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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By mrle
Originally posted by Александар
Zaustavite sve satove, iskljucite telefon,
I psima da ne laju dajte socnu kost,
Utisajte klavire i uz potmulo dobovanje
Iznesite kovceg, nek narikace pridju.

Nek avioni kruze jececi nad glavom
sarajuci po nebu poruku On je Mrtav.
Nek masne od krepa stave oko belih vratova golubova,
Nek saobracajci nose crne pamucne rukavice.

Bio je moj Sever, moj Jug, moj Istok i Zapad.
Moja radna sedmica i nedeljni odmor,
Moje podne, moja ponoc, moj govor, moj pev;
Mislio sam da ljubav ce trajati vecno: prevarih se.

Zvezde sada nisu pozeljne; pogasite ih sve;
Spakujte Mesec, skinite Suncu plast;
Prospite nekud okean, zbrisite sume:
Jer necem dobrom da vodi ne moze nista sad.

W. H. Auden
Aleksandre, obozavam ovu pesmu :love: :love: :love:

Evo je i na izvornom jeziku :

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Wystan Hugh Auden
By Ulix
Zapis na pragu
(Tin Ujevic)

Ove pjesme to nisam ja, iako sam ih ja napisao
Ovi jauci, to nisam ja, premda sam ih zbilja uzdisao.
Moj pravi život, ja sam samo disao.

Jer ja živim i kad pjesma umre. Ja živim i kad patnja mine.
Ima u meni nemira dragog, a ima i moje širine.
Ja puštam i drugog da govori za me.
A i sam govorim druge same.

Ja ne marim čovjek biti ako sam umio ljude bogovski reći.
O, ja. Ja sam od sebe i manji i veći.
O, ja.Moj drugi i moj treći.

Ja ne sanjam o sreći.No ne sumnjam o sreći.
Gle ovog dvojstva i trojstva moga:
ima u meni tmine,
no ima u meni i vedrine,
i moja divna sloga.
By Ulix
(Antun Gustav Matoš)

Ja te volim, jer si fantasta
Ko žuta Luna i stara gitara,
Ko slatka nježnost slavujeve pjesme,
Što majsko veče bojom tuge šara.

Ja te volim, jer si ko zvijezda:
Visoko -sama, i suze jer tvoje,
Što krišom plačeš, ko kajanje truju
I more budne, mučne noći moje.

Ja te volim, jer si ljubav Zemlje
Iz koje niknuh, Hrvatice draga:
Ko Bogomajka na Kamenih vratih
Što dušom sija kada preko praga
Gričkog bruji mračni Angelus.

Ja te ljubim! Zašto? Ne znam. - Jer si
Mi draga, dušo, ko nada što vara,
Ko sjetne pjesme i sjene što veze -
Ta žuta Luna i gitara stara.
Korisnikov avatar
By mrle
Nasa tajna

O tebi necu govoriti ljudima.
Necu im reci da li si mi samo
poznanik bio ili prijatelj drag;
ni kakav je, ni da li je
u nasim snovima i zudima
dana ovih ostao trag.

Necu im reci da li iz osame
zedji, umora, ni da li je ikada
ma koje od nas drugo volelo;
niti srce nase
da li nas je radi nas,
ili radi drugih
kadgod bolelo.

Necu im reci kakav je sklad
oci nase cesto spajao
u sazvezdje zedno;
ni da li sam ja ili si ti bio rad
da tako bude -
ili nam je bilo svejedno.

Necu im reci da li je zivot
ili od smrti strah
spajao nase ruke;
ni da li zvuke
smeha voleli smo vise
od suma suza.

Necu im reci nijedan slog jedini
sta je moglo, ni da li je moglo nesto
da uplete i sjedini
duse nase kroz citav vek;
ni da li je otrov ili lek
ovo sto je doslo
onome sto je bilo.

Nikome necu reci kakva se
zbog tebe pesma dogadja
u meni vecito:
da li opija toplo
kao sume nase s proleca,
ili tiha i tuzna
cuti u meni recito.
O, nikome necu reci
da li se radosna ili boleca
pesma dogadja u meni.

Ja vise volim da precutane
odemo ona i ja
tamo gde istom svetloscu sja
i zora i noc i dan;
tamo gde su podjednako tople
i sreca i bol ziva;
tamo gde je od istog vecnog tkiva
i covek i njegov san.
By Ахасвер
Изговарам твоје име
у ноћној помрчини,
када се звезде спусте
да пију на месечини
и када спавају гране
са листовима скритим.
Тад осетим да тонем
у страсти и музици.
Сат сулуди што пева
часове који су били.

Изговарам твоје име
у овој ноћној тмини,
и име ми се тад твоје
даље нег' игда чини.
Даље од свих блиставих звезда,
болније од благе кише што сипи.

Да ли ћу да те волим
као и онда? Што скриви
жалосно срце моје?
Кад облак мре у висини
какав ме занос чека?
Чист, миран дал' ће бити?
Да ми се руке олистају
на сјајној месечини!

Да ми се руке олистају, (Ф. Г. Лорка)
By Simor
Volt Vitmen - Pesma o meni


Volt Vitmen, jedan kosmos, sin Menhetna,
Žestok, plotan, čulan, jede, pije i rađa,
Nije sentimentalan, ne postavlja se iznad ljudi
i žena, niti po strani od njih,
Nije skroman više nego što neskroman je.

Izvalite lokote sa vrata!
Izvalite sama vrata iz dovratnika njihovih!

Ko god ponižava drugog, mene ponižava
I što god je učinjeno ili rečeno na kraju se vraća

Kroz mene se nadahnuće talasa i talasa, kroz mene
teče struja i znak.

Kazujem iskonsku lozinku, dajem znak
Tako mi Boga! Ne prihvatam nista što nema
zamenu koja može da pripadne svima i pod
istim uslovima.

Kroz mene zbore mnogi dugi nemi glasovi,
Glasovi beskonačnog pokolenja zatvorenika i
Glasovi bolesnika i očajnika i lopova i kepeca,
Glasovi ciklusa pripreme i rasta,
I niti što povezuju zvezde, i utroba i muške tvari,
I prava onih koje odozgo tlače drugi,

Glasovi unakaženih, beznačajnih, tupih, budalastih,
Magle u vazduhu, buba sto valjaju grudve balege.
Kroz mene zbore glasovi zabranjeni,
Glasovi polova i požude, glasovi pod koprenom,
a ja skidam koprenu,
Glasovi nepristojni koje ja razjašnjavam i

Ja ne stavljam prste na usta,
Jednako sam osetljiv bila u pitanju creva ili glava
i srce,
Parenje za mene nije veća čast od smrti.

Ja verujem u plot i u nagone;
Videti, čuti, osećati, sve su to čuda, i svaki moj
delić i okrajak jeste čudo,
Božanstven sam iznutra i spolja, činim da biva
sveto sve što dodirnem ili sto me dodirne,
Vonj ovih pazuha miomiris je finiji od molitve,
Ova je glava više nego crkva, biblija i sva

Obožavam li nešto više od nečeg drugog, biće to
raspon mog rođenog tela, ili bilo kog dela njegovog;
Prozirni moj kalupe, bićeš to ti!
Ležište zaštićeno, potporo, bićeš to ti!
Čvrsti lemešu muževni, bićes to ti!
Šta si da si, što u oranicu ulaziš moju, bićeš to ti!

Ti, bogata krvi moja! Mlečna tvoja struja, blede
trake mog života!
Grudi što se uz druge grudi priljubljuješ, bićeš
to ti!
Mozgu moj, biće to tajnovito vijuganje tvoje!
Korenu ispravnog iđirota! Plaha barska šljuko!
Gnezdo štićenih dvostrukih jaja! Bićeš to ti!
Pomešano zamršeno seno glave, brade, mišića,
bićeš to ti!
Curkavi soku javorov, stabljiko muževne pšenice,
bićeš to ti!
Sunce tako velikodušno, bićeš to ti!
Paro što osvetljavaš i senčiš lice moje, bićeš to ti!
Znojavi potoci i rose, bićete to vi!
Vetrovi čije se genitalije blago golicavo trljaju o
mene, bićete to vi!

Široka mišićava polja, grane života hrasta,
skitnico ljubavi puna na stazama mojim
vijigavim, bićeš to ti!
Ruko koju sam prihvatio, lice koje sam poljubio,
smrtniče kojega sam ikada dotakao, bićeš to ti.

Ludo volim sebe, ima me čitava gomila i svi su
tako prebujni,
Svaki trenutak i sve ša se desi puni me radosnom
Ne znam kako se to zglobovi moji savijaju ni gde
je uzrok najnejasnije želje moje,
Niti uzrok prijateljstva što ga zračim, niti uzrok
prijateljstva što ga primam.

Penjem se na svoj trem, zastanem da razmislim je
li to stvarno,

Rascvetana puzavica na prozoru mome zadovoljava
me više nego metafizika u knjigama.

Gledati osvit dana!
Od male svetlosti blede ogromne i prozirne senke,
Sladak je vazduh nepcima mojim.
Tereti sveta u pokretu podižu se tiho, poskakuju
nevino i luče svežinu,
Koso se probijajući u visine i nizine.

Nešto sto ne mogu da vidim istura uvis pohotne
More svetloga soka preplavljuje nebo.
Zemlja smirena blizinom neba, svakodnevni konac
njihove veze,
Uzdignuta pretnja sa istoka tog trenutka nad
mojom glavom,
Poruga koja ismeva - pa ti tada vidi hočeš li
gospodar !
Korisnikov avatar
By Tot
Izmirenje- Volt Vitmen

Reč preko svega, lepa kao nebo,
Lep taj rat i sva njegova dela pokolja moraju
vremenom potpuno da se izgube,
Da ruke sestara Smrti i Noći neprestano blago
Ispiraju iznova, i iznova uvek, ovaj ukaljani svet;
Jer neprijatelj moj mrtav je, čovek božanstven
kao i ja mrtav je,
Gledam ga kako leži bela lica i nepomično u
kovčegu- prilazim bliže,
Saginjem se i lako dodirujem usnama belo lice
u kovčegu.
By Ахасвер
Нема у животу спокојнога сата
за који бих рекла да сам га заслужила;
мени је доста мало звезданог злата,
да не бих роптала и тужила.

Кад ми пошљеш бол, сагнем се смерно;
кад коракнем, бојим се да нисам што скривила.
Нема дела твог ком се не бих дивила,
па ма као црв мало, неизмерно.

Ако ти желиш, зликовци ме вређати могу,
незаслужене ћу грехе да испаштам.
Мени је слатко да патим и да праштам,
ако је то мило праведноме Богу.

Aна Ахматова
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

A robin redbreast in a cage
Puts all heaven in a rage.

A dove-house fill'd with doves and pigeons
Shudders hell thro' all its regions.
A dog starv'd at his master's gate
Predicts the ruin of the state.

A horse misused upon the road
Calls to heaven for human blood.
Each outcry of the hunted hare
A fibre from the brain does tear.

A skylark wounded in the wing,
A cherubim does cease to sing.
The game-cock clipt and arm'd for fight
Does the rising sun affright.

Every wolf's and lion's howl
Raises from hell a human soul.

The wild deer, wand'ring here and there,
Keeps the human soul from care.
The lamb misus'd breeds public strife,
And yet forgives the butcher's knife.

The bat that flits at close of eve
Has left the brain that won't believe.
The owl that calls upon the night
Speaks the unbeliever's fright.

He who shall hurt the little wren
Shall never be belov'd by men.
He who the ox to wrath has mov'd
Shall never be by woman lov'd.

The wanton boy that kills the fly
Shall feel the spider's enmity.
He who torments the chafer's sprite
Weaves a bower in endless night.

The caterpillar on the leaf
Repeats to thee thy mother's grief.
Kill not the moth nor butterfly,
For the last judgement draweth nigh.

He who shall train the horse to war
Shall never pass the polar bar.
The beggar's dog and widow's cat,
Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.

The gnat that sings his summer's song
Poison gets from slander's tongue.
The poison of the snake and newt
Is the sweat of envy's foot.

The poison of the honey bee
Is the artist's jealousy.

The prince's robes and beggar's rags
Are toadstools on the miser's bags.
A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.

It is right it should be so;
Man was made for joy and woe;
And when this we rightly know,
Thro' the world we safely go.

Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine.
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine.

The babe is more than swaddling bands;
Every farmer understands.
Every tear from every eye
Becomes a babe in eternity;

This is caught by females bright,
And return'd to its own delight.
The bleat, the bark, bellow, and roar,
Are waves that beat on heaven's shore.

The babe that weeps the rod beneath
Writes revenge in realms of death.
The beggar's rags, fluttering in air,
Does to rags the heavens tear.

The soldier, arm'd with sword and gun,
Palsied strikes the summer's sun.
The poor man's farthing is worth more
Than all the gold on Afric's shore.

One mite wrung from the lab'rer's hands
Shall buy and sell the miser's lands;
Or, if protected from on high,
Does that whole nation sell and buy.

He who mocks the infant's faith
Shall be mock'd in age and death.
He who shall teach the child to doubt
The rotting grave shall ne'er get out.

He who respects the infant's faith
Triumphs over hell and death.
The child's toys and the old man's reasons
Are the fruits of the two seasons.

The questioner, who sits so sly,
Shall never know how to reply.
He who replies to words of doubt
Doth put the light of knowledge out.

The strongest poison ever known
Came from Caesar's laurel crown.
Nought can deform the human race
Like to the armour's iron brace.

When gold and gems adorn the plow,
To peaceful arts shall envy bow.
A riddle, or the cricket's cry,
Is to doubt a fit reply.

The emmet's inch and eagle's mile
Make lame philosophy to smile.
He who doubts from what he sees
Will ne'er believe, do what you please.

If the sun and moon should doubt,
They'd immediately go out.
To be in a passion you good may do,
But no good if a passion is in you.

The whore and gambler, by the state
Licensed, build that nation's fate.
The harlot's cry from street to street
Shall weave old England's winding-sheet.

The winner's shout, the loser's curse,
Dance before dead England's hearse.

Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.

Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.

We are led to believe a lie
When we see not thro' the eye,
Which was born in a night to perish in a night,
When the soul slept in beams of light.

God appears, and God is light,
To those poor souls who dwell in night;
But does a human form display
To those who dwell in realms of day.
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela

I lie here broken, drenched in blood,
My life in pools, my soul a flood,
My heart is now my enemy,
With every beat, it's leaving me.

It hurts to breathe, it hurts to cry,
My heart is open to the sky,
Emptying my ruined shell,
Each beat, eternity in hell.

I pray for death, I want release,
To sleep for ever, rest in peace,
But drowning in my blood I stay,
I want release, for death I pray.

Blood as black as night emerges,
My heart my broken body purges,
I feel my life returning, healing,
With all the tragedy of feeling.
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela
Sadrzaj ovog posta je obrisan usled krsenja autoskih prava. Molimo Vas da ubuduce ne postavljate sadrzaj na forumu koji ce na bilo koji nacin krsiti bilo cija autorska prava. Hvala Vam na saradnji. GS Tim
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela
Blood Red Sky

I am afraid hunted every step,
I am captured the traitor in your eyes,
I can’t get away,
From within my prison,
I can’t go but at the same time, I can’t stay
I am betrayed, the dying in your plot,
I am cast out, the leper by your door,
I feel I have no hope,
I could just curl up and die,
This is the only way I know how to cope,
I am caught, a fox in the cars headlights,
I am trapped, a fish inside your net,
I don’t think I can live on,
I’ve taken your poison,
I don’t think I can carry on knowing you’re gone,
I’m lost crawling in a labyrinth of lies,
I’m doomed, wandering in a land of make believe,
I think that my time has come,
I hear death,
As he, with his wife pain beat a long solitary note on my drum,
I am sinking, a ship beneath your waves,
I am failing, the light within your dark,
I can’t see the way to go anymore,
In case I fall,
And end up a rotting carcass on your floor,
I am leaving, the girl you once knew,
I am going, the daylight that once was,
I’m dying; I will run far, far away,
I will find myself,
Be free from your mood of black blood and grey,
I am free now, the bird flying through the sky,
I am fast, the wolf hunting in the snow,
I have once again found my soul,
I am free,
I am found, free, bright, whole.
You are trapped, you can’t escape, a rat within my trap,
You’re blind, sinking beneath my dark depths,
You are lost within a tangle of your own lies,
You are mine,
Now, you will die under blood red skies
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela
Not My Blood...

Not My Blood...

How much those words hurt my heart,
when I heard her say them.
Sitting there having to listen to scorn,
drip from her lips...

"She's not my blood..."
and my heart cringed,
she is a child looking for love,
for someone to care and provide a home...

Blood or no,
we share this world,
and love belongs to everyone,
I wanted to shake her,
and make her realize,
how difficult it must have been,
for that child to ask...

You think she doesn't know?
Who cares about blood?
she is family like it or not,
in need of help,
calling out to the world,
hoping someone listens...

Tonight while I lay here,
sleep a fantasy,
I keep hearing her...

"she's not my blood..."

She's not mine either,
but I will take her into my heart,
and give her what you cannot,
Foolish woman,
What is blood?

One day you may find yourself,
answering for that reply...
Somewhere in the past,
we shared mothers...

And that blood runs still in my veins,
but I got something more from them,
I learned to love children,
whether they were mine or not...

Damn you to hell,
for telling her that...
Those are words no child,
should ever have to hear

That sweet lonely child,
is more blood to me,
then you will ever be.
Korisnikov avatar
By andjela
The Blood

I am growing a new tongue
That will tell me who I am,
Remind me of my stories
And sing to me the songs I have forgotten.

Strong backs and heads
Carried firewood and water over many miles
Arms and backs ploughed and harvested
Fingers planted
Wombs gave birth
Bleeding into the future, into remembering
Hands and hearts raised their young
Taught them the ways of their ancestors
Taught them to worship their gods
Spoke with tongues firmly rooted
In the blood
That carried
Their stories their poems their songs.

We shared the same tongue
Until it was ripped out
And we were left with the root
Bleeding into the past, into forgetting.

A million hands
Lying on the floor of the jungle,
Piled so high they threaten to reach the sun.
Men’s women’s tiny children’s hands
That would not could not did not
Work fast enough chopping the rubber.
Steel blade slicing through,
Blood spurting, soaking the earth
Hands drying and baking in the heat,
Flesh rotting, fingers withering,
Never to paint or carve or sew or write,
Returning to the earth.

The blood, the blood
Soaking into the timbers of a ship
Splashing at the cut of a lash.
Dripping onto the auction block.
Calling my name.
It screams, it shouts, it whispers, it sings to me.
Tracking sticky red footprints.
Drying, crusting on the back, the legs.
The blood that flows through my veins still.

The bones of a million people
Lie at the bottom of the sea.
Gleaming glistening rotting
Cleaned by the fish
While salt water swirls around them.
Voices cried out long ago,
Remember me, remember this,
Don’t sail away
And leave me lying here.
I can hear them still.

Starved whipped tortured
The blood called to them:
I must be free.
Flowing, pumping, beating
Day after day
Night after night
It would not let them rest.
They fought.
Mouths filled with fear
Bellies burning with rage
Hearts demanding justice
Hand grasping a cutlass
Arm raising a knife
Fingers kneading poison into bread
Stirring it into soup
The blood always remembered.
Flowing, pumping, dripping, pooling,
It called to them
Shouted to them
Whispered to them
Sang to them.
I WILL be free.
They told their stories
Mother to daughter
Father to son
Blood to blood.

My ears have been filled with lies
About my people and about me.
But the stories that told me who I was
Still lie nestled deep within my ears.
I can barely hear the drums
That beat, beat, beat
In rhythm with my heart
And with the hearts of my people.
But my feet remember we shared
One rhythm one step.

I am cleaning out the lies that have filled my ears
So that I can hear the drums again.

My eyes no longer see the pictures,
The shapes, the colours,
The curve of wood,
The bright fabric twirling around my head,
In colours of the sun
But the pictures sleep behind my eyes.
Pictures that tell me who I am.

Our feet trace the steps
That our ancestors trod
And step where theirs once stood
As we are working out
Where we are now
And how we got here

My dance has steps that have never been danced before.
I paint with colours that have never been seen.
My tongue caresses your ears with notes that have never been sung.
My stories tell of heroes and villains, of pain, of loss, of courage.
Bits have been left out
A finger an eyelid a drop of blood
But still we gather our stories
Our pictures our songs.
Our laughter our joy our tears our rage
We create something new
As the blood seeps through.
We have lost a line, a word, a note
A colour a shade
A hemline a stone
A corner an angle or a page
But we are gathering up the stories
Of who we are,
Where we have been and are now.
And what we may become.
Korisnikov avatar
By MorbidAngel
A.C. - The Poet

bury me in an nameless grave
I came from God the world to save.
I brought them wisdom from above:
Worship, and Liberty, and Love.
They slew me for I did disparage therefore
Religion, Law, and Marriage.
So be my grave without a name
That earth may swallow up my shame!

A.C. - The Pentagram

In the Years of the Primal Course, in the dawn of terrestrial birth,
Man mastered the mammoth and horse, and Man was the Lord of the Earth.

He made him an hollow skin from the heart of an holy tree,
He compassed the earth therein, and Man was the Lord of the Sea.

He controlled the vigour of steam, he harnessed the lightning for hire;
He drove the celestial team, and man was the Lord of the Fire.

Deep-mouthed from their thrones deep-seated, the choirs of the aeons declare
The last of the demons defeated, for Man is the Lord of the Air.

Arise, O Man, in thy strength! the kingdom is thine to inherit,
Till the high gods witness at length that Man is the Lord of his spirit.
By Ulix

Malkolm de Šazal
Korisnikov avatar
By mrle
Desanka Maksimovic - Ja i ja

O kad bih mogla samo jednom ja
nekuda iza bregova
pobeci od sebe.

Sasvim sama i vedra
projurila bih kroz sume,
razgrnula livadi nedra.

U zivot bih se zagnjurila,
svakom bih ruku pruzala.
Sa strascu bih se pozurila:

da vidim u zivotu kako je,
dusa necija ako je
za radost stvorena.

Jer od rodjenja sa mnom,
ma kud se makla,
idem ja vecno sumorna.

A meni se uvek dopadalo:
kad su tice kroz noc letele,
kad je lisce tiho opadalo;

kad su senke u sen sletale,
kad me ljudi nisu voleli,
kad su stvari dusi smetale.

Oduvek je jedna ja slutila
kobi, suze i bolove,
i radosti moje sve pomutila.

Oduvek me slatko zlostavljala:
ni u sumi, ni u ljubavi, ni u radu
ni caska me nije ostavljala.

Znam, umrecu i ostaricu;
a nju uvek mladu,
uvek zednu bolova
na zemlji ostavicu.
By Ахасвер
Осећам данас у срцу
нејасан дрхтај звезда,
ал' моја стаза се губи
у души облачног неба.
Сјај ми пресеца крила
и туга моја чемерна
на самом врелу мисли
натапа прегршт успомена.

Све руже су беле,
беле као моја сета,
ал' нису руже беле
што снег их завеја.
Прво нађоше дугу.
Опет је душа снежна.
Снег душе има пахуље
од целова и привиђења
што хрле у помрчину
и у сјај оног ко их треба.

Снег засипа са ружа,
ал' снег у души је вечан,
и канџа година прошлих
покров од ружа спрема.

А кад нас смрт поведе
да ли ће нестати снега?
Ил' биће неки други снег
и руже друге врх свега?

Да л' мир ће бити с нама
к'о Христос што проповеда?
О зар ће остати вечно
та тајна несхваћена?

А љубав ако нас изда?
Ко животу дах улева
ако нас сутон потискује
у сазнања неизбежна
о Злу што ту се мота
и Добру ког можда нема?

Ако се надање гаси
и Збрка бива све већа,
која ће зубља да сија
изнад земаљских пута?

Ако је плавет тек сања,
тад чему чедност бела?
Шта десиће се срцу
нема ли Амор још стрела?

Ако је смрт само смрт,
тад песнике шта чека,
и све те уснуле ствари
којих се мало ко сећа?

О топлино надања!
Луно нова! Водо свежа!
О чиста срца дечака!
Опоре душе камења!
Осећам данас у срцу
нејасан дрхтај звезда,
а све су руже беле,
беле као и моја сета.

Јесења песма, новембар 1918. (Ф. Г. Лорка)
By Ulix
Epitaf na mome grobu
(Rade Drainac)

Prijatelji, izvršite pesnikovu poslednju volju,
Kad me sa đubretom na jutarnjim ulicama smetlari mrtvog pokupe
Ne recite "Bog da prosti!"
Jer ja sam prosio za koru hleba i Bogu pokazivao tabane i pete
U rupu za mrtvu paščad strpajte moje kosti
- Tako će pravedno biti sahranjeno dobro dete.
Ne žalite me: ja sam za života kao plačna vrba proplakao za sobom
Moje je sve u ovom testamentu što danas pišem:
Ako jedna gospa bude želela da spava naporedo s mojim grobom
Okrenite joj glavu ka mome srcu
Više moje glave ni ploče ni poprsja,
Kad budem silazio niz stepenice pakla ili neba
Ne treba časti skitaču
Koji je celim životom žudeo samo čašicu ljubavi i koru hleba.

Užarenom iglom po mojoj koži zapišite ove reči:
"Spavaj prvi put mirno, druže Drainče
Veliki naš putniče"
I ništa više!
By Çâðê_DUP

Milan Rakic

...misao se javi kao zver me zgrabi

i vodi me sobom u predele suza.

Gusi me, a moji napori su slabi

da se satre ova pohlepna meduza.

Al znam i uzrok zasto tako biva

Jer prosao nisam kroz zivota huku

Sklopljenih ochiju i skrshtenih ruku

Kad srce zapishti, Misao je kriva

Ona gospodari ja sam ko Mazepa

privezan konjem u dubokoj noci

sto gleda za stepom gde promice stepa

bez snage, bez daha bez volje, bez moci

@Auguries Of Innocence :hail: :peva:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce
Šta sanjam i šta mi se događa

Ko će znati vremenu kraj,
vetru put, tišini ime,
i što je to
što meni podgriza misli i razara san?
Svake noći podmukli gosti dođu
nevidljivi, nečujni,
i ognjenim peskom mi zaspu usta i oči.

I dok se uporno hvatam za sjećanja
svetla neba, muškoga hoda,
plodne samoće, i dela, -
oni stoje više moje glave, nevidljivi, nečujni;
čekaju da bude
mrtvo telo u mrtvom mraku.

Al' mene jutro izbavlja i diže
nebeskim suncem, vodom, mladim lišćem;
muzika me vida;
i pramen nestalna dima u daljini;
krepi nadu;
seća na dane kad sam znao za radost


Još kasno u noći
neće da s smiri grad.
Iz prvog sna ne trza divlji krik,
u noć se rasipa. Jauk ili smeh?

Da l' ljubav kriju pusti parkovi
il' vino piju dvojca, -
gorko vino u zdravlje iste žene?
O, znam ja zemlju i njene darove.
Ja tražim san,
svet dubok i nepoznat.


Na tuđem moru. Ne prate mene
senke dobrog voćnjaka
ni Višegradska staza, uvek tužna

Blede blagoslavi.
Tonu darovi u danima i moru;
Ginu ožillci rana i milovanja
za uvek!
A iznad mene i neba i mora
jedino ime, cilj i znak i snaga:
žeđ moja beskrajna i sveta.


Zaboravljene radosti meseca Jula!
Sad tamo u toploj tišini šljivik zašumi.
Veče se sluti.
Stazama koje kući vode poneku hiti.
Zelen val, riba il' tica
prelomi tišina.
Daljina, majko svih želja!
Zaspo je vozar
na skeli koju ljulja
val rodne reke.


Svu noc je kisa padala.

Da li znate kako je
svu noć slušati romon o prozore
i ne moći usniti?

Kiša, ko mati, tiho pjeva
a sna nema tek misli kišne noći.

Zašto na svaki dodir života
ostaje dušom kao jeka - bol?

Ivo Andric
By spf 3000
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red:
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go:
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

William Shakespeare
By spf 3000
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats
By spf 3000
Why should I blame her that she filled my days
With misery, or that she would of late
Have taught ignorant men most violent ways,
Or hurled the little streets upon the great,
Had they but courage equal to desire?
What could have made her peaceful with a mind
That nobleness made simple as a fire,
With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind
That is not natural in an age like this,
Being high and solitary and most stern?
Why, what could she have done, being what she is?
Was there another Troy for her to burn?

William Butler Yeats
By Ulix
(Vladislav Petković Dis)

To je onaj život gde sam pao i ja
s nevinih daljina, sa očima zvezda
i sa suzom mojom što nesvesno sija
i žali, ko ptica oborena gnezda.
To je onaj život gde sam pao i ja

Sa nimalo znanja i bez moje volje,
nepoznat govoru i nevolji ružoj
i ja plakah tada. Ne beše mi bolje.
I ostadoh tako u kolevci tužnoj
sa nimalo znanja i bez moje volje.

I ne znadoh da mi krv struji i teče,
i da nosim oblik što se mirno menja;
i da nosim oblik, san lepote, veče
i tišinu blagu ko dah otkrovenja.
I ne znadoh da mi krv struji i teče,

I da beže zvezde iz mojih očiju,
da se stvara nebo i svod ovaj sada
i prostor, trajanje za red stvari sviju,
i da moja glava rađa sav svet jada,
i da beže zvezde iz mojih očiju,

Al' begaju zvezde; ostavljaju boje
mesta i daljine i vezuju jave;
i sad tako žive kao biće moje,
nevino vezane za san moje glave.
Al' begaju zvezde; ostavljaju boje.

Pri beganju zvezda zemlja je ostala
za hod mojih nogu i za život reči;
i tako je snaga u meni postala
snaga koja boli, snaga koja leči.
Pri beganju zvezda zemlja je ostala.

I tu zemlju danas poznao sam i ja
sa nevinim srcem, al' bez mojih zvezda.
I sa suzom mojom, što mi i sad sija
i žali ko tica oborena gnezda.
I tu zemlju danas poznao sam i ja.

Kao stara tajna ja počeh da živim.
zakovan na zemlju što životu služi,
da okrećem oči daljinama sivim,
dok mi venac snova moju glavu kruži.
Kao stara tajna ja počeh da živim.

Da osećam sebe u pogledu trava.
I noći, i voda i da slušam biće
i duh moj u svemu kako moćno spava.
ko jedina pesma, jedino otkriće;
Da osećam sebe u pogledu trava

I očiju, što ih vidi moja snaga,
očiju što zovu kao glas tišina,
kao govor šuma, kao divna draga
izgubljenih snova, zaspalih visina,
I očiju, što ih vidi moja snaga.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dina
Mi se cudno razumemo

Mi se cudno razumemo
ko dva bola, ko dva vala
ko dva mosta u otkrica:
ja te volim cudno, nemo,
ti si ona cudna mala,
masta drevna moga bica.

O tebi su pitalice
od vekova moje bile,
odgovor o kom se sanja.
Odgovor je tvoje lice
ti si slika one vile;
iz decackih nagadjanja.

I svi stari snovi, evo
polagano nadolaze
ko da ide vreme tavno.
Svaki gest tvoj ja sam snevo,
znam napamet tvoje fraze
svaku rec sam cuo davno.

Stanislav Vinaver
By Ulix
Bandit il pesnik
(Rade Drainac)

Priznajem da sam idiot i genije bio
I da su mi dani prošli nakrivljeni kao toranj u Pizi.
Zato se žurim u krčmu kao u operacionu salu.
Pa neka! 15.000.000 građana ove zemlje
Ako me ne upoznaju po poeziji upamtiće
Me po Skandalu.

I ni briga me nije
Što u dnu srčane aorte kroz dugu jesenju noć
Pesnik sa banditom boj bije!
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce


Čekam te, srce moje,
nadglasan tišinom,
od sebe samoga proklet.
Iz kojih dubina ovaj glas,
to tijelo tako teško
i čežnja tako stvarna?

Nema više
zamrzlih ptica
na granama
što se otkrivaju,
ni slučajnih prostora,
ni žalosti
u srcu koje te pronalazi.

Okus naranče u toplom svitanju,
tamo iza dobrote što dijeli
kolijevku od prašnog
spomenika ljubavi.

Ono što ostaje na kraju
to je uvijek gorčina
sada gola i stvarna
kao plamen
na kome gore
naivne suze djetinjstva.

Volim darivanja
jer me napuštaju
nalik šljunku
i pijesku sa obala.

Ja sam onaj drugi
a ti već pretvaraš
ruke u ruke
odsutne zauvijek.

Zvonimir Golob
Korisnikov avatar
By Sunce

Ispruži ruku i što dotičeš?
reče malo srce velikom srcu.

Ništa, ne dotičem ništa,
ako je ovo sve što ostaje,
reče veliko srce.

Modrine treba, i zelenila,
jarbol i zastava. A ti, što imaš?
reče malo srce velikom srcu.

Samo želju da imam, samo to,
i ruke da podignu zastavu,
reče veliko srce.

Toliko si blizu, ali ja te ne vidim,
reče malo srce velikom srcu.

Stani na moje mjesto, odavde vidim
kako se zatvaraju velika vrata neba
i ruka koja ih zatvara,
reče veliko srce.

Što to u tebi još kuca toliko glasno?
upita malo srce veliko srce.

Ništa, ne kuca ništa,
reče veliko srce.
Žuna udara kljunom o koru drveta.

Moja je kutija za tebe odviše mala,
reče malo srce velikom srcu.
Na dno studene vode lezi i spavaj.

Tamo već leži netko pokriven lišćem.
Uđi u mene budno i zatvori oči,
reče veliko srce malom srcu.

ima još dovoljno mjesta između kamenja.

Zvonimir Golob
By Ulix
(M. Crnjanski)

Vas zovem samo, sa užasom
u pogledu razvratnom, neveselom.
Vas zovem samo, što drhtite
sa vitkim, osetljivim telom.

Vas na čijim je kolenima život
izdahno zbunjen, umoran;
za vas ja imam rumeno more
i jedan osmeh sumoran.

Ne, neće ljubav, ni mladost, više
pomilovati nam grudi.
Ime će, dah će, suza će naša
drugom da zamiriše.

Daleko, negde, oko sveta,
gde sneg i led i nebo cveta
sve će se sliti,
i od svega biti:
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