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[url=http://www.gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2715638#p2715638]Kiborg napisao:[/url]ne podnosim libtarde
[url=http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2719553#p2719553]elizevin napisao:[/url]jedva sam cekala da neko odgovori na ovaj post ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓[url=http://www.gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2715638#p2715638]Kiborg napisao:[/url]ne podnosim libtarde
priznajem da sam morala ovu rec da potrazim u recniku
evo definicije u urban dictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Libtard" target="_blank
treba li reci da je definiciju pisao konzervativni, pro-fasisticki kapitalista
sve sto ja volim
za one koje mrzi da citaju, evo sta, izmedju ostalog, autoru definicije smeta kod libtarda:
"In a large nutshell, a libtard's goal in life includes one or more of the following:
--the establishment of a Socialist "utopia" (a.k.a. a global nanny state)
--the promotion of the tyranny of the minority
--the filing of specious law suits to shakedown corporations for cash (under the guise of "social responsibility")
--the disproportionate taxation of citizens "who have more money than they need"
--the banning and confiscation of all privately owned guns (even though it has lead to genocide)
--the destruction of Capitalism
--the further insertion of Socialist ideology and indoctrination into public school curricula
--mass thought control through "speech codes" and political correctness
--the further promulgation of the homosexual/pedophile agenda
--the teaching of HATE (superficially disguised as "Women's Studies", "African Studies", etc.)
--the legalization of marijuana ("far OUT, man")
--the establishment of world wide socialized medicine (under the guise of "fairness")
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of the American economy --the demonization of attempts to make English America’s national language
--world peace (which genocidal dictators define as: "the absence of conflict"--dead men cannot resist your brutal oppression)
--the conservation of the environment over the conservation of humanity
--the promotion of abortion as birth control, eugenics, and teaching the theory of evolution as fact (even though the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics precludes it from the get-go)
Not surprisingly, there is a thread of anti-Americanism that runs through these ideas. A libtard cannot stomach the idea that America, despite its faults, is the greatest country in the world. As such, he/she sees it as their duty to tarnish the country's current and past image using all available means including: cherry picking facts and using innuendo, half-truths, lies and fabrications
iskreno, koliko god da su naivni, i imaju neke idiotske ideje, imam puno vise simpatija za libtarde
ot: stvarno ne podnosim kretene kao sto je ovaj koji je pisao tu definiciju
[url=http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2715638#p2715638]Kiborg napisao:[/url]ne podnosim libtardeJoš uvek ih ne podnosim.
[url=http://gay-serbia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2719958#p2719958]alexandermagic napisao:[/url]Svoje preduge trepavice.
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