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Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By svemirskimajmun
napravio profil na rodeu po drugi put ..iz dosade
prvi put pre neko vece i obrisao
mozda cu opet da obrisem ako se onoliko smorim
you need to see this :lol:
I always thought it was funny that your player character in Pokemon is 10 years old. Like, yeah, they’re “anime ten” where they look at least 18 yadda yadda, but they’re still ten.

Imagine the people in the Pokemon League. These are fully grown adults, right? They’ve trained their entire lives to be the best trainers in their country. They’re the best of the best. And then a ten year old walks in. A high and mighty four foot tall ten year old with a big smile on their face walks in. They’ve never even seen a tity. They don’t know where babies come from. They’re ten.

How did this ten year old get in to your arena? Did they wander in here by mistake? They say they’re here to battle you. Aww, how cute. This kid wants to fight the big league trainers, so they snuck in to fight you. That’s cute and funny. You’ll tell the others about this next lunch break. You decide to humor the kid and accept their challenge. You toss out your level 50 Tyranitar. You and this Pokemon have spent decades together, you trained for ages to get it to Level 50. You’re the best trainer in the country.

The kid reaches on their belt and tosses a Master Ball. Wait, what? A Master Ball? How did that kid get a Master Ball? Out of the master ball pops…


God popped out of the Master Ball.

The very same God Pokemon that controls the flow of space, that you go to church and pray to every Sunday.

This ten year old kid just pulled out a Master Ball and threw God at you. God is, in fact, Level 73.

God shoots Hyper Beam at your life-long partner Tyranitar, causing it to evaporate in to dust. He’s fainted in one hit. The kid yawns.

The kid wipes your entire party of Pokemon, the Pokemon you spent most of your adult life training and caring for. You are stunned. You ask the trainer how long they’ve been doing this. They say “I started a couple of days ago.”

This kid is ten.
Naci dobre kineske novcice postaje kao lutrija. Ili su iz losih dinastija ili jeftina govna iz china shopova. Jutros pronadjoh i porucih samo tri, od dva ponudjaca, dva su iste velicine, od njih je jedan izbusen na stranama posto je bio dio narukvice, a treci je znatno manji. Oh well, trebat ce ih i reparirat. Sto je tu je.
[url=]Night napisao:[/url]
[url=]Hys. napisao:[/url]kako ja nisam znala ovu zenu o.O

genijalna je
Ona je tako underrated a ima brdo dobrih pesama...
Omiljene su mi Do you want a truth or something beautiful? I Only love can hurt like this...
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
Sve su seke jebane,
I ova je do mene;
Samo ova nije
Što se na me smije!


narodna erotska poezija. otkrila sam blago :radosnice:
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS

ja se smejem i ne mogu više :radosnice:
moram nešto da ostavim i za naredne dane :lol:

ali i ovo :smeh:

Сека мете улицу,
Натрћила гузицу,
Види јој се пика,
То је њојзи дика. :radosnice:
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