Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

Ljubi, ljubi al glavu ne gubi

Moderatori: KorvinOdAmbera, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
vec smo uspeli da se popickaramo :pucaodsmeha:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kadmiel
Wish we met under different circumstances.

Oh well, jbg. :P
Korisnikov avatar
By emo_haos_
položićeš. znam da hoćeš. zato što si fckn good i pisanju tih presuda i svemu tome. ponosna sam na tebe.
Korisnikov avatar
By mega therion
Svidjas mi se ali ne zelim da radimo bilo sta dok se ti muvas sa njom.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
"it's pretty obvious that you've got a crush
that magic in your pants
it's making me blush"
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
Pa, ljudi poput tebe svojim idiotlukom, kukavičlukom i licemerjem, oteraju od sebe sve što se oterati može. Pa kad zateknu pustaru u velikom prečniku oko sebe, uzmu da se iščuđavaju... Sve u svemu - ti si govedo i zaslužuješ sve ovo! :giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By Sanja Steppenwolfin
I used to make long speeches to you after you left. I used to talk to you all the time, even though I was alone. I walked around for months talking to you. Now I don't know what to say. It was easier when I just imagined you. I even imagined you talking back to me. We'd have long conversations, the two of us. lt was almost like you were there. I could hear you, I could see you, smell you.
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
ajde, dodjite, spremna sam! drama moze da pocne.
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
joj mogla bih te celu noć samo tako gledati.

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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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