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Korisnikov avatar
By Mortis
Cudi me mali odziv na ovom fan klubu?

Da Mars uzme mali odmor od foruma, pocelo bi ma(r)sovno kukanje gde je.

Hej, pa to se i desilo jednom prilikom.
Korisnikov avatar
Ma ja MARS-a obožavljem :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Paki
Originally posted by Clockwork Orange
Zeleo bih i da obznanim da bih vrlo rado upoznao Marsa.
Možda već i jesi ... :gatara:
By Storm
Mars je vrlo pristojan i zanimljiv momak.
Korisnikov avatar
By gorilica
Pa OK deni, samo se pokazalo da je i godinu i po dana kasnije, :hail: Mars i dalje i te kako aktuelan. :P
Korisnikov avatar
By Herald
Mars je klon Alexandra iz vremenske prognoze B92
By Çâðê_DUP
Uclanjujem se, ziveo Mars! Marsa za predsednika!! :zastava:

Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Gde i kad moze da se isproba roba?
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
samo potvrdjujem clanstvo:novine:
em sto je zanimljiv i opusten, em je slatkis i ima divan osmeh :kiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By Lakiboy_ns
Originally posted by smera
Mars je klon Alexandra iz vremenske prognoze B92
JUUUUU taj dechko mi ima extra glas istopim se kada ga cujem.
Zbog njega sam uvek obavesten u vezi vremenskih prilika.
Evo posto mi je ovo prvi post ovde uclanujem se i ja ako je dzaba?
By Çâðê_DUP


fourth from the sun and theorized to have the greatest chance for existing life of all non-earth planets, mars is the world of red. it gets its color from the vast quantities of iron-oxide, or rust, on its surface (it also has two polar ice caps as well, much like earth). mars experiences decent fluctations in temperature ranging from -195° F (-125° C) to 77° F (25° C). the average surface temperature is about -81° F (-63° C) however, so it is still not a hospitable world for many forms of life. its angle of axial tilt changes over time due to, among other things, a gravitational pull from both the sun and jupiter, the two largest bodies in the solar system (it can go from being similar to earth at around a 25° tilt to being between diagonal and sideways at 60°). because of this it has a "summer" pole which faces the sun -- some of the ice cap there will actually sublimate and form clouds like on earth -- and a winter pole which faces away. additionally a martian day is only slightly longer than a terrestrial day at 24.63 hours (its year is about 687 earth days in contrast). the structure of mars is mostly composed of iron and silicate rock but its surface features are among the most interesting known to astronomers. aside from river beds, valleys, floodplains, all dry and all suggesting that large amounts of fast moving water were once present, there are also numerous impact craters and very tall mountains. the tallest known mountain in the solar system, the volcano olympus mons, is found on mars as well scaling over 15 miles (24 km) high, around 2.5 times the height of mount everest. mars also has a very active atmosphere. though it only exerts less than one percent the pressure of earth's atmosphere, it is capable of producing duststorms over 3000 ft. (1 km) high. there are also many low-level winds that have carved distinct features into the landscape over millions of years. size wise mars is only 11% the mass of earth (it's surface area is about the same as the land surface area on earth). it has two irregularly shaped moons, deimos and phobos, that both complete their orbit in less than 31 hours (phobos rises and sets 3 times every martian day). they're believed to have originated as asteroids that were pulled into orbit during mars' early times.

in astrology mars is the body of action. it gets its name from the roman god of war and likewise this planet's influence gives us passion, drive, ambition, and raw stamina. mars is about getting up and getting the job done instead of standing idly by. it imbues us with energy and confidence. mars is also associated with competition, even ruling over the military. it leads us toward honor with assertion and courage. mars can be both constructive and destructive depending on how its energies are put to use, so its important to avoid arrogance here. it is also one of two planets believed to rule over sexuality and sexual desire. it is likely from this association along with the others that the popular idea of masculinity in mars came about (though it really does rule over the masculine side of things).

mars could be called the spirited in the hierarchy of celestials. just as with yin and yang, it compliments and completes the energies of venus to supply us with a well-rounded persona. because of it can be seen in the sky with the naked eye, it has been known to man for centuries and has been the subject of many science fiction stories. it is the third planetary body.

Korisnikov avatar
Mars kad ces da mi kupis te paticice :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Angie, ti si hibrid Minevre i Venere, dotaknuta Apolonom bogom umetnosti i okružena stotinama nimfi nadahnuća koje nam nesebično šalješ kroz svih pet nadvremenih dimenzija, evo već hiljadama zemaljskih godina...

Goxi, čoveče, odluči se*.

* ne mislim na model patika

Korisnikov avatar
Odlucio sam se :)

[size=-2]*za model patika :) [/size]
Korisnikov avatar
By Dzelajza Rouz
Originally posted by smera
Mars je klon Alexandra iz vremenske prognoze B92

Pa, ja sam ga tako i zamisljala.

Da, zamisljala sam Marsa.

I njegovo dupe. :cheer:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Vidi se malo dupeta, iz profila.

Ajde pa da brisnem link :D

Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Originally posted by FireGox
Odlucio sam se :)

[size=-2]*za model patika :) [/size]
Neozbiljan si kada to nije simpatično&sexy.

Korisnikov avatar
By Mr.Ja
Da li da te citiram. :zavera:
A kada cu ja da vidim to dupe uzvio
Korisnikov avatar
Originally posted by Mars

Neozbiljan si kada to nije simpatično&sexy.

Najozbiljniji sam kad se smejem, a simpatican&sexy sam ozbiljan
Korisnikov avatar
By Dzelajza Rouz
Originally posted by Mars
[font=comic sans ms
Vidi se malo dupeta, iz profila.

Ajde pa da brisnem link :D

Lep profil. :D

...da ne kazem - bas onakav kakvim sam ga zamisljala. :giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
E, kako to da opet pricamo o mom dupetu!?!
(ovo je trebalo da bude ispod posta MrJčeka...)

By Çâðê_DUP
A glava? Gde je glava?

(hint: Rahela Ferari)
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Ma hint is SO needless!

SVE SAME NOGE I GOLA DUPETA!!!! I love Rahela....

Ružo, fala!

Korisnikov avatar
Meni Mars slici na Avalona, samo sto je Mars mini varijanta :giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
U jebote - MINI! Pa nit je on (pretpostavljam) nesto mnogo NARASO niti sam se ja (sigurno) nesto SMANJIO - naprotiv!

Korisnikov avatar
Duso ti si 181/76, a Avi je dosta vislji i tezi
Znaci manji si od njega, sto ne znaci da si mali ovako
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