tek najbrži primer iz mog webmaila kako su peticije "totalno bezvr(ij)edne i nikad ništa ne postižu"
Dear Vel,
This year, we helped save a dog named Dutch because someone like you started a petition on Care2. Dutch was going to be euthanized because he bit a woman who was beating him with a pole. But then Jen Drake started a petition to save him, more than 300,000 of us signed it, and together we saved Dutch.
Every day Care2 members like you start petitions that make a huge difference in your communities. Together, we're saving dogs like Dutch, fighting climate change, calling out corporate abuse, and so much more.
Want to know what Dutch has been up to since we rescued him? Dutch's mom, Heather Aguilar, sent us the scoop – click here to see Dutch in action.
Below are some of the campaigns that Care2's 23 million members started and won this year. I hope you'll read them and then start your own petition to make a difference in 2014.
Thanks for all you've done this year!
Randy Paynter
Care2 Founder, CEO
When an apartment management company in South Dakota threatened to destroy the vegetable garden planted by a 4-year-old girl to help feed her disabled mom, more than 11,000 Care2 members signed the petition to save her garden – and it worked! The management company agreed to build a new raised bed vegetable garden.
The EU agreed to ban animal testing on cosmetics after more than 18,000 Care2 members signed the petition to end animal testing in Europe. Israel and India followed suit, stopping the systematic torture of hundreds of rabbits, rats and mice – and now more than 30,000 Care2 members have signed Chris' petition calling on the US to end cosmetics testing, too. Click here to sign Chris' petition now.
Fourteen-year-old Hannah Smith hanged herself after she turned to the website Ask.fm for help and was instead bullied and taunted. When Care2 member Emily Lohrman learned that bullying on Ask.fm was linked to several other teen suicides, she started a petition asking the site to make sure vulnerable teens like Hannah wouldn't be harassed – and after almost 40,000 Care2 members signed Emily's petition, Ask.fm unveiled a comprehensive anti-bullying policy.
A school in Massachusetts called the Judge Rotenberg Center is subjecting students to electric shocks, restraints, and isolation. Care2 member S E Smith found out about the school and started a petition demanding the U.S. Department of Education close it down. Thanks in part to the 12,000 Care2 members who have signed the petition so far, education officials are moving to regulate the school. It's still open, though – sign the petition now to demand its closure.
Thousands of Care2 members were outraged when an education official in South Sumatra proposed a mandatory virginity test for female high school students. After more than 52,000 Care2 members signed the petition denouncing the plan, Indonesian officials dismissed it.
10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan has cystic fibrosis. Earlier this year, Sarah's lung capacity was so low that her doctors said she would normally be moved to the top of the transplant list – but she was too young. Only kids older than twelve could be placed at the top of the list, no matter how sick. Loretta Metzler couldn't sit by and let Sarah die, so she started a petition on Care2 asking U.S. Health and Human Services to change their rules. After more than 10,000 Care2 members signed the petition, Sarah got a new pair of lungs and organ transplant policy has created a special appeal and review system for young patients.
Want to change something?
start a petition
zatim, AllOut
January 2011 - Helped stop the deportation of out lesbian Brenda Namgidadde back to Uganda.
February 2012 - We worked with RSFL in Sweden to change a Swedish law that required trans people to be sterilized in order to legally change gender.
May 2012 - All Out members raised $60,000 in emergency funds to make it possible for the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project to help 13 Iraqis suspected of being gay. With these funds they were able to flee the country and safely relocate, free from attacks by militias and, in some cases, their own families.
June 2012 - We joined with local activists to push the government of Ecuador to start shutting down 200 gay 'cure' torture clinics.
September 2012 - We launched a campaign to free Roger, who was jailed for texting "i'm very much in love w/u" to another man in Cameroon. Roger's is one of many tragic stories in a country where LGBT people are languishing in prisons just for being who they are. But, together we drew global attention to his case, causing governments with influence in Cameroon, like France and the UK, to respond. Working with Roger, we even got President Biya to tell the world "spirits are shifting" in Cameroon.
Dec 2012 - Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' bill stalled in parliament after pressure from a broad spectrum of governments and organisations, including over half a million All Out members speaking out.
March 2013 - We built the largest online campaign for marriage for all in France, and played a decisive role in the victory! All Out got an invite to the first wedding
June 2013 - We forced Apple, one of the world's most profitable companies, to drop a dangerous gay 'cure' app from their online stores. We also opened up some intense debate in Google about their policy regarding these apps, and we're figuring out the strategic moment to push them to drop the app.
February 2012 to now - Russia: we pushed the Olympic Committee to finally recognise LGBT people are covered by their own anti-discrimination principles, got David Cameron to raise the issue with President Putin personally, and have spread the world to millions across the world with high-profile gatherings in 21 countries and a video that went viral. Next year - we'll do everything we can to build the pressure until the law is overturned for good.