Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Korisnikov avatar
By CokoladnaBananica
Originally posted by bananica
eeee... ja sam veceras postovao nesto na myspace-u, i prilicno mi se svidja kako sam to odradio, pa cu kopirati nesto ovdje, sto se odnosi na utiske iz Alijanse:)


"meeting the cure...

I was pretty sure that I suffer from a very rare disease called "Lack of stomach butterflies"... Luckily, I was wrong. I was just tired and bored...
And this is how I discovered that I am just fine...

I was in this gay club with a very good friend of mine. We were quite high, and i felt like i could eat the world in a small bite. But I was pleased to chew a small part of it... Well, we both noticed these two guys, looking very nice. The good thing, also, was that we didn't both like the same one. Also, I think "mine" was better.

It took a while until we started to communicate, and the beginning was not that fine.
I almost gave up when he approached me.

...Let's cut the story a little bit...

We found ourselves on the kitchen flore, kissing and making out. It went fine, until we realized the fact that the day after we are gonna fall apart. That was the moment when I felt bad. Few minutes later, we were back together, two-in-one. Hugging him made me feel happiness and sorrow, anger and pain mixed with pleasure... Simply, I felt the wakening of the butterflies, powerfull as an arrival of spring to a small village next to the river...

Something I surely won't forget soon...

. Peggi"
visit for more

Korisnikov avatar
By Paki
Originally posted by Snow_Crystal
Kad ce biti neka bas organizovana zurka?
Uskoro... :evilkiss:
Originally posted by KissQueen
Ko ide veceras?
Pakita :paki: :dancing:
By Swanheart
a gde je Pakita...tu su i izvidjaci :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Upravo. :mrljasesprema:
By Swanheart
e da...muzicka zelja za veceras...Timo Maas feat. Brian Molko & Jo Kate - First Day (Extended Version) :fige:
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
Mico , Alek ne posecjuje ovaj sajt , ponesi CD :P

Korisnikov avatar
By Deksi
i moja zelja ako moze!!!

White Horse - Wonderland Avenue (bilo koji remix) :klap:


Dave McCullen - Bitch :meduza:
By Swanheart
Originally posted by tessio
Mico , Alek ne posecjuje ovaj sajt , ponesi CD :P

zar ti ne pustas muziku petkom?
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
Na pauzi sam dva petka :usamljen:

Korisnikov avatar
By Lionac
znachi..mogu da donesem svoj CD.....
Korisnikov avatar
By Seaman
Ja dolazim sa cimerom.

Konacno vikend, posle naporne sedmice.Obozavam petak. :dance:
Korisnikov avatar
By Deksi
ja se sinoc s ortakinjom rasturio od alkohola...startovali me neki luzeri pa sam se smorio malo....sledece nedelje ponovo idemo i bice jos bolje sigurno....garantovano....imacemo svasta... :zvezda:
Korisnikov avatar
By DarkAngel
pozz vernim posetiocima... :)
ja bih rado posetila Alliance (i naravno njegove goste) i interesuje me mesto gde se nalazi i kojim danima radi.Ima li neki raspored kad je koja muzika da mi ne bude prvi utisak los?
Korisnikov avatar
By Paki
Bivši klub Lotos u Zmaj Jovinoj 4 (blizu Francuskog Kulturnog Centra i galerije Progres). Noćni klub radi petkom i subotom (jedino večeras ne), petkom je pop-dance veče, subotom house. Dobrodošla!
Korisnikov avatar
By Escobar
Originally posted by Paki
blizu Francuskog Kulturnog Centra
Dusu dalo za klanjanje CCF-u u rane jutarnje sate :andjelak:
By Swanheart
ne znam za ostale...ali meni je sinoc bilo supeeeeeeeeer:muzika:
Korisnikov avatar
By Adenim
uvek kad ja ne mogu da dodjem bude nikad bolje :gotika: :ubise:
Korisnikov avatar
By bekam
Fenomenalno mi bilo!
Korisnikov avatar
By Deksi
Originally posted by bekam
Fenomenalno mi bilo!
sledeci put mi se javi....ja sam bio forumas sa najboljom frizurom :saint2:
Korisnikov avatar
By Paki
Alek sad ima recept - čim se obrije radi fenomenalno! :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Ja sam se nameracio na Dj-a :zavera:
Korisnikov avatar
By coka
meeeeniii jeeeeee biiilooooo eeeexxxxxtrrrrraaaa :hyper:
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