Originally posted by deran
meni nije jasno kako si trefio 67.
naravno da ima,homoseksualnost nije bolest,i tako dalje...
traži dalje...
pa evo sa vikipedije :
The Sexual Offences Act 1967 was accordingly passed. It maintained the general prohibitions on buggery and indecency between men, but provided for a limited decriminalisation of homosexual acts where three conditions were fulfilled. Those conditions were that the act had to be consensual, take place in private and involve only people that had attained the age of 21. This was a higher age of consent than that for heterosexual acts, which was set at 16. Further, "in private" limited participation in an act to two people. This condition was interpreted strictly by the courts, which took it to exclude acts taking place in a room in a hotel, for example, and in private homes where a third person was present (even if that person was in a different room).
znam da je doslo do promena u Emgleskoj 2004. ali da li to isto vazi i u Skotskoj s obzirom da imaju razlicita zakonodavstva?