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Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Na toj travuljini se ne zna ko ce kako proci. Bartoli je prosle godine na turniru pre Vimbldona izgubila od Henin, a onda ju je pobedila na Vimbldonu. Nema pravila.

Brzi rekfelksi, agresivna igra, dobar servis i igra na mrezi ne moraju uvek da budu kljucevi.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Evo par momenata sa Nadalovog treninga:

Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Sutra Nadal - Roddick! :eya:
I Djokovic - Nalbandian! :cheer:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Serbian women to lead tennis world rankings
June 13, 2008 | In Jelena Jankovic, Ana Ivanovic |

Serbia’s Ana Ivanovic is already at the top of the rankings, having officially reached the No.1 spot last Monday. Ivanovic’s compatriot Jelena Jankovic will reach career high of No.2 when the latest rankings are released on Monday, overtaking Russia’s Maria Sharapova. This means that next week the world's two highest-ranked players will be from Serbia.

Jankovic withdrew from the tournament in Birmingham, where she was supposed to defend her title. Last year’s runner-up Maria Sharapova also pulled out of the grass-court event. As a result of the withdrawal, Jankovic will lose 140 points, while Sharapova will lose 100 points. As Jankovic belongs to a group of players who have taken part in the greatest number of WTA tournaments (24) she will get additional 100 points.

Therefore, on Monday, June 16, Jankovic will be world No.2 having 3,715 points, and will get a step closer to the dream No.1 spot which is currently occupied by her countrywoman Ivanovic.

"To become number one is definitely one of my goals, but you need to earn the prestigious spot. If I fail to win one of the Big Four tournaments, I don’t deserve to become the number one," said Jankovic.

Having taken over Sharapova in the rankings, Jankovic will be the number two seed at Wimbledon, thus will avoid meeting up with her compatriot Ana Ivanovic prior to the final. (via Great Tennis Photos)

Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Hvala Sunce na tako lepoj novosti. To znachi 1 manje problem Jeci do finala... Samo josh da ne budu sestre u tom delu zreba...
A jel' Sunce, kako oni rasporedjuju igrache u zrebove?
Jel' ima tu nekih pravila?
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Kako je ovo lepo.

Broj jedan i broj dva. :)

Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Sinoc sam gledao na Spot klubu emisiju o Martinu Navratilovoj, o njenom detinjstvu, razvoju, odlasku u Ameriku, o uspesima na Vimldonu (osvojila je 9 titula :carica: ) i gej pitanjima.

Gledao sam inserte sa njenih meceva, a i secam se, delimicno, kako je igrala (servis, volej), pa sam pomislio kako je zenski tenis dosta napredovao. Da li se slazete sa mnom?

Mislim da su sestre Vilijams unele agresivniju igru - prva Venus drzi rekord u brzini servisa. Pa kad se setim Devenport, danas i Marije i Ane, dolazim do zakljucka da je zenski tenis postao mnogo agresivniji.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
I reketi su dosta uznapredovali, te daju vecu snagu i povecavaju nivo agresivnosti. :avalon:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Tacno je, mada nije samo reket "kriv".

Ko zna koju ce "srecnicu" (Anu ili Jelenu) i kada sresti Venus na Vimbldonu :uplasen: . Prosle godine ni sanjao nisam da ce osvojiti titulu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Lunja
Jeca ce biti "srecnica", taman da izbaci Venus, kao pre dve godine, na onom ukletom terenu br.2. :sarana:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Moja opsesija Jelenom ne prestaje. Gledao muske meceva, pa pomislio: ovo Jelena mora da gleda i da uci. Pa onda: pa da, ona isto ovako igra kao Federer volej na mrezi :giggle: . Pa onda: jeste da je ona igracica sa slabijim servisom, ali se dobro krece, a i pobedila je Sarapovu prosle godine na travi, a postala je ove godine dosta agresivnija. I tako sebe tesim. :sigh:

A onda sam se preslisao: gledao je u mecu sa Bartoli, pa sa Marijom, pa sa Safarovom, sve od prosle godine. :lood: Boze, sto se lose osecam kad ne mogu da ucinim nista da promenim stvari. :psiholog:

p.s. nasao sam ceo mec: Venus - Jelena iz Rima 2008. :yay: , a cini mi se da ga komentarise Monika Seles.
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
Originally posted by Sunce
Sinoc sam gledao na Spot klubu emisiju o Martinu Navratilovoj, o njenom detinjstvu, razvoju, odlasku u Ameriku, o uspesima na Vimldonu (osvojila je 9 titula :carica: ) i gej pitanjima.
ocem i ja da gledam to! pretrazivala sam s imenom al' nema :puzzle:

inace, :carica: drzi rekorde u titulama: singl - 167 (all-time record for men or women), dubl - 177 (all-time record for men or women). ali moguce je da ne bi imala takav uspeh da je igrala kasnije u mnogo jacoj zenskoj konkurenciji :neznam:

ali ono sto znam, i sto stalno trubim :lol: jeste da meni mn znaci vise od bilo koje belosvetske lezbejke jer smo ona i ja dugo, dugo bile jedine lezbejke na svetu :)
Korisnikov avatar
By geeky_dork
Originally posted by anche
ali ono sto znam, i sto stalno trubim :lol: jeste da meni mn znaci vise od bilo koje belosvetske lezbejke jer smo ona i ja dugo, dugo bile jedine lezbejke na svetu :)

za mene je jedina lezba osim mene bila ameli morezmo :lol:
autovala se na australian openu 1999. kad sam ja imala 13 godina,i to mi je bila neverovatna vest.


ne mogu da verujem da je nadal pobedio rodika na travi.
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
Originally posted by geeky_dork
Originally posted by anche
ali ono sto znam, i sto stalno trubim :lol: jeste da meni mn znaci vise od bilo koje belosvetske lezbejke jer smo ona i ja dugo, dugo bile jedine lezbejke na svetu :)
za mene je jedina lezba osim mene bila ameli morezmo :lol:
autovala se na australian openu 1999. kad sam ja imala 13 godina,i to mi je bila neverovatna vest.

razumem, al' to je opet bilo posle lesbian chic perioda 94-96 sa sve kd lang i dzeni simicu i ko zna koja sve nije, cak je i madona nesto lezbejisala :giggle:

ja govorim o mracnom, veoma mracnom periodu 2-3 kanala rts/a koji je jedino prenosio vimbldon redovno i mom zalepljenom nosu za crno beli televizor punom snega jer je drugi kanal bio katastrofa. :sigh:

sreca pa nije vise tako :bouncy: al' sad pa i nema autovanih teniserki :sigh:

ont: djole ce se namuci danas sas nadala. ali ja verujem u pobedu :fige:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Originally posted by dooffey
Hvala Sunce na tako lepoj novosti. To znachi 1 manje problem Jeci do finala... Samo josh da ne budu sestre u tom delu zreba...
A jel' Sunce, kako oni rasporedjuju igrache u zrebove?
Jel' ima tu nekih pravila?
Ne bih to znao. Samo znam da 1. i 2. nosioc/nositeljka nisu u istom delu zreba.

Ana ce u svom delu zreba imati ili 3. ili 4. nositeljku.
Jelena kao 2. ce isto tako imati 3. ili 4. nositeljku.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Wimbledon - Countdown: By the numbers

Eurosport - Tue, 17 Jun 16:50:00 2008
How many matches has record-holder Martina Navratilova played at Wimbledon? How tall was the shortest man to play at the All England Club? What about the youngest competitor? Read Wimbledon by the numbers to find out.


SINGLES DRAW: 128 players



Men (Open era): 7- Pete Sampras (USA) (1993,94,95,97,98,99,2000)

5- Bjorn Borg (SWE) (1976,77,78,79,80), Roger Federer (SUI) (2003, 04, 05, 06, 07)

Women: 9- Martina Navratilova (CZE,USA) (1978,79,82,83,84,85,86,87,90):

8- Helen Wills Moody (USA) (1927,28,29,30,32,33,35,38)

7- Steffi Graf (GER) (1988,89,91,92,93,95,96)


Men: 9- Todd Woodbridge (AUS) (1993,94,95,96,97,00,02,03,04)

8- H.L. Doherty (GBR), R.F. Doherty (GBR) (1897,98,99,00,01,03,05)

6- Mark Woodforde (AUS) (1993,94,95,96,97,00)

Women: 12- E.M. Ryan (USA) (1914,19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,30,33,34)


Men: Boris Becker (GER), 1985 (17 years, 227 days)

Women: C.Dod (USA), 1887 (15 years, 285 days)


Men: A.W. Gore (GBR), 1909 (41yrs, 182 days)

Women: A.Sterry (GBR) 1908 (37yrs, 282 days)


Men: S.B.B. Wood (USA) 1927 (15yrs, 231 days)

Women: Jennifer Capriati (USA) 1990 (14 yrs, 90 days)


Men: M.J.G Ritchie (GBR) 1926 (55 years, 247 days)

Women: Mrs. A.E. O'Neill (GBR) 1922 (54 years, 304 days)

MOST MATCHES WON (in Open era)

Jimmy Connors (USA): 84 wins, 18 defeats

Boris Becker (GER): 71/12

Pete Sampras (USA): 63/7

John McEnroe (USA): 59/11


Men: 223 - Jean Robert Borotra (FRA) 1922-1939, 1948-1964 (Singles W 55, L 10; Doubles W 59, L 31; Doubles W 40, L 28)

Women: 326 - Martina Navratilova (CZE/USA) 1973-1996, 2000-2006 (Singles W 120, L 14; Doubles W 100, L 21; Mixed W 56 L 15)


Men: F.H. Ampon (PHI) 1948-1953 (4 feet, 11 inches)

Women: Miss C.G. Hoahing (GBR) 1937-1938, 1964-1961 (4 feet, 9½ inches)


Men: Ivo Karlovic (CRO) 2003 (6 feet, 10 inches)

Women: Lindsay Davenport (USA) 1993-2001, 2003, 2004, Elena Bovina (RUS) 2001-2004 (6 feet 2½ inches)
Korisnikov avatar
By Marvin
Originally posted by Sunce


Men: F.H. Ampon (PHI) 1948-1953 (4 feet, 11 inches)

Women: Miss C.G. Hoahing (GBR) 1937-1938, 1964-1961 (4 feet, 9½ inches)

4 fita i 11 inča- jel to 149!? :iskolacen:
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
@ Marvin
Ravno 150 santima.
A ona 146 santima.
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
a ja bila ubedjena da je chang najnizi igrac, al on ispade gorostas sa 175.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Originally posted by Sunce
Moja opsesija Jelenom ne prestaje. Gledao muske meceva, pa pomislio: ovo Jelena mora da gleda i da uci. Pa onda: pa da, ona isto ovako igra kao Federer volej na mrezi :giggle: . Pa onda: jeste da je ona igracica sa slabijim servisom, ali se dobro krece, a i pobedila je Sarapovu prosle godine na travi, a postala je ove godine dosta agresivnija. I tako sebe tesim. :sigh:

A onda sam se preslisao: gledao je u mecu sa Bartoli, pa sa Marijom, pa sa Safarovom, sve od prosle godine. :lood: Boze, sto se lose osecam kad ne mogu da ucinim nista da promenim stvari. :psiholog:

p.s. nasao sam ceo mec: Venus - Jelena iz Rima 2008. :yay: , a cini mi se da ga komentarise Monika Seles.
Bash sam gledao i nije losh...
Ali, ovaj mech ne komentarishe Monika, vec Corina Morariu (USA). Na kraju prvog seta [klip 5/14 ili 6/14], rekla je da joj je najbolji plasman u Rimu bio 2000, kada je stigla do polufinala, gde je porazena od Monike Selesh.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Dobro, malo sam se zajebal...a glas mi je bas licio.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Wimbledon - Countdown: Women to watch
Eurosport - Wed, 18 Jun 23:59:00 2008
With the most open Wimbledon draw in years, Eurosport Yahoo! looks at the runners and riders heading into the All England Club.

The favourite: Ana Ivanovic

The newly crowned French Open champion and world number one is quickly filling the power vacuum left by Justine Henin's sudden retirement. Having claimed her first Grand Slam title in Paris at the start of the month, Ivanovic will look to improve on a semi-finals appearance at Wimbledon one year ago. Serbia's 20-year-old superstar withdrew from Eastbourne with a muscle injury, but that was likely just a precautionary measure as she is certain to be ready in time for the All England Club.

The also ran: Jelena Jankovic

A disappointing 2007 singles campaign has caused the Serbian and world number two to abandon her mixed doubles title defence with home favourite Jamie Murray in the hopes of securing greater solo spoils. The decision should help Jankovic improve on her fourth round showing at the All England Club. But unlike her younger compatriot, and despite her world number two ranking, the 23-year-old has yet to truly crack into the big time, falling four times in Grand Slam semi-finals in the past two years. Whether or not she's able to make that final breakthrough in such an open and dangerous field is a matter of debate.

The champion: Venus Williams

The six-time finalist and current holder came out of absolutely nowhere in 2005 and 2007 to storm to two of her four Wimbledon trophies. The American will have to do the same again after going well under the radar in 2008. Her disappointing French Open result was not surprising, and though she has yet to win a title this year Venus is perfectly capable of usurping the form sheet yet again.

Will she or wont she: Serena Williams

Still viewed as the more likely of the legendary sisters to find her form and swoop to a third All England title, Serena will also come into this year's tournaments with a host of questions. Is she fit, is she focused enough on her tennis, will she actually perform to her brilliant abilities? The American number one is still capable of greatness, as she proved at last year's Australian Open and at the start of this year's campaign when she won three consecutive titles. But will that potential shine through on the grassy centre court at SW19?

The girl named Maria: Maria Sharapova

The Russian superstar started the 2008 season in equally spectacular fashion as she ended her 2007 campaign - winning a third career Grand Slam title with her first Australian Open triumph. But the world number three has once again tapered off, crashing out of the French in the last 16 to eventual runner-up Dinara Safina and losing her number one ranking to Ana Ivanovic just one tournament after taking it from the retired Justine Henin. Still, the 2004 champion is a threat in any Grand Slam and a definite title contender.

The sleeper part two: Dinara Safina

The shock French Open finalist had a brilliant claycourt season, earning astonishing come-from-behind upsets of Maria Sharapova and Elena Dementieva at Roland Garros and beating Justine Henin in the Belgian's last-ever match in Berlin. But Marat's hot-headed lil' sis has never been able to translate her game to grass, with a third-round performance her best ever result at the All England Club. The Russian will likely have to wait until Flushing Meadows if she's to make another sleeper run through a Grand Slam draw.

Ms. Consistency: Svetlana Kuznetsova

The three-time quarter-finalist has never been spectacular on this surface, but is solid enough to make a run at any Grand Slam. A devastating 6-3 6-2 loss to Russian compatriot Safina in the French semis won't likely affect the tough-minded 22-year-old's morale ahead of Wimbledon.

Ms. Inconsistency: Elena Dementieva

If she can hold her nerve and serve, Dementieva could be a true contender at every major. But her capitulation to Safina while leading by a set and 5-2 in the second set, though exactly similar to Sharapova's loss against Safina, is more indicative of mental weakness in Dementieva than it is in the three-time Grand Slam champion. Where her head is at when she comes to SW19 will have a major impact on her game and could have a big effect on the tournament.

The star in waiting: Agnieszka Radwanska

The Polish teenager is coming to age at just the right time, with several notable retirements, including Justine Henin and Martina Hingis, opening the door for a new generation of stars. Though her upset of then defending champion Maria Sharapova at Flushing Meadows last year was a shock, nobody should be surprised by Radwanska now. A big-hitter in the mould of Sharapova and a former Junior champion at the All England Club, the world number 14 certainly has what it takes to one day become a Wimbledon star.

The fallen finalist: Marion Bartoli

Last year's runner-up overcame Jankovic and Henin on her way to a shock final appearance last year. But the Frenchwoman has struggled horribly since, and her recent second-round exit after receiving a bye at Birmingham does not bode well for her chances in Southwest London.

The rest: Former champions Lindsay Davenport and Amelie Mauresmo have struggled to overcome injuries, but could have a part to play. Nicole Vaidisova reached the quarter-finals last year, as did Michaella Krajicek but neither has performed well this season. Russians Anna Chakvetadze and Vera Zvonareva could take advantage of high seeds, as could Hungarian number one Daniela Hantuchova, while French teenager Alize Cornet is very well suited for grass.
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
Iz ovog Sunchevog sistema favorita izdvajam po mom misljenju TOP 7
1. Ana
2. Venus
3. Serena
4. Marija
5. Jelena
6. Marion
7. Lindzi
Korisnikov avatar
By Berserker
... Moze. Moze i ona, mada ne znam kakva je na travi...

Ja sam ovu svoju listu napravio na osnovu rezultata...
Ana je prva i agresivno igra [1xSF]
Venus je keva za travu [4xWON, 2xF, 2xQF]
Serena ima jake udarce i servis [2xWON, 1xF, 1xSF, 2xQF]
Marija u poslednje vreme agresivno igra [1xWON, 2xSF]
Jelena je pobedila Mariju u Birmingemu 2007. i pokazala da joj trava nije neki problem [2x4th round]
Marion je prosle godine bila k'o na steroidima i poboljsala igru na travi [1xF]
Lindzi ima extra rezultate na Wimbu, ali uzmimo u obzir da je bila na poroditeljskom, a i da ima 31 godinu [1xWON, 2xF, 2xSF, 3xQF]

Naravno, posto volim Jecu malo sam je pogurao na listi.
Korisnikov avatar
By anche
finale tje biti izmedju ane i venus :gatara:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
sestre williams

i jelena :love:

ovo su po meni favoriti
videcemo sutra kada izadje zreb
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