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Korisnikov avatar
By macak86
gde su modovi kad mi najviše trebaju...aj kad se pojavi neko nek vide nekako da mi ili obrišu stari profil ili nekako srede ložinku na njemu da mogu da je promenim pa da brišem ovaj...

eee da...i pozdrav iz planinske slovenske vukojebine...umirem od dosade xD
Korisnikov avatar
By Kiborg
Koliko stvari treba da opeglam, a ja eto sedim ođe i kuliram :D
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
dobro ste me podsetili idem da stavim ves na pranje
Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
Predugo sam bio single, ovo 'vraćanje u promet' na online dating sajtovima je presmor :rida:

A: ja nemam problem sa tim sto neko upraznjava rekreativni sex, samo ne bi bio sa takvom osobom :)

*neugodna tišina*

A: sta je?
ZP: Ništa, ja nemam problem sa tim što neko ne bi bio sa osobom koja upražnjava rekreativni seks, samo ne bih bio sa takvom osobom. ^^
Korisnikov avatar
By macak86
jebem ti sloveniju,koža mi puca od tvrde vode i planinskog dan se šetam u majci s kratkim rukavima i bilo mi je super al sad mi se čini da sam dobio poznajem nikog,naravno...i hoću kućiii
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
ovaj the weekend guy je muska verzija lane del ray
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
sve vreme imam osecaj kao da od ponedeljka radim,a ne da imam jos celu sledecu nedelju odmora :sigh:
jos uvek se nisam opustio :sigh:
[url=]Blady napisao:[/url]Prvo ova dvojica, kako su mi bili fini, a kapiram da mi u stvari bila ona fina

The storyline is about a love triangle between two attractive young men who are fighting over one girl. Rolling Stone magazine calls the video "probably the most homoerotic pop video ever made", citing the slow-motion shots of the boys wrestling on the beach:

“ As such, the video exemplified the mainstream exploitation of gay sex in the Eighties, most evident in Calvin Klein ads and feature films like Top Gun. Unfortunately, Domino Dancing was every bit as dishonest, titillating the straight world with images it could never acknowledge, then doubling the repression by keeping openly gay expression closeted. ”
—Jim Farber, "Beyond the Big Hair – Video News and Notes", Rolling Stone magazine, 14–28 December 1989, page 235
The video was filmed in about four days in the old colonial district of San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1988. One of the locations that was featured in the music video is the Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery.

All the actors were Puerto Rican; the two boys were David Boira and Adalberto Martinez Mojica and the girl was Donna Bottman,[8] who was an aspiring actress and model. All of them were cast by the Pet Shop Boys.
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