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Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy

So what if it's breaking my heart at the root
Something that could happen to anyone, I suppose
Never any comfort to get from the truth
From knowing the part of this person that no one knows
So we just cry
With hopelessness
We're making such a mess

It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it
It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it

It's not that I'm frightened of being alone
It's just that I know what a burden this grief can be
Everything happens for something, I know
Can't understand for the moment what this could mean
That love is gone
That love is blind
That love is so unkind

It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it
It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it

Nobody wants to be happier more than me
Nobody wants to be happier more than I do
But happiness
I must confess
I don't have

It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it
It's long gone, buddy, now - run and go after it
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy

He was saying, 'You look like an angel.'
But you never really know what the hell to make of that
Take your pick 'cause it don't really matter
I get lonely when I hear it and sad when he takes it back
But all in all, another fall won't even make a dent

The world will turn, at least that's what they say
We'll crash and burn, it's hard to look away
That kind of thing is easier to say than do.

How about we break with tradition?
We'll pretend we're everything that you believe we're not
So he said, 'I guess I'll try, but on one condition.
Someone ought to let me know when it gets close to ten o'clock.'
But all in all, another fall won't even make a dent

The world will turn, at least that's what they say
We'll crash and burn, it's hard to look away
That kind of thing is easier to say than do.

But all in all, another fall won't even make a dent

The world will turn, at least that's what they say
We'll crash and burn, it's hard to look away
That kind of thing is easier to say than do.

You keep saying that you're only human
What you mean is that you think you're the only human here
Still I think that it's just a rumour
And you might as well be taking it home as a souvenir.

How about we break with tradition?
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy

Remember this, given us
By someone's set of parents
I don't recall, I admit
I don't know just who's to blame
For relics of our history...

To tell the truth, it wasn't bad
We had to have a reason
And lack of love wasn't it
We both know we had a past
But present must contain
A future where both of us can fit

So long and sorry, darling
I was counting to forever
And never even got to ten
So long and sorry, darling
When we found a rip in heaven
We should have just ascended then

It's funny how you just assume
You're going to work it out
Or give it at least a try
But optimistic feelings can't be
Passed from hand to hand
You handle them they tend to die

So long and sorry, darling
I was counting to forever
And never even got to ten
So long and sorry, darling
When we found a rip in heaven
We should have just ascended then

Well, better than if I just go away
Preserving the fiction of
Indifference now
Replacing love

So long and sorry, darling
I was counting to forever
And never even got to ten
So long and sorry, darling
When we found a rip in heaven
We should have just ascended then

We should have just ascended then
We should have just ascended then
Korisnikov avatar
By Kiborg
Sanguine Mandragora - Quantum Regeneration 2012
/neki mix goa-psy/
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