Gej Srbija

Jonathan Katz:
Americka gej istorija:
lezbejke i gej muškarci u U.S.A.

Jonathan Katz, Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A. New York: Crowel, 1976, 690 str. Ukljucuje bibliografije i indeks.

"Dokumenti naše gej istorije, istorije lezbejki i gej muškaraca u Americi, uključujući heteroseksualne stavove i činove, po prvi put su skupljeni u ovoj antologiji" - iznosi u predgovoru J. Katz. Ova knjiga daje na uvid stotine pisama, dnevnika, intervjua i pravnih dokumenata koji su prehodno bili sahranjeni u bibliotekama i arhivama. U studiji se prati period od 400 godina gej veza, na pozornici sukoba između homoseksualaca i američkog društva kao i borbe pokreta homoseksualaca za emancipaciju.

Prvi deo: Neprilika: 1566-1966 (Trouble: 1566-1966) rekonstruiše represiju i progone koje su propatili gej ljudi, počev od samog nastanka američke istorije, ilustrovano primerom pogubljenja francuskog prevodioca od strane Španaca na Floridi i pogubljenjima u koloniji Virginia i Novoj Engleskoj. Neprestani lanac maltretiranja vodi sve do '50-tih i '60-tih godina kada ona dobijaju moderne forme lova na veštice i kada se homoseksualci još uvek izvode pred sudove zbog "neprirodne telesne kopulacije".

Drugi deo: Tretman: 1884-1974 (Treatment: 1884-1974) daje pregled najrazličitijih pokušaja u medicini i psihologiji da se izleči ili ublaži homoseksualnost, uključujuči anafrodizijske postupke, apstinenciju, kastraciju, hipnozu, psihoanalizu, hormonsku medikaciju, elektro-šokove, averzivnu terapiju i lobotomiju. (Postupci i metodi pokušaja lečenja dati su hronološki i ovaj vrlo pregledni odeljak bi mogao zgodno da posluži kao model za slično istraživanje na domaćem terenu (v. dole sadržaj). Neke odlomke iz knjige smo prevodili na Gay-Serbia pod nazivom: Scene iz istorije lečenja homoseksualnosti: prim. priređ.)

Treći deo. Mada je lezbejskom iskustvu posvećen širok prostor unutar čitave knjige, treći deo: Passing Women (1782-1920) se fokusira na slučajeve konkretnih žena u istoriji i ženskoj strani homoseksualnosti o kojoj se nepravedno misli u stereotipima.

Četvrti deo: Indijanci/ gej amerikanci: 1528-1976 (Native Americans/Gay Americans: 1528-1976) baca svetlost na malo poznatu homoseksualnost kod indijanaca. Mada su se stavovi među Indijanacima o homoseksualcima razlikovali, homoseksualnost je bila često institunalizovana i poštovana. Zanimljiva je reakcija "civilizovanih" belaca na raširenu pojavu "sodomije" kod "primitivnih urođenika" i još više iznenađenje i bes zbog tolerisanja homoseksualnosti (up. dole nazive dokumenata).

Peti deo: Otpor: 1859-1972 (Resistance: 1859-1972) daje uvid u istorijske dokumente duge ali slabo poznate tradicije gej otpora manifestovane u raznim oblicima: pisma, poeme, eseji, traktati, romani i grupe za političku akciju.

Šesti deo: Ljubav: 1779-1932 (Love: 1779-1932). Poslednji odeljak deo dokumentuje slučajeve homoseksualnih privlačenja i veza evidentiranih u pismima, novinama i romanima. Knjiga sadrži iscrpnu bibliografiju i beleške.

Edward Sadowski

Iz: Thomas J. Whitby & Suzanne G. Frayser, Studies in Human Sexuality. A Selected Guide (2nd Edition), Engelwood, Colorado, 1995, str. 323.

Prevod: N.


I TROUBLE: 1566-1966

Introduction 11

1566 Gonzalo Solis de Meras; The French Interpreter to Be Put to Death Secretly 14
c. 1624-25 Virginia Colony; The Execution of Richard Cornish 16
1629 Francis Higgeson; "5 beastly Sodomiticall boyes" 19
1636 John Cotton; "Unnatural filthiness" 20
1642 Governer William Bradford; "Sodomy and buggery. . . have broke forth
in this land" 20
1646 John Winthrop; The Execution of William Plaine 22
1646 New Netherland Colony; Jan Creoli 22
1655 New Haven Colony; "If any women change the naturall use . . ." 23
1777-79 Thomas Jefferson; "Sodomy shall be punished by castration" 23
1778 George Washington; The court-martial of Lieutenant Frederick Gotthold
Enslin 24
1788 Helen H. Tannner; Homosexuality in the Spanish Army in Florida 24
1793-98 Moreau de St. Mery; The "unnatural pleasures" of American women 25
1793-98 Davis versus Maryland; "Seduced by the instigation of the Devil" 26
1824-26 Louis Dwight; "The sin of Sodom is the vice of prisoners . . ." 27
1846 New York City Police Department; "In the Matter of Complaint against
Edward McCosker" 29
1866 Unitarian Church, Brewster, Massachusetts; Horatio Alger Accused 33
1873 Massachusetts versus James A. Snow; "Substantially Smith acquiesced" 34
1878 Montana Territory versus Mahaffey; The defendant "called him a boy
prostitute" 35
1880 United States Census; The Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes 36
1882 Anonymous; A Homosexual Emigrant 37
1890 United States Census; Crime, Pauperism, and Benevolence 39
1892-1915 The Homosexual Underworld in American Cities 39
1892 Charles W. Gardener; "The worst vice that N.Y. holds" 40
1892 Dr. Irving C. Rosse; Homosexuality in Washington, D.C. 40
1893 Charles H. Hughes; "An Organization of Colored Erotopaths" 42
1894 John Berryman; Stephen Crane, Flowers of Asphalt 43
1896 Colin A. Scott; "'The Fairies' of New York" 44
1899 New York State Report; Investigation of the City of New York 44
1905 Paul Näcke; "The Homosexual Market in New York" 48
1907 Charles H. Hughes; "Homo Sexual Complexion Perverts in St. Louis" 48
1914 Magnus Hirschfeld; Homosexuality in Philadelphia, Boston,
Chicago, Denver, and New York 49
1915 Havelock Ellis; Homosexuality in American Cities 52
1892 F. L. SIM; Alice Mitchell and the Murder of Freda Ward 53
1896 BERTRAND RUSSELL; Helen Carey Thomas, Mary Gwinn, and Alfred
Hodder 58
1896 ALLEN M[C]LANE HAMILTON; "The Civil Responsiblllty of Sexual Perverts" 60
1897 East Hampton Star; Augusta Main 64
1901 HAVELOCK ELLIS; Suicide in Massachusetts 65
1913-29 Lesbianism in Prison 65
1913 Margaret Otis; "A Perversion Not Commonly Noted" 65
1919-20 Kate Richards O'Hare; Prison Lesbianism 68
1929 Charles A. Ford; "Homosexual Practices of Institutionalized
Females" 69
1915-16 GARDNER JACKSON; Robert Frost, Stark Young, and Homophobia at
Amherst 74
91925-27 CHRIS ALBERTSON; Lesbianism in the Life of Bessie Smith 76
9 1926 New York Times; The Reaction to The Captive 82
1950-55 Witch-Hunt; The United States Government versus homosexuals 91
1955 HENRY HAY; The House Un-American Activities Committee 105
1955 Anonymous; Witch-Hunt in Boise, Idaho; An interview with a victim 109 1960 Fannie Mae Clackum versus the United States 119
1965-69 SABA HARRIS; The Puritan Jungle 123
1966-67 Louisiana versus Mary Young and Dawn DeBlanc; "Unnatural carnal copulation" 127

II TREATMENT: 1884-1974

Introduction 129

1884 DR. JAMES G. KIERNAN; Anaphrodisiac Measures 134
1893 DR. F. E. DANIEL; Castration 135
1895 MARC-ANDRE RAFFALOVICH; Abstinence 137
1895 DR. HAVELOCK ELLIS; Abstinence 139
1896/97 DRS. HAVELOCK ELLIS AND E. S. TALBOT; Castration 140
1899/1909 DR. H. C. SHARP; Vasectomy 143
1899 DR. JOHN D. QUACKENBOS; Hypnosis 144
1908 Anonymous; Pudic Nerve Section 145
1908 EDWARD I. PRIME STEVENSON (Xavier Mayne, pseud.); Adjustment
Therapy 146
1913 DR. A. A. BRILL; Psychoanalysis 148
1914 DR. MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD; Adjustment Therapy 151
1914 DR. CHARLES H. HUGHES; Castratlon 153
1920 DR. SIGMUND FREUD; Psychoanalysis 155
1930 DR. WILHELM STEKEL; Psychoanalysis 159
1932 DR. HELENE DEUTSCH; Psychoanalysis 159
1933 DR. LA FOREST POTTER; Psychoanalysis and Hormone Medication 162
1935 DR. LOUIS w. MAx; Aversion Therapy (Electric) 164
1940 DR. NEWDIGATE M. owENsBY; Pharmacologic Shock 165
1941 DAS. SAUL ROSENZWEIG AND R. G. HOSKINS; Hormone Medication 167
1944 DAS. S. J. GLASS AND ROSWELL H. JOHNSON; Hormone Medlcatlon 170
1944 DR. SAMUEL LIEBMAN; Electroshock 170
1945 THOMAS V. MOORE; Psychoanalysis or Abstinence 174
1953 DAS. J. SRNEC AND K. FREUND; Aversion Therapy (Emetic) 181
1953 DR. ERNEST HARMS; Group Psychotherapy and Abstinence 183
1954 DR. FRANK S. CAPRIO; Psychoanalysis 184
1957 DR. SAMUEL B. HADDEN; Group Psychotherapy 186
1959 DR. RICHARD C. ROBERTIELLO; Psychoanalysis 188
1959 DRS. A. B. SMITH AND A. BASSIN; Group Psychotherapy 190
1963 DR. MICHAEL M. MILLER; Aversion Therapy (Hypnotic) 194
1967 DR. HARVEY E. KAYE, and others; Psychoanalysis 196
1967 DR. JOSEPH R. CAUTELA; Aversion Therapy ("Covert Sensitization") 198
1970 IVAN TOBY RUTNER; Aversion Therapy and Desensitization 199
1974 Anonymous; Electroshock 201


Introduction 209

1782-97 HERMAN MANN; Deborah Sampson 212
1829-91? LUCY ANN LOBDELL, DR. P. M. WISE, and others; Lucy Arm Lobdell 214
1863 Fincher's Trades' Review; "A Curious Married Couple" 225
1863 PHILIP H. SHERIDAN; Two Amazons in the Union Army 227
1867 Medical Times and Gazette; "Aberrations of the Sexual Instinct" 228
1879-82 ELLEN COLT BROWN; "Scandal" at Cornell University 230
1894 The Badger State Banner; Anna Morris/Frank Blunt and Gertrude Field 231
1901 The Weekly Scotsman, the New York Times, and others; Murray Hall 232
1901 MARIAN WEST; "A curious phase of the problem of sex" 238
1901 The New York Times; Caroline/Charles Winslow Hall and Giuseppina
Boriani 240
1902 DAS. ROBERT SHUFELDT, MARY WALKER, and others; Dr. Mary Walker 243
1902 The Alienist and Neurologist; "Marriages Between Women" 248
1903 EDWARD 1. PRIME STEVENSON (Xavier Mayne, pseud.); Harry Gorman 249
1908? EDWARD 1. PRIME STEVENSON (Xavier Mayne, pseud.); Anna Mattersteig/
Johann Bürger and Martha Gammater 252
1914 CORA ANDERSON; Cora Anderson/Ralph Kerwinieo 254
1918-20 DR. J. ALLEN GILBERT; "Homosexuality and Its Treatment" 258


Introduction 281

1528-36 ALVAR NUNEZ CABEZA DE VACA; "I saw a devlllsh thing" 285
1540 HERNANDO DE ALARCON; "Men in womens apparell" 285
1562-67 RENE GOULAINE DE LAUDONNIERE; "Many hermaphrodites" 285
1564 JACQUES LE MOYNE DE MORGUES; "Hermaphrodites" 285
1593-1613 FRANCISCO DE PAREJA; Confessional 286
1673-77 JACQUES MARQUETTE; "They pass for Manitous . . . or persons of
1673-78 Consequence" 287
1702 PIERRE LIETTE; "The sin of sodomy prevails" 288
1711-17 JOSEPH FRANCOIS LAFITAU; "Men Who Dress as Women" and "Special
Friendships" 288
1721 PIERRE FRANCOIS XAVIER DE CHARLEVOIX; "Effeminacy and lewdness"
c. 1750 GEORG HEINRICH LOSKIEL; "Unnatural sins" 290
1751-62 JEAN BERNARD BOSSU; "Most of them are addicted to Sodomy" 291
1775-76 PEDRO FONT' "Sodomites, dedicated to nefarious practices" 291
1776 FRANCISCO PALOU; "The abominable vice will be eliminated" 292
1801 ALEXANDER HENRY AND DAVID THOMPSON; "His father . . . cannot
persuade him to act like a man" 292
1804-10 NICHOLAS BIDDLE; "Men Dressed in Squars Clothes" 293
c. 1811 CLAUDE E. SCHAEFFER; The Kutenai Female Berdache 293
1819-20 ERWIN JAMES AND T. SAY; "Sodomy is ... not uncommonly committed" 299
1823 WILLIAM H. KEATING; "Numerous storles of hermaphrodites" 299
1826 THOMAS A. MCKENNEY; "What they call a man-woman" 299
c. 1828 ISAAC MCCOY; "His presence was so disgusting" 300
1830 JOHN TANNER; "One of those who make themselves women" 300
1832-39 GEORGE CATLIN; "Dance to the Berdache" 301
1841 PIERRE-JEAN DE SMET; "A woman . . . who once dreamed that she was a man" 302
1846 FRANCIS PARKMAN; "Romantic . . . friendships" 303
c.1850-c.1895 GEORGE DEVEREUX; "The Case of Sahaykwisä" 304
1855-56 ERWIN T. DENIG; "Biography of Women Chief" 308
1876 H. CLAY TRUMBULL; "'Brothers by adoption"' 311
1889 A. B. HOLDER; "A Peculiar Sexual Perversion" 312
1896-97 MATILDA COXE STEVENSON; "A death which caused universal regret" 313
1901-02 WILLIAM JONES; "Two Maidens Who Played the Harlot with Each Other" 317
1902 S.C. SIMMS; "An Indian agent endeavored to compel these people ... to
wear men's clothing" 318
1907-12 ROBERT HENRY LOWIE; "One surviving berdache" 319
1908 EDWARD WESTERMARCK; "Homosexual Love" 319
1909 ROBERT HENRY LOWIE; "she eloped with her sister-in-law" 320
1911 EDWARD CARPENTER; Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk 320
1911 FERDINAND KARSCH-HAACK; The Same-Sex Life of Primitive Peoples 321
1914 DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE; "A Legend of Lesbian Love among the North American Indians" 321
1930 LESLIE SPIER; "Transvestites or berdaches" 322
1931 DARYLL FÖRDE; "Casual secret homosexuality among both women and men" 323
1931 EDWARD WINSLOW GIFFORD; Kamia "origin story" 324
1933 EDWARD WINSLOW GIFFORD; "Female transvestites" 324
1943 WILLARD WILLIAMS RILL; "Transvestites among the whites" 325
1947 DOROTHEA LEIGHTON AND CLYDE KLUCKHOHN; "Hermaphrodites or homosexuals" 325
1951 CLLAN S. FORD AND FRANK A. BEACH; "Homesexual Behavior" 326
1959 W. DORR LEGG; "The Berdache and Theories of Sexual Inversion"
1964 J. J. HONIGMANN; "Both male and female homosexuality"
1964 BOB WALTRIP; Elmer Gage 327
1975-76 DEAN GENGLE; Gay American Indians (G.A.I.) 332

V. RESISTANCE: 1859-1972

Introduction 335

"In paths untrodden" 337
c. 1895 EARL LIND (Ralph Werther-Jennie June, pseuds.); The Cercle Hermaphroditos 366
1897 "Dr. K."; "A Note an Sexual Inversion" in Women 371
1897 "Miss S."; "This divine gift of loving" 374
1897 "Professor X."; Homosexual love is "a natural, pure and Sound passion" 374
1900-23 EMMA GOLDMAN; The Unjust Treatment of Homosexuals 376
1906-07 The German Homosexual Emancipation Movement and the United States 381
1906 Otto Spengler; "People just faint when the subject is broached" 381
1907 Dr. Georg Merzbach; "We have won a great battle" 381
1907 Anonymous; A letter from Boston 382
1923 F. W. STELLA BROWNE; "Studies in Feminine Inversion" 383
1924-25 The Chicago Society for Human Rights; "To combat the public prejudices" 385
1929 The American Reaction to The Weil of Loneliness; "On behalf of a
misunderstood and misjudged minority" 397
1939 Ella Thompson versus J. C. Aldredge, Sheriff; "Sodomy . . . cannot be accomplished between two women" 405
1948-53 HENRY HAY; Founding the Mattachine Society
1958 BARBARA GITTINGS; Founding the New York Daughters of Bilitis 420
1962-72 ALMA ROUTSONG; Writing and Publishing Patience and Sarah 1939

VI. LOVE: 1779-1932

Introduction 445

1779-83 ALEXANDER HAMILTON TO JOHN LAURENS; "1 wich, my dear Laurens . . . [to] convince you that I love you" 452
1820-34 RALPH WALDO EMERSON AND MARTIN GAY; "Why do you look after me? 1 cannot help looking out as you pass" 456
1823-50 MARGARET FULLER; "A woman may be in love with a woman" 461 1837-91 HERMAN MELVILLE; "This infinite faternity of feeling" 467
1838-57 HENRY DAVID THOREAU; "I have glimpses of a serene friendship-
1839-46 SARAH EDGARTON AND LUELLA J. B. CASE; "You are kissing away the venom of some angry hornet from my lips" 495
1862-63 WALT WHITMAN; New York-Brooklyn-Washington diary 499
1867-1909 CHARLES WARREN STODDARD; "A South Sea Idyl" 501
1868-1948 Male-Male Intimacy in the American West 5o8
No date: Male-male dancing (photograph) 509
1868-78 Don Rickey, Jr.; "Mrs. Nash" of Custer's Seventh Cavalry 509
1891 A. Castaigne; "A Miners' Ball" (engraving) 510
1919 Badger Clark; "The Lost Pardner" 511
1948 Alfred C. Kinsey and others; Male Homosexuality in Rural Areas 512
1895 WILLA CATHER;Sappho 522
1912 ALMEDA SPERRY TO EMMA GOLDMAN; "1 am a savage, Emma, a wild, wild savage" 523
1912 ALEXANDER BERKMAN; PrisOn Memoirs of an Anarchist
1923 HELEN R. NULL; The Labyrinth 538
1930 "MARY CASAL" AND "JUNO"; "A union between two women could be of a higher type ... than any other" 548
1932-33 DOROTHY THOMPSON AND CHRISTA WINSLOE; "This incredible feeling of sisterhood" 556

INDEX page 679

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