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Why Would you Settle for Less when you can have More? Do not let other Authors Fool you with Empty Marketing Keywords. FLATBOOTS is what you Deserve. Built to last, Built from Scratch, Nothing Less.
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Moderatori: Hys., Waldorf, Moderators
Originally posted by ^Divlja^zaboga, je l se organizator javio na prosloj strani i rekao da su te priche o punoletstvu glupost?
pa chekajte, jel potrebna lichna ili ne? stvarno mi nije do toga da me neko presrece ili izbacuje ili whatever. a bash mi se ide. bedak...
Originally posted by mmikipoznajemo se colorado i ja...ostali su dobrodosli....ide i waterlilly sa nama.... nalazimo se ispred pravnog u 23.00....inace ako imate naviku da kasnite ODVIKNITE SE ODMAH!!!
Pa dobro OK, imao sam razlog zasto bih lupao glavu (razlog Divlje). No sad mi je vec mozda i kasno da se organizujem. Sad nemam nikog da bih posao s njim. Jedino ako me neko primi u neku grupu, vidim da su se mnogi ovde organizovali. Ti mladunac ides grupno, al' ti ih poznajes... Pa primate li jos nekog???
Ovo zvuci ko' ono: "Primi meeeeeee", al' nema veze...
Originally posted by coloradothe way i avoid using punctuation should embarrass you even more... this is a logical mistake.... how many times have i spelled that word ever!!!Originally posted by hlaefdigeThe way you spelled this embarrasses me.
Originally posted by hlaefdigeHow many times have you used your *brain* - ever?Originally posted by coloradothe way i avoid using punctuation should embarrass you even more... this is a logical mistake.... how many times have i spelled that word ever!!!Originally posted by hlaefdigeThe way you spelled this embarrasses me.
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