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Diskusija o HIV-u, podrska, iskustva...

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Korisnikov avatar

Republika Srbija
Prvo opštinsko javno tužilaštvo
u Beogradu
A. 86/ 2006. 8. mart 2006. Beograd


Povodom krivicne prijave podnete Prvom opštinskom javnom tužilaštvu u Beogradu dana 18.08.2005.godine od strane oštecene, protiv bivšeg supruga iz koje proizilazi da je bivši suprug, iako je imao saznanja da je HIV pozitivna osoba u periodu od 2000. godine do 2005. godine, oštecenu kao i njihovu zajednicku maloletnu decu doveo u opasnost od prenošenja infekcije HIV-om, Prvo opštinsko javno tužilaštvo u Beogradu je dana 06.02.2006.godine, a nakon sprovedene istrage, podiglo optužni akt protiv okrivljenog za tri krivicna dela iz grupe krivicnih dela protiv zdravlja ljudi.

Prvo opštinsko javno tužilaštvo u Beogradu stavilo je predlog sudu da sa glavnog pretresa bude iskljucena javnost radi zaštite licnog i porodicnog života oštecenih, a sve iz razloga velike zainteresovanosti i pritiska javnosti i novinara.


Mr Goran Ilic
By biotherm
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uspeo sam te slike naci na netu...

mozda bi to bilo dobro resenje...


Korisnikov avatar
By Schveca
..ovo obelezavanje mi lichi na zute zvezde i roze trouglice...

..zigosanje, etiketiranje... time bi one koji nisu osvetnici gurnuli josh dalje na margine... chini mi se to kao dobro reshenje...

..najbolje reshenje je ne jebi se sa kim stignesh i zashtiti se pobogu :roll:
Korisnikov avatar
By crni90
Schveca napisao:..ovo obelezavanje mi lichi na zute zvezde i roze trouglice...

..zigosanje, etiketiranje... time bi one koji nisu osvetnici gurnuli josh dalje na margine... chini mi se to kao dobro reshenje...

..najbolje reshenje je ne jebi se sa kim stignesh i zashtiti se pobogu :roll:
nije kriv psihopata koji svesno prenosi hiv, već samo onaj što se nije zaštitio? pročitao sam svakakve gluposti na ovom forumu, ali ova je definitivno najveća
oni koji svesno šire hiv nisu ništa drugo nego ubice bez ikakvih moralnih skrupula, a mesto im je u zatvoru
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
sida se ne dobija
vetj se uzima
neodgovornim ponashanjem
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
spliff napisao:sida se ne dobija
vetj se uzima
neodgovornim ponashanjem

Ali isto tako, mislim da oni koji znaju da su +, nemaju trunku morala i svesno cute o tome i svesno idu da jos nekom upropaste zivot pored svog.
By Kragi
Casino napisao:
spliff napisao:sida se ne dobija
vetj se uzima
neodgovornim ponashanjem

Ali isto tako, mislim da oni koji znaju da su +, nemaju trunku morala i svesno cute o tome i svesno idu da jos nekom upropaste zivot pored svog.

Odsustvo morala bi pre bio skroz neempatican stav u kojem bi se drznuo da diskriminisem hiv pozitivne nazivajuci njihov zivot upropastenim.
Pored toga sto me milioni ljudi sirom sveta demantuju, bojim se da je skrivanje hiv pozitivnog statusa upravo (uglavnom) posledica ovakvog odnosa prema tim ljudima.
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
Kragi napisao:
Casino napisao:
spliff napisao:sida se ne dobija
vetj se uzima
neodgovornim ponashanjem

Ali isto tako, mislim da oni koji znaju da su +, nemaju trunku morala i svesno cute o tome i svesno idu da jos nekom upropaste zivot pored svog.

Odsustvo morala bi pre bio skroz neempatican stav u kojem bi se drznuo da diskriminisem hiv pozitivne nazivajuci njihov zivot upropastenim.
Pored toga sto me milioni ljudi sirom sveta demantuju, bojim se da je skrivanje hiv pozitivnog statusa upravo (uglavnom) posledica ovakvog odnosa prema tim ljudima.
Zasto bi to bilo diskriminisanje? Ljudi sa hivom su danas diskriminisani jer nemaju svi svest o tome sta i kako. Treba raditi na edukaciji tih ljudi. Ok, sa hivom se danas zivi, ali sta, taj neko nije sebi upropastio zivot, osudjen da ostatk zivota bude na lekovima znajuci da ce umreti zbog toga? Da se razumemo, nemam nista protiv ljudi sa hivom, svakom moze da se desi, ma koliko se cuvao, ali sam protiv toga da svesno ides ka tome da hiv prenes drugim ljudima. Znam za slucaj gde je lik koji je + rekao, bas me briga, dok me ne pitaju necu nikom reci. :zid:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Danas se umire od posledica Hiva jedino u nerazvijenim zemljama.
Lekovi su dovoljno napredni da održavaju nivo imuniteta normalnim decenijama.
A od čega će čovek umreti, to se nikad ne zna, bio potpuno zdrav ili ne.

Status bolesti ima više veze sa politikom nego realnom opasnošću danas, kako je povezana sa sexualnim činom i reprodukcijom.

Naravno da sam protiv bilo kakvog namernog prenošenja, ali govoriti o otvorenom kazivanju o nečijoj bolesti svakom prolazniku na ulici je čista glupost.
Ljudi su neobrazovani, neobavešteni i često zlonamerni.
Teško je ispraviti mnogo banalnije oblike ponašanja i mišljenja, u Srbiji je ovo još uvek tabu tema.

Obeleživanje tetovažom :ubise:
Biti bolestan i kriminalac se nekada preklapa, ali se nikada ne poklapa.
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
Dirrty napisao:Danas se umire od posledica Hiva jedino u nerazvijenim zemljama.
Lekovi su dovoljno napredni da održavaju nivo imuniteta normalnim decenijama.
A od čega će čovek umreti, to se nikad ne zna, bio potpuno zdrav ili ne.
Slazem se ali s druge strane nije svaciji imunitet jak i lekovi na svakog deluju drugacije. Na nekoga ce delovati odlicno a na nekoga ne.

Dirrty napisao:Naravno da sam protiv bilo kakvog namernog prenošenja, ali govoriti o otvorenom kazivanju o nečijoj bolesti svakom prolazniku na ulici je čista glupost.
Ljudi su neobrazovani, neobavešteni i često zlonamerni.
Teško je ispraviti mnogo banalnije oblike ponašanja i mišljenja, u Srbiji je ovo još uvek tabu tema.
Ovde cu se potpuno sloziti sa tobom. Ja nista drugo nisam ni rekao. Naravno da sam protiv otvorenog kazivanja o necijoj bolesti. Samo sam protiv onih ljudi koji ne zele da kazu svom partneru vec svesno idu na to da ga zaraze.
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By charlibilson
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By charlibilson
Microsoft Edge crashing, there are several steps you can take to try and resolve the issue Restart Edge Close all Edge browser windows and open it again. This can sometimes resolve the issue. Clear browsing data: Clearing browsing data can help resolve issues with Edge crashing. To do this, click on microsoft edge support the three dots in the top right-hand corner of Edge, then click on Update Edge: Make sure you have the latest version of Edge installed. To check for updates, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of Edge, then click on "Settings" and select "About Microsoft Edge". If there is an update available, it will automatically download and install. Check your internet connection Make sure you have a stable internet connection. You can try connecting to a different network or resetting your router browsing data: Clearing browsing data can sometimes help resolve issues with Edge not loading pages. To do this, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of Edge, then click on microsoft edge issues "Settings" and select "Privacy, search, and services". Under "Clear browsing data", select the time range for which you want to clear the data and then select the types of data you want to clear. Finally, click on "Clear now" to clear the data. Reset Edge: If none of the above steps work, you may need to reset Edge to its default settings. To do this, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of Edge, then click on "Settings" and select "Reset settings". This will reset Edge to its default settings and may resolve any issues causing it not to load pages.
Google Chrome website chrome crashing windows 10 and click the "Download Chrome" button. Choose the appropriate download link for your operating system. Once the download is complete, run the installer file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. After the installation is complete, open Chrome by clicking on the Chrome icon on your desktop or by searching for it in your computer's applications folder. Chrome browser keeps crashing, here are some steps you can take to try and fix the issue Restart Chrome: Close all tabs and windows, and then re-open Chrome. Clear browsing data: Go to Chrome Settings > chrome freezes Privacy and security > Clear browsing data. Select the time range for which you want to clear data and make sure "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files" are selected. Then click on "Clear data". Disable extensions: Go to Chrome Settings > Extensions and disable all extensions. Then restart Chrome and see if the problem persists. If not, re-enable the extensions one by one until you find the culprit.
Arris router involves accessing its web interface and making changes to its settings. Here are the steps you can follow to configure an Arris router Connect your computer to the Arris router using an Ethernet cable or connect to the wireless network. Open a web browser and type in the default gateway IP address for the Arris router in the address bar. update Arris router firmware This address is usually or Enter the username and password for the router when prompted. The default username is "admin" and the default password is either "password" or "1234" Once you're logged in, you can access the router's configuration page and start making changes to its settings. arris router configuration You can configure the wireless network settings, set up port forwarding, configure parental controls, and much more. Make sure to save any changes you make to the router's settings before exiting the configuration page.
Brother printer not working". Here are some steps you can follow to troubleshoot and resolve issues with your Brother printer Check the printer's power supply Make sure the printer is properly plugged in and the power switch is turned on. Brother printer not connecting to pc Check the printer's connections: Ensure that the printer is properly connected to your computer or network. If the printer is connected via USB cable, try connecting it to a different USB port on your computer. Check for error messages: If your printer has an LCD display, check for any error messages that may be displayed. If you see an error message, look it up in the printer's manual or on the Brother website for troubleshooting steps. Brother wireless printer not printing Check the wireless connection: Make sure that your Brother printer is connected to your wireless network. Check the wireless status of the printer and make sure it is connected to the correct network. Restart the printer and router: Turn off both the printer and the router, wait for a few seconds, and then turn them back on. This will refresh the wireless connection. Check the network settings:

Losing belly fat after delivery can be a challenging process, but there are several steps you can take to help you achieve your goal Start with light exercise: Start with light exercises such as walking, yoga, or stretching. These activities can help to reduce stress and increase blood flow, which can help to burn calories and reduce belly fat. weight loss tips after delivery Incorporate strength training Strength training can help to increase muscle mass, which can in turn increase your metabolism and help to burn more calories. You can incorporate strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and planks into your routine. Eat a healthy, balanced diet how to lose weight after c section delivery Eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for losing belly fat after delivery. Focus on eating lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid processed and high-sugar foods as much as possible. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water can help to flush out toxins from your body and help you feel full, which can in turn reduce your appetite. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for your overall health and can also help with weight loss. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Consider breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can help to burn calories and can help you lose weight after delivery. Speak with your doctor or a lactation consultant for advice on breastfeeding.
There are several foods that may help support thyroid function and help control thyroid levels. Here are some examples Iodine-rich foods best way to reduce weight The thyroid gland needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones. Good sources of iodine include seaweed, iodized salt, seafood, dairy products, and eggs. Selenium-rich foods: Selenium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in thyroid hormone metabolism. Good sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, fish, meat, and whole grains. Zinc-rich foods: Zinc is important for proper thyroid function and helps convert thyroid hormones into their active form. Good sources of zinc include oysters, beef, chicken, pumpkin seeds, and nuts. Fiber-rich foods: Fiber can help improve digestion and prevent constipation, which can be a common symptom of an underactive thyroid. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. A healthy and balanced diet is important for people with thyroid problems. The following diet chart can help manage the symptoms of thyroid Include iodine-rich foods such as seaweed, saltwater fish, dairy products, and eggs. Eat foods high in selenium such as Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, and whole grains. Consume foods rich in zinc such as legumes, nuts, and seeds. best diet plan for fat loss Include lean proteins such as chicken, fish, beans, and lentils. Eat fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants such as blueberries, spinach, kale, and broccoli. Limit processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. Avoid goitrogenic foods such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) and soy products. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine. A sample diet chart for thyroid:

Mozilla Firefox, the popular web browser developed by Mozilla, follow these steps Open your web browser and go to the Mozilla Firefox website mozilla download Click the green "Download Firefox" button. The website will automatically detect your operating system and provide you with the appropriate version of Firefox for your computer. Once the download is complete, click on the downloaded file to start the installation process. Once the installation is complete, launch Firefox and start browsing the web. download the latest version of Firefox for free by going to the official Mozilla Firefox website at firefox free download Once you're on the website, click on the "Download Firefox" button. The website will automatically detect your operating system and suggest the appropriate version of Firefox for your device.
install Edge on Linux, you can follow the below steps Microsoft Edge download page for Linux microsoft edge crashing and select the appropriate Linux distribution you are using. Download the Edge package for your Linux distribution. Once the package is downloaded, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the package is saved. Once the installation is complete, you can launch Edge from the applications menu or by typing in the terminal. Go to the Microsoft Edge download page for Linux microsoft edge not loading pages and select the appropriate Linux distribution you are using. Download the Edge package for your Linux distribution. Once the package is downloaded, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the package is saved. Install the package using your Linux distribution's package manager. For example, if you are using Ubuntu, you can use the following command.
Safari's Google search is not working. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try Check your internet connection safari not opening on mac Make sure that you have a stable internet connection. If you're using Wi-Fi, try resetting your router. Clear Safari's cache: Clearing Safari's cache may resolve any issues with the browser. To clear the cache, go to Safari > Preferences > Privacy, and click on "Manage Website Data." Then, select "Remove All" to clear the cache. Reset Safari: If none of the above steps work, try resetting Safari to its default settings. To do this, go to Safari > Reset Safari, and select all the options. safari will not open

Panasonic varies depending on your country and the product you need assistance with. In the United States, the Panasonic customer support number is 1-800-211-7262.For other countries, please visit the Panasonic global support page at panasonic customer service html and select your location to find the appropriate contact information. Panasonic customer care number may vary depending on your location and the specific product or service you are inquiring about. However, you can find the customer care number for your region by visiting the Panasonic website and navigating to the "Contact Us" page. panasonic support From there, you can select your country and product category to get the appropriate customer care number. Alternatively, you can search online for the Panasonic customer care number for your specific location and product.
Acer laptop won't turn on. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue Check the power source Make sure that your laptop is properly plugged in and that the power outlet is functioning. Check the battery: If your laptop is not plugged in, make sure that the battery is not drained. acer help Try charging it for a while and then turning on the laptop. Try a hard reset: Disconnect the laptop from the power source, remove the battery, and hold down the power button for 30 seconds. Then, put the battery back in, connect the laptop to the power source, and try turning it on. Acer keyboard. Here are a few troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix the problem Check the connection: Ensure that the keyboard is properly connected to your computer. If it's a wired keyboard, make sure the cable is plugged in securely. If it's a wireless keyboard, check the batteries and ensure that the keyboard is properly paired with your computer. Restart your computer: Sometimes, simply restarting your computer can fix the problem. acer contact number Save your work and then restart your computer to see if that resolves the issue. Check for updates: Ensure that your operating system and keyboard drivers are up to date. Check for any available updates and install them. Check for physical damage: Inspect your keyboard for any physical damage such as broken or stuck keys, liquid spills, or other damage. If you find any damage, you may need to replace the keyboard.
Pogo, a popular online gaming platform, is pogo contact number. Here, you can create an account and play a wide variety of games, including classic board games, card games, puzzle games, and more. You can also connect with other players and compete in multiplayer games, earn badges and rewards, and access exclusive features by becoming a Club Pogo member. Go to the Pogo website at club pogo support Click on the "Sign In" button located in the top right corner of the homepage. Enter your Pogo screen name and password in the designated fields. Click on the "Sign In" button.

Carbonite varies depending on your location and the type of support you need. Here are some options to contact Carbonite customer service carbonite backup For support in the United States and Canada, you can call 1-877-665-4466. For support in the United Kingdom, you can call +44 (0)800 048 8185. For all other countries, you can find the appropriate contact information by visiting Carbonite's website and selecting your location from the dropdown menu. Carbonite, I can try to help you with that. Carbonite is a company that provides cloud backup and recovery solutions for businesses and individuals. carbonite pricing They offer automatic and continuous backup of computer files to the cloud, which can be accessed and restored from anywhere with an internet connection. They also offer disaster recovery services and support for Microsoft Office 365. If you have any specific questions about Carbonite's products or services, I can try to help answer them.
Kodak Verité is a brand of printers produced by Kodak. These printers are designed to be affordable and easy to use, and they typically feature wireless connectivity options like Wi-Fi and mobile printing capabilities. Kodak Verité printers use a proprietary ink technology called kodak verite printer which consists of a combination of pigment-based and dye-based inks. According to Kodak, this technology allows for lower ink usage and more vibrant colors compared to traditional inkjet printers. Affordable ink: Kodak claims that its Verité 5 ink cartridges are more affordable than those of other printer brands, thanks to their lower ink usage and longer lifespan. Kodak is a company that produces a range of printers, including all-in-one printers. All-in-one printers typically include printing, scanning, copying, and sometimes faxing capabilities in a single device. Kodak all-in-one printers usually offer features such as wireless printing, automatic document feeders, and the ability to print from mobile devices. Kodak has produced several models of all-in-one printers over the years, including the ESP, HERO, and Verite series. Some popular Kodak all-in-one printers include the Kodak ESP 5250, HERO 5.1, and Verite 55. kodak all in one printer Kodak all-in-one printer, it is important to consider factors such as print quality, printing speed, connectivity options, and ink cartridge costs. Additionally, it is always a good idea to read reviews and do research before making a purchase to ensure that the printer meets your needs.
uninstall McAfee from your Windows computer, you can follow these steps how to uninstall McAfee all open programs and make sure you are logged in as an administrator. Click on the Start button and select Control Panel. Follow the prompts in the McAfee uninstaller to remove the program from your computer. You may need to confirm your decision or provide your McAfee account information to proceed. Once the uninstall process is complete, restart your computer. McAfee Support website at McAfee support McAfee product, you can visit the McAfee website and navigate to their support page. From there, you can search for solutions to common issues or contact their customer support team via phone, email, or live chat.

Xerox printer drivers, follow these steps Go to the Click on the "Support" tab. In the search bar, type the model number of your Xerox printer. Click on the appropriate printer model from the list of results. Select your operating system from the drop-down menu. Click on xerox printer drivers tab. Scroll down and find the driver you need. Click on the download link and follow the prompts to complete the installation. Xerox printer keeps jamming, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue Check the paper quality: Make sure that the paper you are using is of good quality and is not too thick or too thin. Poor quality paper can cause jams. Check the paper tray Make sure that the paper in the tray is stacked neatly and is not too high. Overloading the tray can cause jams. Clean the printer: Regularly cleaning the printer can help prevent jams. Remove any debris or dust from the paper feed area, xerox printer keeps jamming rollers, and other parts of the printer. Check the rollers The rollers in the printer can become worn or dirty over time, which can cause paper jams. Clean the rollers using a damp cloth or replace them if necessary. Reset the printer: Sometimes resetting the printer can help clear any errors or issues that may be causing jams. Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source for a few minutes, then plug it back in and turn it on.
Epson printer or other Epson device, you may need to update its firmware from time to time to ensure that it is functioning properly and has the latest features and security enhancements. Here are the steps to update your Epson firmware Go to the Epson Support website and locate your printer or device model. epson firmware update Download the latest firmware update file for your device and save it to your computer. Connect your Epson device to your computer using a USB cable or Wi-Fi connection. Open the firmware update tool provided by Epson. This tool may be included with the firmware update file you downloaded, or it may be available for download from the Epson Support website. epson printer printing blank pages Follow the instructions provided by the firmware update tool to install the latest firmware on your device. This may take several minutes, so be patient and do not interrupt the process. Epson printer is printing blank pages, it could be due to several reasons. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take Check the ink levels: Make sure that the ink cartridges in your Epson printer have enough ink. If they are low, replace them with new cartridges. Clean the print heads: Over time, the print heads in your Epson printer can get clogged with dried ink. You can use the printer's built-in cleaning function to clean the print heads. Go to your printer's control panel, select "Maintenance," and then choose "Head Cleaning." Check the paper: Make sure that the paper you're using is compatible with your Epson printer. Also, check to see if the paper is loaded correctly in the paper tray. Restart the printer: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the issue. Turn off your printer and unplug it from the power source. Wait for a few minutes and then plug it back in and turn it on.
Brother printer is showing as offline, there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue Check the printer's connectionbrother printer is offline Make sure that your printer is connected to your computer or network properly. If it's a wireless printer, ensure that it's connected to your Wi-Fi network. Restart your printer: Turn off your printer, unplug it from the power source, and wait for a few minutes before plugging it back in and turning it on again. Reset your printer: If none of the above steps work, try resetting your printer to its default settings. Refer to the printer's manual for instructions on how to do this. Here are the steps to connect your Brother printer to a WiFi network Make sure that your WiFi network is working properly and that you have the connect brother printer to wifi and password. Turn on your Brother printer and press the "Menu" button on the control panel. Use the arrow keys to navigate to "Network" and press "OK". Select "WLAN" and then "Setup Wizard". The printer will search for available WiFi networks. Select your WiFi network from the list and press "OK". If prompted, enter the password for your WiFi network and press "OK". Once the printer is connected to the WiFi network, it will display a message confirming the connection. You can print a network configuration page to confirm that the printer is connected to the WiFi network.
Canon printer is producing blank pages, there could be several reasons for this problem. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow Check the ink or toner cartridges Make sure the ink or toner cartridges are not empty or low on ink. If they are, replace them with new ones. Clean the printhead: Over time, the printhead may get clogged with dried ink. canon printer blank pages You can use the printer's cleaning function to clean the printhead. Refer to the printer manual for instructions. Reset the printer: Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source for a few minutes. Then, plug it back in and turn it on. Canon printer is not printing. Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try Check the printer's power Canon printer is not printing Make sure that the printer is turned on and connected to a power source. If the printer's power light is not lit, check the power cord and outlet to ensure that they are working. Check the printer's connectivity: Ensure that your printer is properly connected to your computer or mobile device, either through USB or wireless connection. If using a wireless connection, ensure that the printer and device are connected to the same network. Check the ink or toner cartridges: Ensure that the ink or toner cartridges have enough ink or toner to print. If the cartridges are empty or low, replace them with new ones. Check the print queue: If there are any print jobs stuck in the print queue, cancel them and try printing again. Run a printer diagnostic test: Most printers have a diagnostic test that can help identify any issues. Refer to your printer manual for instructions on how to run a diagnostic test.
Dell Support Assist is a software program developed by Dell that provides automated support and updates for Dell computers and devices. It can help users diagnose and resolve issues, optimize system performance, and keep software and drivers up-to-date. To access Dell Support Assist, you can either download it from the Dell website or it may come pre-installed on your Dell device. Once you have it installed, you can launch it by searching for it in the Start menu or by clicking on the Support Assist icon in the system tray. dell support assist Once launched, Dell Support Assist will scan your computer for any hardware or software issues and provide recommendations for resolving them. It can also provide notifications for available updates, and allow you to install them with just a few clicks. Overall, Dell Support Assist can be a useful tool for maintaining the health and performance of your Dell device, and can save you time and effort in troubleshooting issues. Check the connection: Make sure that your printer is properly connected to your computer or network. Printer offline dell If you are using a USB connection, check that the cable is securely plugged into both the printer and the computer. If you are using a network connection, make sure that your printer and computer are connected to the same network. Check for errors: If there are any error messages or codes displayed on the printer or computer, note them down and try searching for solutions online or contacting Dell support for assistance.
Epson printer error code 0x9a usually indicates a hardware failure or malfunction in the printer's internal parts. epson printer error code 0x9a This error code can occur due to various reasons, such as a corrupted firmware, a paper jam, or a damaged internal component. Here are some steps you can try to resolve the error code 0x9a Restart the printer: Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source. Wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in and turn it on. Check if the error code has disappeared. Check for paper jams: Open the printer cover and check if there are any paper jams or foreign objects inside the printer. If there are any, carefully remove them and then try printing again. Contact Epson support: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it may be necessary to contact Epson support for further assistance. They may be able to diagnose the issue and provide a solution or repair options. Epson error code 0x97 is a common error that occurs on Epson printers, particularly on models such as the WF-4630, WF-3640, WF-7610, WF-7620, and WF-5620. Epson error code 0x97 This error code indicates a problem with the internal hardware of the printer. Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source. Leave it unplugged for at least 5 minutes. While the printer is unplugged, press and hold the power button for 1 minute. After 5 minutes, plug the printer back in and turn it on. If the error code persists, you may need to clean the print head. Refer to the printer manual for instructions on how to do this. If cleaning the print head doesn't work, it's possible that the printer's motherboard has failed and needs to be replaced. Contact Epson support or a professional printer repair service for assistance.
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