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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Two Gay Sports Club Will Represent Bulgaria at EuroGames 05 in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Fat Cats and Tangra will represent Bulgaria at the annual European gay games that this year will be hosted by the Netherlands again where the first Eurogames in 1992 were held. From 16 to 19 June Utrecht will welcome over 3000 participans and more than 15000 visitors.

The Bulgarian guys will take part in 6 of 9 sports of the event as most of the particpants are in the volleyball tournament - Tangra will play in the B+ level and Fat Cats will play in the C level. The hopes for medals are in the Field and Tracks, Sport Dances and the Volleyball. Until these games Bulgarians have participated at Zurich 2000 - 2 medals and Munich 2004 - 4 medals.

Wish success to the guys!

12 June 2005

First gay sport event in Veliko Turnovo
Next weekend (May 28th and 29th) members of the sports club Tangra-Bulgaria will take part in the first LGBT sport event outside of the Bulgarian capital.

In the old Bulgarian capital - the town of Veliko Tarnovo - will be held competitions in running and volleyball. Of course the parties will be not forgotten. Hosted housing will be organized for all the guests of the town of Veliko Tarnovo.

Tangra is thankful to all gay sport fans from Veliko Tarnovo, that have participated in our volleyball tournament Sofia-Tangra-Open!
Korisnikov avatar
By * NajS *
Svi junaci nikom ponikoshe....

Smem da se kladim da nijedan od nashih forumashkih tzv sportista ne bi smeo da priviri na EuroGamesu!!!

:D :D :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Fearless
Idi u Trac Arenu da sastavis ekipu gadjachica pudrijerama (to mesto pikada) :bundeva: :bundeva: :bundeva:
Korisnikov avatar
Originally posted by Fearless
Idi u Trac Arenu da sastavis ekipu gadjachica pudrijerama (to mesto pikada) :bundeva: :bundeva: :bundeva:
:smilegrin: :D
Korisnikov avatar
bacanje polomljene stikle u dalj
brzina bezanja pred Obrazom u sekundi...
duzina gledanja u ogledalcetu
uporedjivanje spiskova "ko koga jebo"...
uporedjivanje spiskova"ko mene nije jebo i zasto"...

imamo mi srbi jos disciplina nego mi se spaaava sad
Korisnikov avatar
By * NajS *
Originally posted by Fearless
Idi u Trac Arenu da sastavis ekipu gadjachica pudrijerama (to mesto pikada) :bundeva: :bundeva: :bundeva:
Ti cesh biti kapiten ekipe, pardon kapitenka!!!

:hvala: :hvala: :hvala:
Korisnikov avatar
By pijero
ja sma bio tamo i bilo je super
Korisnikov avatar
By Zibro
evo ja cu biti klubski fizioterapeot :klap:
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