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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

By pčelica
Originally posted by zbunjena
... da u toj varijanti i govno mirishe ;) ...

(iako je Zbunjena zvijezda a ja
forumaški nitko) moram priznati da
bih volila da dostignem 'vakav nivo

Što se tiče filma, ja odgledala samo Giu
(i jecala k'o budala!) i prvu i po sezonu
L-Worda (no to se neslavno završilo jer
je bilo sinhronizovano na njemački, a ja
sam na gastarbajterskom nivou... :no: ).
Uh, i gledala sam davno davno na SAT1 neki
polulezbo film (jer ženska zavede ženu svog
partnera u policiji.) Eto.
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
Originally posted by zbunjena
@xyz & pcelica

chujte deco :lol:

ako je neko sakat po pitanju gay tematike onda sam to ja....ali da budem iskrena,zaista sam mislila da nema osobe koja nije odgledala chuveni je totalni shit (onako bash totalni...ima pocetak, sredinu i kraj...kekeke....kao fora radnja se odvija...i nije dosadan....skrooz moze da se odgleda, ali je opet shit :lol: )...ali...ALI....Gina igra glavnu ulogu....tako da u toj varijanti i govno mirishe ;) chak sta vishe za vreme bombardovanja mogao se pogledati u domu sindikata (sala 2 :D ) za male pare...nekih par dinara ako se ne varam?! Zamislite moje odusevljenje, gledam film, nemam pojma ko igra, plakat ne postoji....male pare i prkosimo nato bombama...kad ono pravi BUUUUUUM....Gina...u mmmmmm kombinaciji.... :trep: :trep:

vredi pogledati!

e sFE ossim ovog VREDI POGLEDATi je po meni obratno.
filM odlican, gina za povracanje (miSSim posle shoWgirls, pa 'naka, ajme )
By жњ
cak je i moja mama gledala "Bound"!! :ubise:

pustili u autobusu kad se vracala iz inostranstva jednom prilikom, a ja vristala od smeha kad sam je slusala kako prepricava utiske. otprilike je bilo ovako "put nije delovao dugacak, pustili su nam zanimljiv film o dve devojke koje su opljackale nekog kriminalca, a usput su se i zaljubile" i sve to ispricano u fazonu "eto.. ljubav... bas fino..." :roflmao: Naravno, to je bilo pre mog neproslavljenog autovanja :kosa:
By Bombina
dat cu ja xyz za milku od lesnika :trampolina:
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
četvrtak 14.decembar

18h :

"Lost and Delirious" (2001) (directed by Léa Pool)

Mary Bradford (Mischa Barton) is a shy, naive, freshman newcomer to a fancy girls boarding school where she strikes up a friendship with her two senior roommates, the overachieving Tori Moller (Jessica Paré), and the voraciously poetry reading, unapologetic, closeted lesbian Paulie Oster (Piper Perabo). As Mary tries to adjust to her new suroundings, with some guidence from the local groundskeeper Joe Menzies (Graham Greene), she soon learns that Paulie and Tori are lovers. When Tori, under pressure from her classmates, wants to break it off with Paulie, she resorts to extreme measures to win Tori back.

Cast: Piper Perabo, Jessica Paré, Mischa Barton

20h :

" Loving Annabelle " ( 2006 ) (directed by KATHERINE BROOKS )

Loving Annabelle is the controversial story of a Catholic Boarding School teacher, Simone Bradley (Diane Gaidry), who has an affair with her female student, Annabelle (Erin Kelly).
Simone is Saint Theresa's prized young poetry teacher who finds peace and security within the boarding school's walls. Surrounded by a lush atmosphere with little conflict, Simone has settled into a life of comfort and purpose educating her young female students.

Annabelle is a charismatic and enchanting new student who quickly draws attention for her rebellious behavior. Fearing Annabelle will influence the other students, rigid Headmistress (Ilene Graff), instructs Simone to keep an eye on Annabelle and get her under control. Simone, however, quickly learns that the real challenge is not Annabelle's behavior but the attraction budding between the two. As Annabelle pursues her teacher, she unleashes the passion that has been locked deep inside Simone, who must decide whether or not to enter into an affair that could cost her everything.

Inspired by the 1931 German classic, MAEDCHEN IN UNIFORM, director Katharine Brooks's Loving Annabelle gives a modern telling of the “forbidden love” story that continues to be controversial to this day.

With stunning cinematography by Cynthia Pusheck, Loving Annabelle offers excellent performances from its female leads, Diane Gaidry and Erin Kelly, as well as a featured performance by Academy Award nominee/Golden Globe recipient Kevin McCarthy.

Loving Annabelle explores the complexity and controversy of love and struggle between two women who have every reason to deny their feelings. Blind to the world around them, the two journey into a love affair destined to change their lives forever.

ERIN KELLY (Annabelle)

By pčelica
Originally posted by tessio
četvrtak 14.decembar

18h :

"Lost and Delirious" (2001) (directed by Léa Pool)

Cast: Piper Perabo, Jessica Paré, Mischa Barton

Kuku, i ovaj sam gledala! Al' na
njega nisam odreagovala plačipičkasto
k'o na Giu.
(offtopic- Miša Barton je devojka koja baš
često ima neke lezbo uloge...)
Korisnikov avatar
By DarkAngel
da li se to svaki cetvrtak prikazuju filmovi u Alijansi?
Korisnikov avatar
By albatros
vecinu lez filmova sam odgledala,svaki je na svoj nacin simpatican!neke i po 2-3 puta!neke bih ponovo gledala ali cetvrtak ne dolazi u obzir-ne zivim u bg-u a radim tako da odpada alliance!
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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