Originally posted by andjela
uploadujem na neki free upload server, taj link nije piraterija.
a ako ce da skidaju svaki link da proveravaju...
mada jos uvek ne znam kakve veze ima Universalov hir sa software-om ?
jel treba danas univerzal a sutra kaspersky da nam se nakachi na vrat ili moze samo jednom univerzal pa da naucimo da ako imas server u americi postujes njihova pravila.
fora je u tom imbecilnom zakonu koji je proguran u americi i koji pokusavaju da obore, da oni imaju pravo da tuze vlasnika sajta (zakupca hostinga) koji hostuje linkove do piratskog sadrzaja.
znachi mogu i GS i rapidshare.
dakle "imbecilno" je bila rech ovog lika iz USA s kojim je pricao nikola, ali to je trenutno tako, imaju pravo da te tuze jer je nko na tvom forumu ostavio link to necega tamo negde.
We received a letter from the attorneys of Universal. They claim, that
your website offers music such as "All about us" from t.A.T.u., without
permission of Universal, under:
http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewthread. ... #pid544099
1&1 Internet, Inc. recently received notice under Section 512 of the
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) alleging that the above website
infringes upon copyrighted materials (see attached). 1&1 has suspended
your account. Under the DMCA, you are entitled to provide
"counter-notice" to 1&1's DMCA agent claiming that the material does not
infringe copyrights. If the copyright owner does not bring a lawsuit in
district court within 10 days, 1&1 may then reactivate your account.