbolje zvuči, ćemo se usaglašavati sa ostalima.
Korisnikov avatar
By Carla
BTW. moze li neko da mi kaze odakle je ovaj podatak da je on clan APA (pogotovu s'obzirom da je u penziji) i kako znate da se to odnosi na American Psychiatric Association a ne na American Psychological Association. Ja trazim na netu i ne nalazim za sada, inace primecujem da on ima i M.D. i PhD pa moze biti i psiholog ako se na tu struku odnosi ovaj PhD.
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald

„UVOD U KLINIČKU PSIHOPATOLOGIJU (Od simptoma do dijagnoze u psihijatriji) koja je održana u Svečanoj Sali deknata Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu 12. oktobra 2009. godine

Govori gost Jovan Marić. Deo o homoseksualnosti:

Posebno sam obratio pažnju kako je izašao iz problema, opet pod navodnim znacima, definisanja homoseksualizma, odnosno poremećaja nagona i uopšte homoseksualizma kao takvog, s obzirom na nedavne, je li, probleme u našoj zemlji u vezi s tim, i moram reći ustručavanje psihijatara da komentarišu tu pojavu koja je bila dobrano komentarisana, kao što znate, u mnogim medijima u nas u vezi sa ovom nesrećnom, ja bih rekao, paradom ponosa, koja se i nesrećno tako naslovila - kao da bi ostali mi, koji nismo homo trebalo da se stidimo i da pravimo neke parade stida, maltene, jer je stid verovatno suprotno, tu negde suprotno od ponosa. Naime, profesor Munjiza to vešto eskivira, uslovno rečeno, eskivira zato što koristi sva naučna znanja da je to varijetet ljudske prirode, što i jeste, i pominje one dve, poznate, što kažem na žalost u medijima malo ko se usudio - ja jesam - da pomenem da postoje dve jasne dijagnoze u vezi s tim, a to je F66.0 disordo orientationis sexualis, dakle poremećaj seksualne orijentacije, gde ego, naročito u adolescenciji sa, to sve navodi naravno profesor Munjiza u svojoj knjizi, sa petnaest – šesnaest godina ima konfuziju seksualne orijentacije i zahteva čak i lečenje, to sve jasno piše u međunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti. A isto tako postoji i onaj egodistoni homoseksualizam F66.1, zapravo, kako beše, orientatio sexualis egodystonica, gde se ego buni kad prepozna svoje homoseksualne porive i opet traži, zahteva lečenje. Dakle, mnogi psihijatri preskaču verovatno ovo zato što se plaše da ne bi došli na stub srama, da tako kažem, e da ne uvažavaju različitosti među ljudima. Mi naravno, kao psihijatri koji smo radili sa tom populacijom, znamo sve muke koje ima ta populacija u organizaciji sopstvenog života, ali jedna egzibicionistička parada, po mom shvatanju, zaista nije bila potrebna i ja sam hrabro dao dosta intervjua, podržavajući i gradonačelnika Đilasa koji je, čini mi se, vrlo ispravno rekao da je to nešto što treba da ostane samo u krugu četiri zida, kao intimna stvar svakog pojedinca.
Audio fajl sa promocije:
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald
Originally posted by Carla

BTW. moze li neko da mi kaze odakle je ovaj podatak da je on clan APA (pogotovu s'obzirom da je u penziji) i kako znate da se to odnosi na American Psychiatric Association a ne na American Psychological Association. Ja trazim na netu i ne nalazim za sada, inace primecujem da on ima i M.D. i PhD pa moze biti i psiholog ako se na tu struku odnosi ovaj PhD.
U b92 debati je rekao da je clan "Americkog psihijacijskog udruzenja"
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald

F66 Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation
Note: Sexual orientation by itself is not to be regarded as a disorder.

F66.0 Sexual maturation disorder
The patient suffers from uncertainty about his or her gender identity or sexual orientation, which causes anxiety or depression. Most commonly this occurs in adolescents who are not certain whether they are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual in orientation, or in individuals who, after a period of apparently stable sexual orientation (often within a longstanding relationship), find that their sexual orientation is changing.

F66.1 Egodystonic sexual orientation
The gender identity or sexual preference (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or prepubertal) is not in doubt, but the individual wishes it were different because of associated psychological and behavioural disorders, and may seek treatment in order to change it.

F66.2 Sexual relationship disorder
The gender identity or sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual) is responsible for difficulties in forming or maintaining a relationship with a sexual partner.

F66.8 Other psychosexual development disorders

F66.9 Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified

The American Psychological Association has officially opposed the category of ego-dystonic homosexuality since 1987.

The diagnostic category of "ego-dystonic homosexuality" was removed from the American Psychiatric Association's DSM in 1987 (with the publication of the DSM-III-R), but still potentially remains in the DSM-IV under the category of "sexual disorder not otherwise specified" including "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation”.

Dobro je Marko rekao Maricu da se F66.0 i F66.1 odnosi i na heteroseksualce.
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
Kome god je homoseksualnost ego-distonichna tj. ko god zeli da bude, postane iskljuchivo hetero, nek' se "lechi,
menja..." shiroko mu polje, jebe mi se.

Problem je shto antigejni heteroseksizam i homomrznja su najvishe upereni bash protiv nas ego-SINtonichnih homoseksualaca/biseksualaca.

p.s. poshto od svih srpskih medija samo pratim B92 kao navodno jedini progresivni glas Srbije, zabrinjava kolichina antigej komentara koje B92 marljivo (sarkastichno upotrebljavam prilog marljivo ovde) objavljuje. Mozda je ova moja opaska vishe za temu internet aktivizam, ali kontam da pomenem ovaj problem i ovde poshto je tema aktuelna a trenutno nemam vremena chitati temu internet aktivizam niti biti na forumu duze.

Pokushajmo da ne dozvolimo da antigeji hijack-uju B92 a shto im B92 izgleda dozvoljava zbog popularnosti, posecenosti, kicha, trenda, shunda i ostalih populistichkih sranja.
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald
Ooooo vidi, Velboj se pojavo

Zdravo Velboje :D
By Ulix
Originally posted by Herald

F66 Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation
Note: Sexual orientation by itself is not to be regarded as a disorder.

F66.0 Sexual maturation disorder
The patient suffers from uncertainty about his or her gender identity or sexual orientation, which causes anxiety or depression. Most commonly this occurs in adolescents who are not certain whether they are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual in orientation, or in individuals who, after a period of apparently stable sexual orientation (often within a longstanding relationship), find that their sexual orientation is changing.

F66.1 Egodystonic sexual orientation
The gender identity or sexual preference (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or prepubertal) is not in doubt, but the individual wishes it were different because of associated psychological and behavioural disorders, and may seek treatment in order to change it.

F66.2 Sexual relationship disorder
The gender identity or sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual) is responsible for difficulties in forming or maintaining a relationship with a sexual partner.

F66.8 Other psychosexual development disorders

F66.9 Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified

The American Psychological Association has officially opposed the category of ego-dystonic homosexuality since 1987.

The diagnostic category of "ego-dystonic homosexuality" was removed from the American Psychiatric Association's DSM in 1987 (with the publication of the DSM-III-R), but still potentially remains in the DSM-IV under the category of "sexual disorder not otherwise specified" including "persistent and marked distress about one’s sexual orientation”.

Dobro je Marko rekao Maricu da se F66.0 i F66.1 odnosi i na heteroseksualce.
To jeste u teoriji tačno, ali u praksi verovatno nije zabeležen niti jedan slučaj ego-distone heteroseksualnosti. To bi moglo da se dogodi u nekom divnom gej svetu gde bolesni heteroseksualci moraju svoje prljave seksualne navike da zadržavaju u četiri zida.

F66.1 je uvedena kao dijagnoza nakon što je homoseksualnost izbačena, kao neka vrsta zamene.

EDIT: Da se ispravim, u literaturi je opisan 1 slučaj ego-distone heteroseksualnosti (da pacijent nije bio psihotičan), negde krajem osamdesetih. :giggle:
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