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Korisnikov avatar
By .:Q:.
Potpuno razumem zašto nas mrze.
By Garbo
Pazi kako se raspadas. Sam ces morati da se sastavljas.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Čoveka ne možete ničemu naučiti; možete samo da mu pomognete da to pronađe u sebi."

Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Zdravo!" iz slušalice se razleva meki glas... "Ovde je Marilyn Monroe."
Kao što je posle kazao Strasbergu, Roth se u šali pravio da nije razumeo. "Koja Marilyn?"
U nedoumici da možda nije okrenula krivi broj, ona je objasnila: "Ma, znate, Marilyn glumica iz klase."
"Oh! Ta Marilyn," odgovorio je Roth. Marilyn se pojavila nešto kasnije teško dišući od uspinjanja do petoga sprata njegove kuće bez lifta. Bacila je pogled na neurednu sobu sa svakojakim otpacima po podu i zabrinula se.
"Vama je potrebna neka žena koja će brinuti o ovom stanu", kazala je i... pre nego što su počeli svoj zajednički posao, očistila je pod, sve papire sredila u uredne krpe i ispraznila pepeljare.

Mirni protest prati čitanje ove knjige. Uznemirenje bubri posle.

Korisnikov avatar
By PainKiller
^ Fino je videti još nešto od nje osim onog standardnog "I'm selfish, impatient etc."


Par iz "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" - ne preterano duboki koliko začuđujuće tačni.

“Sometimes, all you have to do is tell people the truth. They won't believe you. After that, they'll leave you alone.”

“I don't always have to understand the people I love.”

“The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.”
Korisnikov avatar
By PainKiller
Aww <3


I ovo mi pade na pamet, iz serije "The Fosters" kada Lena (Lina) objašnjava svom usvojenom gej sinu Džudu zašto je u redu da ovaj farba nokte ako hoće.

"Sometimes when we're out in a new neighborhood or walking home late to our car, we won't hold hands. Why? Some people out there are afraid of what's different, and sometimes they want to hurt people like Stef and me. So, every time we're out and I want to hold Stef's hand, but I decide not to? I get mad. I'm mad at the people who might want to hurt us, but mad at myself, too, for not standing up to them. 'Cause the thing is, if you're taught to hide what makes you different, you can end up feeling a lot of shame about who you are, and that's not ok. There's nothing wrong with you for wearing nail polish, just like there's nothing wrong with me for holding Stef's hand. What's wrong is the people out there who make us feel unsafe."
Korisnikov avatar
By Hitsugaya
I am a part of that part that in the beginning was the Whole. A part of the Darkness, Darkness that gave birth to Light. The proud Light that now competes with Mother Night, concerning her more ancient rank and place.
Korisnikov avatar
By AndrieExilia
"Tako to ide, najpre nekome oprostis nesto, onda sebi oprostis sto si oprostio."
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Kakvi ste vi Englezi, takav sam Gledson (tadašnji predsednik engleskog parlamenta)!"

Nikola Pašić

Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Nije bitno da li ćemo biti neko, bitno je da li ćemo biti srećni!"

Eva Ras
Korisnikov avatar
By PainKiller
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or a gazelle - when the sun comes up, you'd better be running.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Nisam računao na ljudsku glupost koju sam morao da obilazim da bih je obesmislio, ali bar sam je uspešno zaobišao u kosoj ravni i nije znala da postojim!" :jevrej:

Michael Jackson
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