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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators
Originally posted by bigirlHeheheh... ...gledao sam tu epizodu....Gina je zakon...Originally posted by Dj-GirlIjaooo... Kad je onaj lik rekao to Gini Gershon u Njuškalima, u jednoj epizodi, kad je ona bila u divnom zelenom džemperu... Mislim da sam se istopila u tom trenutku...
you cannot choose who you are going to love
Originally posted by Dj-GirlWORD
ok..one thing i cannot understand is...
zasto misllite da ako je neko bisexual da je confused ili nezna sta hoce?..sorry if i offend anyone but that is so primitive thinking!
of course there are "some" cases of people who dont know what they want and are experimenting with their sexuality until they do know..but at the end of the day ..ima i ljudi koji vole oboje i opet ...there is nothing wrong with that!
nerazumem zasto ljudi moraju biti in some kind of box and have to wear a label. People should be free to experiment and FUCK and LOVE whoever they want.
Just as being gay you are being discriminated against by straight people, you are all doing it to bisexuals and that is shallow.
you cannot choose who you are going to love or who you are going to be sexually attracted to. Its something that happens from inside for all of us..and at the end of the day..it is to fucking pointless to put each other down for our choices
whether you accept bisexuality or not..at least respect bisexuals just as you ask for the same respect for yours.
Originally posted by Dj-Girlnesto sto me je dosta zapanjilo jeste misljenje da biseksualci "to" rade i sa momcima i sa devojkama...u isto vreme, varaju, bla bla bla...
zasto misllite da ako je neko bisexual da je confused ili nezna sta hoce?..sorry if i offend anyone but that is so primitive thinking!
nesto sto me je dosta zapanjilo jeste misljenje da biseksualci "to" rade i sa momcima i sa devojkama...u isto vreme, varaju, bla bla bla...Na moju veliku zalost, naleteh na devojku koja obozava svog momka, a ipak je bila i sa mnom u nekoj semi, dok meni nije puk`o film pa sam raskinula. Znaci, ipak ta teorija ne pada u vodu 100%.
ne smatram (iako sebe smatram punokrvnom lezbejkom) da je biseksualnost neka vrsta zbunjenosti ili nesigurnosti. jbg, svidja ti se ko ti se svidja i to je to. cemu polemisanje?
Originally posted by Dj-Girl(izgovoreno barshunastim glasom A. J)
ok..one thing i cannot understand is...
zasto misllite da ako je neko bisexual da je confused ili nezna sta hoce?..sorry if i offend anyone but that is so primitive thinking!
of course there are "some" cases of people who dont know what they want and are experimenting with their sexuality until they do know..but at the end of the day ..ima i ljudi koji vole oboje i opet ...there is nothing wrong with that!
nerazumem zasto ljudi moraju biti in some kind of box and have to wear a label. People should be free to experiment and FUCK and LOVE whoever they want.
Just as being gay you are being discriminated against by straight people, you are all doing it to bisexuals and that is shallow.
you cannot choose who you are going to love or who you are going to be sexually attracted to. Its something that happens from inside for all of us..and at the end of the day..it is to fucking pointless to put each other down for our choices
whether you accept bisexuality or not..at least respect bisexuals just as you ask for the same respect for yours.
Originally posted by odskoraBIEh, sad mi je lakse ...
"Ja nekako sebe dozivljavam kao njega, tj. da je on-ja. Da li je to queer? Da sam ja u stvari strejt muskarac koji izgleda kao tip s mog avatara? Jesam ti trandza?"
Ne, to onda znaci da si jednostavno ruzna (ruzan).
Originally posted by odskoraBIQuo vadis domine ....
Sad si lepa/lep.
Ne znam kakav odgovor si ocekivala na takvo pitanje.
Ne mogu se sve stvari objasniti. Jednostavno si u potpunoj konfuziji, kao i svi mi, i sve ce se to srediti uskoro. Bar se ja tako nadam. Prestaces da se osecas kao tip sa svog avatara cim u potpunosti postanes svesna sebe i pocnes da razmisljas o nekim drugim, normalnijim stvarima. Bar se ja tako nadam da ce biti sa mnom.
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