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Originally posted by bananicavisit http://www.myspace.com/peggisilver for more
eeee... ja sam veceras postovao nesto na myspace-u, i prilicno mi se svidja kako sam to odradio, pa cu kopirati nesto ovdje, sto se odnosi na utiske iz Alijanse:)
"meeting the cure...
I was pretty sure that I suffer from a very rare disease called "Lack of stomach butterflies"... Luckily, I was wrong. I was just tired and bored...
And this is how I discovered that I am just fine...
I was in this gay club with a very good friend of mine. We were quite high, and i felt like i could eat the world in a small bite. But I was pleased to chew a small part of it... Well, we both noticed these two guys, looking very nice. The good thing, also, was that we didn't both like the same one. Also, I think "mine" was better.
It took a while until we started to communicate, and the beginning was not that fine.
I almost gave up when he approached me.
...Let's cut the story a little bit...
We found ourselves on the kitchen flore, kissing and making out. It went fine, until we realized the fact that the day after we are gonna fall apart. That was the moment when I felt bad. Few minutes later, we were back together, two-in-one. Hugging him made me feel happiness and sorrow, anger and pain mixed with pleasure... Simply, I felt the wakening of the butterflies, powerfull as an arrival of spring to a small village next to the river...
Something I surely won't forget soon...
. Peggi"
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