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Korisnikov avatar
By avalon
Originally posted by colorado
Cika Colorado je ipak nece videti u Turskoj, vec u Americi, i to na najmanje TRI koncerta!!! JUUPPIIIIII!!!!! :D
So I want to kill this waitress..... :lukavi: Mrzim te i zavidim ti :friends:
Korisnikov avatar
By tenen
evo i ja da se javim kao obozavatelj iste
doduse ,moja urodjena lenjost me cesto sprecava da pratim njenu karijeru tako da njene albume nabavim sa 2 godine zakasnjenja,u proseku
najvise volim little earthquakes i from the choirgirls hotel
a kad smo vec kod tih dvd-a mogli bi nekako da se organizujemo da to sebi narezem ako bi ikako miglo:jumphug:
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
nije problem, ali putujem 3. juna i ne verujem da cu do tad dolaziti u BG. Ako te ne mrzi da dodjes za ZR, imaces lepu kolekciju DVDa. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
NAPOKON posle OSAM godina cekanja!!!! Stigli smo na Dzounz plazu oko pola dva i prijavili se za "Meet and Greet" (dogadjaj gde Tori caska s fanovima). Ja sam dobio broj 33, a Dejna 34. Posto smo skontali da je amfiteatar bas na samoj plazi, otisli smo da se sunchamo. Bas kad smo krenuli da se bucnemo jer smo poceli da gorimo, isterali su nas sa plaze jer je bio jako visok nivo bakterija u vodi. Onda smo otisli na M&G, gde sam PRICAO s Tori, uslikao se s njom i potpisala mi se na omot Under The Pink. Zena je prelepa!! Stavrno je lepa kao na slikama a mozda cak i lepsa. Sva je tako graciozna i leprsava i pravo je uzivanje caskati s njom jer je bas opustena.
B: Cao, Tori!!!
T: Cao!
B: Lepo je napokon te upoznati nakon 8 godina cekanja!!
B: da. nisi nikad bila bas toliko blizu moje drzave, pa je bilo tesko videti te.
T: Hvala sto si mi to sad natrljao na nos! hahaha (oboje se smejemo) Odakle si ti?
B: Iz Srbije. i znas, stvarno bi mogla da nas ukljucis u sledecu turneju. Moji prijatelji bi zeleli da te vide, a i ja bih zeleo da te vidim s njima!
T: Aj gledacu.
B: Ali ozbiljno!
T: Ozbiljno!
B: Moze fotka?
T: Naravno!
B: Hvala Tori! Vidimo se u Nju Dzersiju!!
T: Cao!!

Zatim nas je Dejna spojila sa nekom kompanijom Music For America, pa smo sedeli za nekim stolom i delili flajere za njih. Za uzvrat (da li je ovo jedna rec ili dve?) smo dobili besplatne karte (10 red, centar) i priliku da prisustvujemo na TONSKOJ PROBI!!!! Tori je svirala samo za nas dvoje!!! I to sta! Garlands, pesmu koju ja dosad nisam uopste cuo i koju ona uopste do sad nije izvela uzivo!!! Tako da smo Dejna i ja prve osobe sto se publike tice koje su cule tu pesmu uzivo!!!!!!! Pravi istorijski momenat!

evo sta je svirala:

MARIANNE :drkanje:
LIQUID DIAMONDS :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:

A evo vam fotka mene i tori iako izgledam kao govno!!

Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
Mrzi me da prevodim.. evo sta sam zapisao u dnevniku:

First to Dana's, then across Verrazano-Narrows (the 2nd biggest suspension bridge in the world), through Staten Island, along the biggest waste disposal area in the world, a bit along Atlantic Ocean, right into NJ where we got VERY good free tickets to see the show. Now THAT was Tori I have been waiting to see for 8 years!!! Although there was power failure with amplifiers or whatever, she was energized!!! She was into every song, her voice was immaculate, she was swaying her hips, one minute they were up, the other down... she was a wild woman tonight and it was fucking phenomenal!! We were in the 10th row on the right and after rushing we were all leaning onto the stage. Never in the world have I thought I'd live to experience that! I was always just looking at concert pictures of people doing it, wishing I was them, or just there. I was levitating throughout the whole show. Dana says it's the best show she had ever seen, and she has seen plenty!!!


FATHER LUCIFER (this one was not finished due to the power failure) :boo hoo:
BLOOD ROSES :drkanje:
NORTHERN LAD :drkanje:
PURPLE RAIN# :drkanje:
SWEET THE STING :drkanje: (momenat kad sam se prvi put napalio na zenu!!)
By Shoplifter
Originally posted by avalon
:radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice:

:radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice: :radosnice:
By Shoplifter
22. avgust?!?!?!
Nije valjda Lavitza ko ja?!?!?!
Bacam se na proveru.
Korisnikov avatar
By avalon
Originally posted by Shoplifter
22. avgust?!?!?!
Nije valjda Lavitza ko ja?!?!?!
Bacam se na proveru.
Nije valjda da mi ne verujes? :smokin:
By Shoplifter
Nash kako, ne veruj zeni koja laze, narocito ako se zove Lukrecija

Tori je Devica!!!

(a ja sam inace lud za hororskopom, al nema veze)

Eto. I kako od sad da ti verujem, reci ti meni?!?!?!

Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
Camden, NJ - 8/20

Although the setlist seems very lame, the show was very good. She was very into every song and hence made them very powerful. I liked this show better that the Boston one. And if I'm not getting my favorite songs (Bliss) this tour, at least I got my 2nd and 3rd favorites - back to back! (Horses and Bells) I even cried a bit during Mother. It was very emotional since it portreys the phase of my life I'm now (should I stay here, should I go home, what will happen if I stay, I don't have anything secure to hold on to - "without a safety net".....).
I assume she dedicated Rainbow to Madonna because she said it was for a fellow lioness who took a slight fall. *

Original Sinsuality
Icicle :drkanje: (that's what this one is actually all about)
Goodbye Pisces
Mother (sooo pretty)
Ruby Through The Looking Glass

Tiny Dancer (Elton John cover)
Over The Rainbow (The Wizard Of Oz cover)

General Joy
Mr. Zebra
Horses :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
Bells For Her :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Cloud On My Tongue
Your Cloud

2nd Encore

Liquid Diamonds :drkanje:
Ribbons Undone

The last four songs I heard from front row center!!! :)

Boston, MA - 8/21

I saw Danny!!! It was such a nice surprise. I didn't know he was gonna be there! Dana and I took a picture with him, but I'm not posting. The picture is so bad!! the only reason I haven't deleted it is that it's the only photo with him from yesterday.

Um, I know you all are gonna yell at me right now, but I really didn't enjoy this show very much. I can easily see how doing Garlands for the first time EVER and throwing Dream On make this show go into history of Tori's live performances, but I just didn't feel like she was into other songs, except for The Eclipse of Heart. Many people say Barons were great. I don't think it was better than the other times I heard it. The only thing that might make it seem better is that she did it after a set of songs that she sang very flat, so this one came as a nice refreshment. And I was disappointed with CALS.

But, this all might be because I had a pretty shitty seat and the sound was not that good there. Plus, a copwas standing next to me and I kept hearing his walie-talkie throughout the whole show.

The other thing that killed the show for me was closing with 1000 Oceans. I want to hear song from Vnus soooo bad because they are amazing live, and this was my 4th show in a row and the only song I heard of it was the only song I don't like! TWICE! wtf?

Oh, and I have to mention how stupid the security was!!! During TBKPR I went out of the venue and walked to the front row entrance. I saw at least 20 empty seats in first 3 rows and I aked them if I could sit there since it's the last song and everyone's gonna rush to the stage after it anyway. He's like, NO, you can't! I even explained how I had the ticket for the same section, just a bit in he back and how I really didn't see what the problem would be since it's almost the end of the show an nobody was sitting in those goddamn 30 seats. He was just NO, and I saw that there's no point in arguing and just left. Then I went to the section 2, and when people strted rushing they have actually grabbed Dana and almost hurt her!!!

Original Sinsuality
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Amber Waves
Martha's Foolish Ginger
Cool On Your Island

Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler cover) Damn good!!
Angie (Rolling Stones cover)

Barons Of Suburbia
Tear In Your Hand
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Dream On (Aerosmith cover) :drkanje:
Pretty Good Year :)

2nd Encore

Playboy Mommy
1000 Oceans

*so Tori's leo
By Shoplifter
Originally posted by colorado
Camden, NJ - 8/20

Although the setlist seems very lame, the show was very good. She was very into every song and hence made them very powerful. I liked this show better that the Boston one. And if I'm not getting my favorite songs (Bliss) this tour, at least I got my 2nd and 3rd favorites - back to back! (Horses and Bells) I even cried a bit during Mother. It was very emotional since it portreys the phase of my life I'm now (should I stay here, should I go home, what will happen if I stay, I don't have anything secure to hold on to - "without a safety net".....).
I assume she dedicated Rainbow to Madonna because she said it was for a fellow lioness who took a slight fall. *

Original Sinsuality
Icicle :drkanje: (that's what this one is actually all about)
Goodbye Pisces
Mother (sooo pretty)
Ruby Through The Looking Glass

Tiny Dancer (Elton John cover)
Over The Rainbow (The Wizard Of Oz cover)

General Joy
Mr. Zebra
Horses :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
Bells For Her :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Cloud On My Tongue
Your Cloud

2nd Encore

Liquid Diamonds :drkanje:
Ribbons Undone

The last four songs I heard from front row center!!! :)

Boston, MA - 8/21

I saw Danny!!! It was such a nice surprise. I didn't know he was gonna be there! Dana and I took a picture with him, but I'm not posting. The picture is so bad!! the only reason I haven't deleted it is that it's the only photo with him from yesterday.

Um, I know you all are gonna yell at me right now, but I really didn't enjoy this show very much. I can easily see how doing Garlands for the first time EVER and throwing Dream On make this show go into history of Tori's live performances, but I just didn't feel like she was into other songs, except for The Eclipse of Heart. Many people say Barons were great. I don't think it was better than the other times I heard it. The only thing that might make it seem better is that she did it after a set of songs that she sang very flat, so this one came as a nice refreshment. And I was disappointed with CALS.

But, this all might be because I had a pretty shitty seat and the sound was not that good there. Plus, a copwas standing next to me and I kept hearing his walie-talkie throughout the whole show.

The other thing that killed the show for me was closing with 1000 Oceans. I want to hear song from Vnus soooo bad because they are amazing live, and this was my 4th show in a row and the only song I heard of it was the only song I don't like! TWICE! wtf?

Oh, and I have to mention how stupid the security was!!! During TBKPR I went out of the venue and walked to the front row entrance. I saw at least 20 empty seats in first 3 rows and I aked them if I could sit there since it's the last song and everyone's gonna rush to the stage after it anyway. He's like, NO, you can't! I even explained how I had the ticket for the same section, just a bit in he back and how I really didn't see what the problem would be since it's almost the end of the show an nobody was sitting in those goddamn 30 seats. He was just NO, and I saw that there's no point in arguing and just left. Then I went to the section 2, and when people strted rushing they have actually grabbed Dana and almost hurt her!!!

Original Sinsuality
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Amber Waves
Martha's Foolish Ginger
Cool On Your Island

Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler cover) Damn good!!
Angie (Rolling Stones cover)

Barons Of Suburbia
Tear In Your Hand
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Dream On (Aerosmith cover) :drkanje:
Pretty Good Year :)

2nd Encore

Playboy Mommy
1000 Oceans

*so Tori's leo
By Shoplifter
Originally posted by colorado
Camden, NJ - 8/20

Although the setlist seems very lame, the show was very good. She was very into every song and hence made them very powerful. I liked this show better that the Boston one. And if I'm not getting my favorite songs (Bliss) this tour, at least I got my 2nd and 3rd favorites - back to back! (Horses and Bells) I even cried a bit during Mother. It was very emotional since it portreys the phase of my life I'm now (should I stay here, should I go home, what will happen if I stay, I don't have anything secure to hold on to - "without a safety net".....).
I assume she dedicated Rainbow to Madonna because she said it was for a fellow lioness who took a slight fall. *

Original Sinsuality
Icicle :drkanje: (that's what this one is actually all about)
Goodbye Pisces
Mother (sooo pretty)
Ruby Through The Looking Glass

Tiny Dancer (Elton John cover)
Over The Rainbow (The Wizard Of Oz cover)

General Joy
Mr. Zebra
Horses :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
Bells For Her :drkanje: :drkanje: :drkanje:
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Cloud On My Tongue
Your Cloud

2nd Encore

Liquid Diamonds :drkanje:
Ribbons Undone

The last four songs I heard from front row center!!! :)

Boston, MA - 8/21

I saw Danny!!! It was such a nice surprise. I didn't know he was gonna be there! Dana and I took a picture with him, but I'm not posting. The picture is so bad!! the only reason I haven't deleted it is that it's the only photo with him from yesterday.

Um, I know you all are gonna yell at me right now, but I really didn't enjoy this show very much. I can easily see how doing Garlands for the first time EVER and throwing Dream On make this show go into history of Tori's live performances, but I just didn't feel like she was into other songs, except for The Eclipse of Heart. Many people say Barons were great. I don't think it was better than the other times I heard it. The only thing that might make it seem better is that she did it after a set of songs that she sang very flat, so this one came as a nice refreshment. And I was disappointed with CALS.

But, this all might be because I had a pretty shitty seat and the sound was not that good there. Plus, a copwas standing next to me and I kept hearing his walie-talkie throughout the whole show.

The other thing that killed the show for me was closing with 1000 Oceans. I want to hear song from Vnus soooo bad because they are amazing live, and this was my 4th show in a row and the only song I heard of it was the only song I don't like! TWICE! wtf?

Oh, and I have to mention how stupid the security was!!! During TBKPR I went out of the venue and walked to the front row entrance. I saw at least 20 empty seats in first 3 rows and I aked them if I could sit there since it's the last song and everyone's gonna rush to the stage after it anyway. He's like, NO, you can't! I even explained how I had the ticket for the same section, just a bit in he back and how I really didn't see what the problem would be since it's almost the end of the show an nobody was sitting in those goddamn 30 seats. He was just NO, and I saw that there's no point in arguing and just left. Then I went to the section 2, and when people strted rushing they have actually grabbed Dana and almost hurt her!!!

Original Sinsuality
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Amber Waves
Martha's Foolish Ginger
Cool On Your Island

Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler cover) Damn good!!
Angie (Rolling Stones cover)

Barons Of Suburbia
Tear In Your Hand
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Dream On (Aerosmith cover) :drkanje:
Pretty Good Year :)

2nd Encore

Playboy Mommy
1000 Oceans

*so Tori's leo
no she's not!!!!!!!!!!!!

ja proverio, devica je od 22 avgusta, znaci za jedan dan nije laFica. :zvezda:
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
Pa ako lav pocinje od 22. a ona je 22. kako onda nije???
By Shoplifter
Ne, ne i ne!!!!!

Lav pocinje 21.jula a zavrsava 21.avgusta, a 22.avgusta je vec devica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:kiss: @ colorado, lepo nam se provodi, sine, i molim te pozdravi je, pozdravi sretnes li je opet :radosnice:
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
The Summer of Sin tour is over for me, and it ended with the worst show of the five I had seen!!! Her parents were there and hence she played 2 hours of fucking lullabies!! And why did she have to end it with the song I amost hate the most?! WHY?! Why did it have to be my last memory of the tour?! Urgh

Original Sinsuality
A Sorta Fairytale
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Jamaica Inn
Cool On Your Island

Someone Saved My Life Tonight (Elton John cover)
Superstar (Carpenters cover)

Cars And Guitars
Spring Haze
The Beekeeper

1st Encore

Playboy Mommy

2nd Encore

Sweet The Sting
1000 Oceans
This is very exicting news! There is a new Tori Amos DVD set being released by Rhino/Wea on February 14, 2006 called Fade To Red. Here is a description of this video collection from the official Tori Amos mailing list: "Spanning 1991-2005, Fade To Red is a look at the unique and compelling videos that have been so integral to Tori's creative vision. This 2 disc DVD set includes 21 videos as well as bonus features like behind the scenes footage and a comprehensive audio commentary by Tori, an insightful discourse into the making of her videos. Remastered in 5.1 Surround sound this is an audio and visual treat for all Tori fans." A description of this DVD collection at adds that the DVD set "includes the gold-selling VHS release The Complete Videos, plus five additional clips, including two from her 2005 CD release, The Beekeeper."

Disc 1:
- Past the Mission
- Crucify
- Jackie's Strength
- a sorta fairytale
- Winter
- Spark
- Sleeps with Butterflies
- Cornflake Girl (US)
- Hey Jupiter
- Silent All These Years

Disc 2:
- Caught a Lite Sneeze
- 1000 Oceans
- God
- Bliss
- China
- Raspberry Swirl
- Talula
- Sweet the Sting
- Pretty Good Year

Plus Bonus tracks:
- Professional Widow (Remixed)
- Cornflake Girl (UK Version)

Izvor i dodatne informacije


Zasto 2 DVDa, a tako malo materijala?
Zasto je ubacen glupi spot za Professional Widow koji je samo mix ostalih spotova, a nedostaju Glory Of The 80's i Strange Little Girl??
Zasto spotovi nisu poredjani hornoloski??? Ce mozda opet da izfilozofira neki koncept? uf!

fuckin' Tori!
By spf 3000
tori mi je veoma draga.
opredelicu se za 'crucify' kao jednu od omiljenih.
a da, i 'a sorta fairytale'.
By Paris
Cornflake girl...obozavam tu pesmu :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
HOTEL :love: :love: :love:







................... jouj, pa SVE SU DIVNEEE????
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
You're just a PUSSY!!!



Yesssssssssssssssssssss!! :)
By Çâðê_DUP
Zena (godiste 63-ce) em je :mljac: em je najveca umetnica u svemiru!

By Çâðê_DUP
Korisnikov avatar
By avalon
Dakle Angie, tema o Tori vec postoji... Sledi fuzuija :D
Avalon, SM
By Çâðê_DUP
aaa ... pa nisam videla :D

a taman sam pripremila ubitacan post o njoj i nisam stigla da ga prosledim ... ala si azuran, avalone .... :P
By Çâðê_DUP
Meni se u principu sve njene pesme dopadaju (i textovi :love:
izuzev "Twinkle" koju i ne smatram pesmom:

Mojih TOP 2O:

2. IEEE :love:
3. SPARK :love:
4. CARBON :love:
10. THE WAITRESS (I believe in peace, bitch! :love:
12. ICICLE (pesma o masturbaciji)
13. DATURA (o afrodizijacima)


21. PROFESSIONAL WIDOW (originalna verzija)

baker, baker .. making the cake ....

:zvezda: :zvezda: :zvezda: :zvezda: :zvezda:
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