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Da li je Work ili Werk jos uvek nije sigrno ali novi singl izlazi uskoro. Ovih dana Britney snima spot i na tviteru je objavila da ce neke scene biti snimane u pustinji. Kao teaser dobili smo screenshot sa snimanja


Medju glasinama najcesce se pominje semplovanje RuPaulovog hita Supermodel (You Better Work). Josh ako se pojavi u spotu :love:

Datum izlaska novog singla nije objavljen ali se pretpostavlja da ce to biti 17.09. kad se zavrsi countdown na zvanicnom sajtu.

Who's excited? :eya:
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
nemam nista drugo da kazem sem da ce da always
Korisnikov avatar
By V25
Nadam se da će ovo biti nalik "Blackoutu", a pesma poput "Gimme more" :)
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
^^ pa izjavila je preko twitter-a da ce izbaciti Blackout 2.0 at some point
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip

A source reveals information from second day of shooting the video of Werk Bitch (which should however be called Hannah Spears Work Bitch).
-the scene was filmed with RuPaul;
-the concept of the video is mysterious. It seems there are people lost in the wilderness, and see Britney as a vision or something like that;
-Ben Mor directs together with her. Britney seems to have control over almost everything in this era;
-the scene of the whip is fantastic;
-are turning at night (as confirmed by Hanna), and it seems there is Britney driving in the desert and cars that approach;
-There are no info on stage in bikinis;
-There are some scenes where you hear gunshots.
-a text phrase says "You want a Bugatti? Wanna ride in my Maserati? You betta work bitch! " was not on the set, but it seems that meet Britney this week and ending of tracks, including the second with both.
Album 8:

Kao naziv albuma se navodi za sada All Eyes On Me i svetlost dana bi trebao ugledati u decembru.

Na albumu radi: William Orbit, Sia, Naughty Boy, Charlie XCX, Will.I.Am, Pharell, Elijak Blake
potpuno nova ekipa, putpuno novi zvuk, album ce biti privatan, lican, inspirisan njenim zivotom.

Tekstove piše Britney lično, Sia, Emeli Sande i mnogi drugi, 100% je ukljucena u album kao sto je bilo sa Blackoutom.

Prvi singl je Work Bitch, spot je snimljen, promocija počinje 17og na Good Morning America.
Baladu je uradio Orbit, a text su napisale Britney i Sia, na albumu će se naći i pesma " za sve moje dečake" posvećena gay osobama. Orbit je najavio da se auto- tune nece koristiti.

Turneja će prvu godinu biti u Las Vegasu, nakon toga bi trebala krenuti sa WW datumima, show će trajati 90minuta, postignut je dogovor, o tome vise u GMA u utorak.

Na albumu ce se pojavitii i reper Wiz Khalifa.

Britney je gostovala i na albumu Miley Cyrus: SMS (Bangerz) feat. Britney Spears, njen album izlazi u novembru, mislim da ako budu radili spot da ce biti brutalan.

Britney Spears:Writing and recording all day everyday...
Jako sam uzbuđena, i jedva čekam da čujete moj novi album…jedva čekam da čujete na čemu radim sve ovo vreme. Ovo će biti moj najličniji album ikada.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
poslednji put kada je imala kontrolu nad svojom muzikom izbacila je masterpiece Blackout :love:
takav je slucaj i sa ovim albumom...something great is coming :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Gde su joj bre sise tu, kako su je to ispeglali?!

Ne znam šta da očekujem od prvog singla, naziv je praznoglav, a nije više u cvatu mladosti da joj to dobro stoji...

Dopada mi se stajling u screenshotu spota.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
slazem se da je naslov bzvz...moglo je to mnogo bolje...ali dobro videcemo kakav ce single da bude...
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Da li to čujem hip hop, istripovala se da je crnac? :krezavi:
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
ma msm da je fake demo...ima ih zilion na netu :D
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip

Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
sta bi se desilo kad bi britney dosla u bg :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
bilo bi pozeljno da dodje za promenu :sigh:

naravno napunila bi arenu :D

"The most exciting bit is the middle eight which goes all epic and spacey with some proper hands-in-the-lasers lyrics." ... ch/119889/" target="_blank


"Brit is back sounding amazing with her new hit song, ‘Work B**ch,’ and we are so obsessed already. Honestly, we haven’t loved a song of hers this much since ‘Circus!’" ... ng-listen/" target="_blank


"Go call the governor" - a phrase we suspect will become as synonymous with her career as the immortal "It's Britney, b***h!". ... ine-LISTEN" target="_blank


"Get out your headphones or find a club that's open because Britney's "Work Bitch!" has leaked and it's a club banger!" ... page=0%2C1" target="_blank


“Work Bitch” reaffirms her position on the throne, and proves just why Britney is the best: We have never and will never have to worry about her musical output, because Britney Spears is the most consistent supplier of amazing pop music in the world." ... 3A+Muumuse+(MuuMuse" target="_blank)


"Move over Oprah. So what is the advice from Ms Spears on how to live a life like music videos and movies stars? Naturally, you betta ‘Work Bitch’." ... work-btch/" target="_blank


"We’re liking this one a lot, really. It’s at least a lot better than her Scream and Shout duet with Will.I.AM." ... sten-here/" target="_blank


"'Work Bitch' is an incredibly different song than I think any of us were expecting. The beat isn't straight-up EDM, but it's got some urban flares that give it a really unique sound." ... pears.html" target="_blank


"Britney Spears has done it again!" ... work-btch/" target="_blank


"The new Britney Spears single “Work Bitch” TOTALLY ROCKS in a “current” EDM kind of way! This is going to be MASSIVE!" ... ork-bitch/" target="_blank

MZ Hiphop:

"We don't like to sugarcoat things. We are all about the real! And the truth is… Britney Spears' new single, Work Bitch, is going to be a big hit!" ... Work-Bitch" target="_blank

"Unsurprisingly, the song was designed for clubs. It has a grand finale finish that caps the song off nicely" ... ad-stream/" target="_blank

"Early critics were right — that part of “Work Bitch” really is the best, albeit just one of several great quotable lines here."" target="_blank

Perez Hilton:

"Basically, everyone is going to be loving all over this HOT song." ... CDCb6.dpbs" target="_blank


"Work Bitch” is a full-on club banger with Brit confidently sing-talking over a hot electronic driven beat that sounds like both everything and nothing on the radio." ... -premiere/" target="_blank


"Couldn't you just imagine yourself now in a club with everyone just shouting You better work B*tch!" ... aked-48511" target="_blank

Britney Spears’ Heroic And Inspiring New Single ... itch-leaks" target="_blank

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