hvala, Zlatna Ptica. tako sam nažalost i mislio.
međutim, ja nisam osoba koja ne polazi u daljnju akciju. već sam kontaktirao određenu "instituciju" koja analizira stanje medija u Srbiji kada se pravi izveštaj o napretku Srbije u EU i žalio se na stanje u medijima u Srbiji konkretno B92 koji se diči da je nešto što uopšte nije.
hoću mi, treba mi još toga da uradim! zato pitam koja je je najdirektnija, najrelevantnija i najefektivnija instanca koja analizira i prati medijske slobode u Srbiji u procesu ove pridruživanju EUu da izložim žalbu s konkretnim slučajem od danas. please!
evo, konkretno koga zanima, žalio sam se ovako malopre to European Centre For Press And Media Freedom
Hello, please report on terrible situation of censorship and media totally subjugated by the authoritarian right-wing regime in Serbia, the regime which glorifies and praises Trump and his right-wing attacks on journalists in America and glorifies and praises the right-wing dictatorships around the world such as Putin's regime, Erdogan's regime, Orban's regime, Saudi regime, United Arab Emirates' regime and similar.
I follow
http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/sve_vesti.php" target="_blank? as it used to be a voice of progressive civil Serbia back in time of Slobodan Milosevic's dictatorship. However, regarding that media house, the role is reversed now. Aleksandar Vucic's antiprogressive right-wing regime, which used to be most of his time part of an extreme right-wing Serbian Radical Party in coalition with Milosevic's regime back in the 90ies, and now ironically bearing a total misnomer so called "Serbian Progressive Party" when they're actually ANTIPROGRESSIVE, only dishonestly pretending to want to join EU , but, like I said, Vucic actually never changed i.e. he remained authoritarian nationalist and chauvinist, so, that Vucic's regime totally subjugated media B92 so that any dissenter to Vucic's or Trump's regime comment is either unpublished or is used to hit the negative ratings with minuses purposely hit on to force to shape the public opinion as pro-Vucic, although the opposite is true even in Serbia. For example, upon writing the comments I always respect that I obey the Article of certain number about the Law of Public Informations, so, I send the comments without hatreds, without intolerance, without foul language, I send decently worded although truly progressively principled and consistent comments. B92 immediately allows the right-wing mindset attackers to attack me and will not publish my reply. They publish without hesitation the Trump fans comments that call for physical extermination i.e. genocide and holocaust of the progressive left people of America and the world and they award such comments with pluses or recommendations. Only in one instance upon my multiple and persistent intervention in the form of Complaint to remove such unbearably hateful comment did they finally reluctantly removed it. Today I sent law-abiding and decently worded but progressive and left-wing in nature comments and B92 immediately allowed the right-wing attackers to attack me. They did not let me reply by blocking my IP from sending my reply, and not only that, when I complained why they're blocking me, they REMOVED ALL MY COMMENTS OF TODAY although they were law-abidingly written and decent but only progressively and politically left dissenting to the the right-wing ideologies. So, they censor me and block me exactly because they don't allow nor tolerate the true progressive and dissenting voices to be heard or seen. They stifle the dissenting from the right-wing regime voices and comments to even exist.
Please, bear this horrible situation in mind in Serbia when taking a look at Serbia in its transition toward joining the European Union. Serbia is miserably FAILING!
edit, a, evo šta i kako se konkretno desilo danas
u komentarima na vest
http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php ... id=1278421" target="_blank
na linku
http://www.b92.net/info/komentari.php?nav_id=1278421" target="_blank
prvo su objavili moj ovaj komentar - eto na šta je spala Amerika s trump-om. trump je joe mccarthy 21og veka. (kraj komentara)
da bi objavili eno onaj komentar jednog trump-putinoljupca koji živi u NYC-ju što znam iz njegovih odavnih pisanija po B92 i odavno mi je poznat da laje na progresivni deo Amerike i nacionalistički srbuje i putinuje iz najprogresivnijeg grada u Americi kojeg je u više navrata rekao da ne voli ali eto voli da i dalje živi u njemu a caps-lockovano vrišti da mu je ime DEDA CVETKO.
kad sam mu poslao komentar tj. repliku koji uopšte ne krši Član br. (koji ono) Zakona o javnom informisanju, ne samo da mi nisu hteli da objave tu repliku već mi šalju block poruku koja se tiče moje IP adrese na baš sve vesti i komentare. kada sam se žalio putem Kontakta ovako - Od malopre, na koju god vest hoću da pošaljem svoj jedan i prvi komentar u Vestima, pišete mi, citiram "Sa Vaše IP adrese je već poslat komentar na ovu vest." (završen citat) iako to NIJE UOPŠTE ISTINA da sam već poslao komentar. Čemu ovakvo tretiranje mene kao komentatora i čemu i dokle ovakva cenzura?
nakon toga oni su uklonili sve moje ranije poslate i objavljene komentare uklj. na ovu vest i link i na ove vesti
http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php ... id=1278435" target="_blank na linku
http://www.b92.net/info/komentari.php?nav_id=1278435" target="_blank gde sam bio poslao komentar - čestitam Kanado, svetioniku zapadne hemisfere! moja buduća domovino! (kraj komentara), zatim na vest
http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php ... id=1278628" target="_blank na linku
http://www.b92.net/info/komentari.php?nav_id=1278628" target="_blank gde sam bio poslao komentar - vi ste u sličnoj poziciji jer ste slične desničarske populističke (čitaj, zavedi ljude s nižom inteligencijom) ideologije, bolje reći, DEMAGOGIJE, ti na srpski, on na američki način. slični vama dvojici su i putin, erdogan, arapske vehabije, orban, le pen, netanyahu...svaki u svojim nacijama. da, vučiću, jako ste slični, dobro si priznao. (kraj komentara).
a da i ne pominjem još par komentara na par vesti koje nisu uopšte ni bili objavili......