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Korisnikov avatar
By bothways
^ i meni se dojmilo kao mlaka izvedba. ako se dobro sećam, sam film je tehnički i vizuelno jako lepo izveden, ali eto, priča je ispala malo onako...
Meni je taj "From Beginning To End" bio relativno nezanimljiv. Pogledao sam ga do kraja jer mnogo volim portugalski, ali da je ostavio neki utisak na mene i nije baš. Imao sam utisak da je autor samo hteo da šokira tom incestnom vezom, ali je sve ispalo smućkano.

Nije loš "No se lo digas a nadie", mislim da je peruanski. I super mi je "Ma vie en rose".
Korisnikov avatar
By Dear Lucy
pokušala sam da gledam Private Romeo... užas
Korisnikov avatar
By VikiVetar
Upravo odgledah brazilski "Eu Te Amo Renato" (sa bi tematikom)


Priča je OK, glumci su zgodni :) , produkcija je možda mogla biti bolja. Sve u svemu, film nije loš (mada nema 'happy ending')

Nisam pronašao titlove, ni srpske ni engleske.
Korisnikov avatar
By Galadriel
The New Rabbi Trailer

The New Rabbi tells the journey of the rabbi David Lazar of the Stockholm Jewish Community and his controversial and non-traditional approaches in unifying modern political issues into the old and traditional views of gender, oppression and sexual orientation. The film tells a story of a lonley man, away from his family in a new community, raising enemies and friends, changing the traditional ways and embracing the new world into religion.

The film is currently in production and is started as a university project at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts but is taking new approaches in financing, trying to achieve our goal of turning the film into a full-length documentary. Content is closed to finished and post production awaits. This is our financing trailer and we ask for you help of making this important film possible.

The film is directed by swedish director Irene Lopez (Tempo Award Winner for Pinocchio utan Näsa) and is shot by visionary director of cinematographer Gabriel Mkrttchian.

Director & Producer: Irene Lopez - Producer: Stefan Henriksson - Director of Cinematography: Gabriel Mkrttchian - Editor: Erika Gonzales - Composer: Olle Markensten - Sound Design: Calle-Budde Roos." target="_blank
Korisnikov avatar
By Andre87
A Frozen Flower (Hangul: 쌍화점; RR: Ssanghwajeom) is a 2008 South Korean film.The Goryeo King (Joo Jin-mo) is married to a Yuan Dynasty princess (Song Ji-hyo), but they do not have any children. There is constant pressure on the King both from the Yuan emperor and the Goryeo Kingdom to produce a crown prince and ensure the continuity of its royal dynasty. The King's palace guard is composed of thirty six young soldiers, led by military commander Hong-rim (Jo In-sung) who is also the King's lover. The King finally decides to charge Hong-rim, with a strange commission: make love to the Queen and beget a child. Hong-rim and the Queen are uncomfortable accepting the royal order, but they finally comply. However, their relationship does not stop at procreation, but a true love blossoms between the two, and in this intimate relationship there is no place for the King.
When the two lovers attempt to save the other by begging the King to "kill me instead," the King realizes how strong their love for each other is. In a fit of jealousy, he has Hong-rim castrated and sent to prison. The Queen finds a way for Hong-rim to escape with the aid of Hong-rim's closest subordinates......etc (excerpt from Wikipedia)

By filipkum
Ja poslednje gledao Judas kiss, neka dramica, nije mi bila nesto interesantna, izuzev cinjenice da glavni lik uspeo da kresne samog sebe putujuci nazad kroz vreme
Korisnikov avatar
By Katengl

Prvi film sa gej tematikom iz Istocne Nemacke.
Korisnikov avatar
By Chaotic
Odgledao sam juce film 'Prayers for Bobby', mislim da je prica odlicna i da je film sam po sebi pun emocija ( Plakao sam 2/3 filma :'( ). Kada bih se usudio svojima da kazem ko sam i sta sam, a oni to ne prihvate, verovatno bih im poslao ovaj film na CD-u. Pogledao sam i "Shelter" i mislim da je odlican! :)
Korisnikov avatar
By mrle
Od navedenih, svakako bih preporucio : 'A home at the end of the world', 'Lilies', 'Walk on Water', ...

Dodao bih :
- 'Little Ashes' (S. Dali, F. G. Lorca, L. Bunuel),
- 'A Single Man' (glume Colin Firth, Julianne Moore)

Zaboravih film 'Napola'. Da li je tematski obojen, diskutabilno je - ja bih rekao da jeste. U svakom slucaju, vredi pogledati... :)
Korisnikov avatar
By zdravomyslov
Slobodan Pad / Freier Fall / Free Fall

Tridesetšestogodišnji Mark pripadnik je žandarmerije koji ima dobre izglede za napredovanje u karijeri. Unapred je finansirao polovinu kuće u kojoj živi sa roditeljima i uz to će uskoro postati otac. Ali onda se događa ono nezamislivo – na jednom stručnom osposobljavanju zaljubljuje se u svog kolegu Kaja. Svom snagom pokušava da se bori protiv toga i prikrije svoja osećanja. U njegovom radnom okruženju u policiji muškarci i dalje imaju glavnu reč i on se boji reakcije okoline, prijatelja i porodice. Život mu sve više izmiče iz ruku, oseća razdor između sveta koji je poznavao i zanosa novog iskustva i njegov život postaje pravi košmar.

Prikaz je veceras.

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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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