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Ko od vas gleda seriju Heroes?
I sta mislite o istoj? Koji je vas omiljeni heroj? I zasto... Ko bi ste vi voleli da budete? A ako nema takvog, kakve moci bi voleli da posedujete? Sta mislite sta ce se desiti do kraja serijala! Izlozite teorije

Koji je vas omiljeni heroj:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Vec ima tema ali ajde :P

Jaooooj kako tesko pitanje

ja gotivim Claire (like duh!) ali su mi do jaja i nicky/jess

Oh,yea uzasno se lozim na Sylera :blush:

Glasam za svoj avatar :D

P.S. Meni je najjaca moc one ribe koja te natera da uradis sta hoces! VRH!
Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Nikad nisam gledala tu serijicu:neznam:
By Pending-For-A-Bending
Mislim da se riba zove EVE. Razmisljao sam da je stavim, ali je ona previse brzo crkla. A SYLAR je bas super frajer. Googleuj ga, da ga vidis kakav je kad je sredjen ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Obavezno gledaj

tj skini sa neta ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Originally posted by faijnfa
Nikad nisam gledala tu serijicu:neznam:
Ni ja :neznam:
Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Originally posted by Delete
Originally posted by faijnfa
Nikad nisam gledala tu serijicu:neznam:
Ni ja :neznam:

Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Skinucu,bas da vidim o cemu se radi...:serlok:
By Pending-For-A-Bending
Obavezno! Serija pocinje kao bozica, ali vec posle par epizoda se vidi koliko je jaka serija.
Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Trenutno mi je uTorrent zauzet, skida 8 filmova, tako da javis kad skines i odgledas, pa ako bude valjalo da mi prosledis :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Oki doki,cim mi se skine white noise i nirvanIkA...pocinje sa serijom :)

Ako valjda prosledim ti ofkors:D
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
pa idi na i samo ukucaj heroes i izacice ti epizode pojedinacne ili po par u pakovanju
By Ammon
peter ili isac ne mogu da se odlucim, a serija je super, pogledajte obavezno.
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Ma svi su likovi dobri jbt

ali na sajlera :drkanje: svaku epizodu :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Jao ne znam :hyper:

Poslednja epizoda je bila ok...


Korisnikov avatar
Zonche, zar nista nisi naucio iz serija? :lol:

Mi smo samo videli da je Niki ostala u kuci koja je eksplodirala, ne i da je umrla. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Ma znam bre :)

Al mi bilo zao anyway :D

She will be back


I mean... they will be back
Korisnikov avatar
Druga se zavrsila sinoc.

Naziv trece je "Villains".
Korisnikov avatar
By gorilica
Nemoj da mi kazesh da je 11-a epizoda poslednja?!!! :rida:
Korisnikov avatar
By gorilica
Pa jbt, bash su kreteni!
Ochekivao sam makar 17-18 epizoda, buduci da je prva sezona imala 23. :(
Skinuo 11-u juche, ali josh nisam stigao da je pogledam.
Korisnikov avatar
By gorilica
Ah, ako je zbog shtrajka, onda podrzavam. :) :jerry:
Korisnikov avatar
Ne seri da je zbog strajka?

Mamicu im jebem, sve bih ja to ostavio bez zubnog osiguranja, pa da vidim kako ce... :pljuje:
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Yeah... zato je gomila serija ukinuto...

Ako se zavrsi ranije strajk cuo sam da ce do februara podeti treca sezona...ako ne onda klasika...
Korisnikov avatar
By Zonche!
Hollywood bracing for writers' strike as talks break down

Oct 31, 2007

LOS ANGELES, United States (AFP) — Hollywood writers were heading for a potentially crippling strike on Wednesday after 11th-hour contract negotiations with film and television producers broke down, officials said.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers had been locked in talks throughout the day in an effort to hammer out an agreement before an existing contract runs out.

Writers are demanding a greater share of residual profits from television series sold on DVDs as well as improved pay schedules for programs shown on the Internet, cellular phones, and other new media outlets.

The producers have rejected the demands as unworkable, raising the very real prospect of a writers' walkout at some point after their current contract expires at midnight local time (0700 GMT Thursday).

Industry analysts say any strike could severely disrupt television schedules and programming, while Los Angeles' mayor has estimated that a lengthy shutdown could lead to losses of 1 billion dollars.

Alliance president Nick Counter said the producers were keen to settle the dispute -- but insisted they would not budge on the on their rejection of the WGA demand for greater DVD profits.

"We want to make a deal," Counter said in a statement. "We think doing so is in your best interests, in your members' best interests, in the best interests of our companies and in the best interests of the industry.

"But, as I said, no further movement is possible to close the gap between us so long as your DVD proposal remains on the table."

The WGA described the producers' stance as "completely unacceptable."

"After three and a half months of bargaining, the AMPTP still has not responded to a single one of our important proposals," a WGA statement said.

"Every issue that matters to writers, including Internet reuse, original writing for new media, DVDs, and jurisdiction, has been ignored. This is completely unacceptable."

A spokesman for the guild said no resumption of negotiations was planned for Thursday, when the writers' body will hold a meeting of its membership where the issue of industrial action is expected to be discussed.

"We will be assessing our options and reaching out to our members. We don't expect a decision (on a strike) until then," the WGA spokeswoman told AFP.

The WGA has already authorized its leadership to call a walkout if no new contract is agreed.

If the strike goes ahead it is expected to disrupt television programming, with late-night chat shows hosted by David Letterman and Jay Leno, which both lean heavily on teams of union writers, expected to go off the air.

Other nightly shows such as Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" and Stephen Colbert's "The Colbert Report" are also tipped to shutdown, according to Daily Variety.

The immediate impact on major Hollywood studios is expected to be limited as several have already drawn up contingency plans, according to industry reports.

Variety reported on Wednesday that most of the major studios had built a portfolio of five films with scripts and plots strong enough to overcome the possible lack of a union writer on board to execute re-writes.

A WGA strike in 1988 lasted 22 weeks and cost the industry an estimated 500 million dollars. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has warned that a similar strike today could cost the industry almost double.

"If it (cost the industry) 500 million dollars in 1988, a slowdown of that length would have over a one billion dollar impact today," Villaraigosa told the Los Angeles Times. "I'm very concerned."
By Pending-For-A-Bending
Juce sam sa Zonchetom odgledao kraj drugog serijala Heroja. Malo me razocarao kraj, ali ajde... A Kler je kao i na kraju prvog serijala imala veoma vazan zadatak: DA SE MALO ISPLACE!
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