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Prijateljstvo, druženje i ostale radosti socijalizacije

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Njeno veličanstvo - Čokolada, otkriva karakter



Prema Murrey Langhamu, novozelandskom psihoterapeutu, izbor oblika cokolade i punjenja, kao i ambalaza otkrivaju mnogo o licnim osobinama i raspolozenju.

Tako su ljubitelji mlecne cokolade uglavnom sanjari koja vole da zive u proslosti, dok su ljubitelji crne cokolade materijalisti, konstruktivne licnosti koje cekaju buducnost sa uzbudjenjem. Ljubitelji bele cokolade imaju u sebi dosta iskrenosti i osecaja za fer odnos i veruju da je moc univerzuma pod njihovom kontrolom.

U clanku se dalje navodi, kako je sam psiholog dosao na ideju da obavi ovakvo istrazivanje. Naime, primetio je slicnosti kod pacijenata koji su se za vreme terapije posluzivali istim vrstama cokoladica. Tako su npr. ljubitelji cokoladica ovalnih oblika drustveni i senzualni, dok su oni koji preferiraju punjenje sa ukusom kafe sirokih pogleda na svet, ali takodje i nestrpljivi, nervozni i nezreli.

Mozda je najkotroverzniji deo istrazivanja i stav psihologa da je nacin na koji se postupa sa ambalazom cokoladica nakon konzumiranja ustvari - povezan sa seksom. Oni koji izbrazdaju omot pre nego sto ga bace uglavnom imaju previse briga u glavi i nisu u stanju da se skoncentrisu u krevetu, dok ljudi koji imaju obicaj da ambalazu umotaju u lopticu pre bacanja, imaju dosadan seksualni zivot.

Za kraj mozete i uraditi mini test karakter - cokolada OVDE i pejstovati rezultat da bi podelili tajnu vase cokoladne licnosti sa nama

Eto, to bi bile neke osnovne informacije. A koja je vasa omiljena vrsta cokolade?

mmmmmmmmmm cokolada... :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Adenim
dakle, po njima sam ja sanjar materijalista koji ima moc da drzi univerzum pod kontrolom....
By жњ
ja licno, najvise volim cokoladice ostrih uglova, tvrdje i gorche! Takodje volim da je zamrznem pre konzumiranja i da je hrskam uz hladno mleko. i da, mrzim mrzim i mrzim nevidjeno kad mi se cokolada topi po rukama i lepi za prste. fuj!!

a test kaze:

The Cooler Free-Spirited Enthusiast*:
You freeze your chocolate bar before eating it - partly to enjoy the taste, and partly to avoid a gooey mess. Like the Free Spirted Enthusiasts, you aren't discouraged by being a bit different. In fact you enjoy it, and can't understand why everyone else doesn't eat their chocolates this way.

*According to K. Sieciechowicz, University of Toronto Anthropologist, 2005.
By жњ
Originally posted by Adenim
dakle, po njima sam ja sanjar materijalista koji ima moc da drzi univerzum pod kontrolom....

a ti si bas doslovice shvatio :neto:
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
The Care-Free Independent*:
Allows each bite to melt in their mouth before enjoying the next bite. Wonderful People. You love sensations and probably like to smell the flowers and look up at the sky.

volim kad mi se kaze da sam wonderful people
Korisnikov avatar
By Adenim
Originally posted by xyz
Originally posted by Adenim
dakle, po njima sam ja sanjar materijalista koji ima moc da drzi univerzum pod kontrolom....

a ti si bas doslovice shvatio :neto:
daj mi ukor.
By жњ
Originally posted by Adenim
daj mi ukor.

ukor! :spank:
By Çâðê_DUP
evo, ja ne jedem cokoladu, pa ne spadam ni u jednu kategoriju :P
ali, ako me vec nutkaju, izaberem mlechnu chokoladu.
Korisnikov avatar
By M M and I
tamna, tj. "crna"...malo gorcha cokolada sa visokim procentom kakao-a.
Korisnikov avatar
By Mortis
Chocolate Personality Survey RESULT!
The Purposeful Traditionalist*:
You eat your chocolate bar in big bites. Big Biters are associated with hunger, determination, and purposefulness... a real go getter.. Interestingly, men are twice as likely as women to eat chocolate in big bites.
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
The Care-Free Independent*:
Allows each bite to melt in their mouth before enjoying the next bite. Wonderful People. You love sensations and probably like to smell the flowers and look up at the sky.

By Swanheart
:love: bela cokoladaa

The Cooler Free-Spirited Enthusiast*:
You freeze your chocolate bar before eating it - partly to enjoy the taste, and partly to avoid a gooey mess. Like the Free Spirted Enthusiasts, you aren't discouraged by being a bit different. In fact you enjoy it, and can't understand why everyone else doesn't eat their chocolates this way.
Korisnikov avatar
By Morgan Le Faye
"The Care-Free Independent*:
Allows each bite to melt in their mouth before enjoying the next bite. Wonderful People. You love sensations and probably like to smell the flowers and look up at the sky."
Korisnikov avatar
By Allkey
Чоколада за кување, дакле црна. :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By decko
The Care-Free Independent*:
Allows each bite to melt in their mouth before enjoying the next bite. Wonderful People. You love sensations and probably like to smell the flowers and look up at the sky.

Piiih..ja ocekivao neki zanimljiviji odgovor... :smilegrin:
Korisnikov avatar
By malecka
The Free-Spirited Enthusiast*:
You separate your chocolate bar (and oreo cookies?) into layers, savoring each independently. You are deeply involved in ritual, and really know what you are going for in life - and in chocolate.
By Çâðê_DUP
The Free-Spirited Enthusiast*:

You separate your chocolate bar (and oreo cookies?) into layers, savoring each independently. You are deeply involved in ritual, and really know what you are going for in life - and in chocolate.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dina
Mlecna cokolada :love:

The Cautious Connoisseur*:
Eats chocolate bars with small bites and nibbles. Enjoys good things, enjoys the way food tastes and knows what they're doing. Interestingly, women are twice as likely as men to be in this category.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
zasto imam utisak po broju postova u slatkisastim temama da si na spartanskom rezimu jos uvek :lol:
By pčelica
Crna, što je gorča moguća. :mljac:

The Care-Free Independent*:
Allows each bite to melt in their mouth before enjoying the next bite. Wonderful People. You love sensations and probably like to smell the flowers and look up at the sky.

Korisnikov avatar
By bigirl
A ja nisam ljubitelj čokolade... :nesiguran: That makes me... what???
By жњ
Originally posted by devokICA
zasto imam utisak po broju postova u slatkisastim temama da si na spartanskom rezimu jos uvek :lol:

bicu na spartanskom rezimu do kraja zivota :misici:

mislim da moj potpis govori sve
By жњ
Originally posted by bigirl
A ja nisam ljubitelj čokolade... :nesiguran: That makes me... what???

A liar :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By bigirl
:smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :smeh:

Some things are BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE... :rock:

Korisnikov avatar
By Adenim
Originally posted by xyz
Originally posted by Adenim
daj mi ukor.

ukor! :spank:
moze jos jedan?
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
The Cautious Connoisseur*:
Eats chocolate bars with small bites and nibbles. Enjoys good things, enjoys the way food tastes and knows what they're doing. Interestingly, women are twice as likely as men to be in this category.

Btw, volim crnu cokoladu vise od obicne, ali volim obicnu sa celim lesnicima (ili jos bolje-bademima) vise od crne. Volim i sa kafom, nesto ne ljubim one vocne, al se ne bunim na jogurt. Ok mi je bela dok god je toblerone, ali me se da uhvatiti kako zvacem belu nestle. Dakle ja sam shizofrenicar.
Korisnikov avatar
By Manon
crna sa 70% kakaoa, Lindt... mmmm

The Cautious Connoisseur*:
Eats chocolate bars with small bites and nibbles. Enjoys good things, enjoys the way food tastes and knows what they're doing. Interestingly, women are twice as likely as men to be in this category.
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