Slavi Jerusalime Gospodara
Veličaj Boga tvoga TSiyone (ili Sione, Zione, Cione) 2x
Jer je On učvrstio ograde kapija tvojih 2x
Blagoslovio decu tvoju unutar tebe 3x
Veličaj Boga tvoga.... 2x
Slavi Jerusalime..... 2x
Jer je On..... 2x
Blagoslovio decu..... 3x
Veličaj Boga tvoga..... 4x
ista pesma u mešanoj arapskoj i hebrejskog verziji, kaže Arabic prayers together with the Hebrew words of Psalm 147:12-13, exhorting Jerusalem to praise God. It is performed by Muhammad Al-Hussaini with Geoffrey Ahn and Paul Sims.
This song is dedicated with much love to my old mate James, and offered with deep regards and affection to my Jewish, Christian and Muslim friends and academic colleagues at Leo Baeck College and the Shalom Hartman Institute International Theology Conference, for the honour of their welcome and hospitality to me within their scholarly community.
transliteracija s arapskog
Yā Qudsu subḥī Allah
Yā Rabbu subḥān Allah... 2x
(prevod: Jerusaleme, slavi Boga,
Gospodaru, slava Bogu)
onda sledi hebrejski original..... do 2:09 videa,
pa arapski nastavak transliteracija
Anta 'ls-salām wa minka 'ls-salām
Tabārakt yā dā 'lġ-ġalāl wa 'l-ikrām
(prevod: Ti si mir i od tebe je (dolazi) mir,
Blagoslovljen si Ti koji poseduješ veličanstvenost i velikodušnost)
Yā Qudsu ......
Yā Rabbu ...... 2x
pa, hebrejski original.....
pa, arapski nastavak ......
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