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Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
Recenica da je nemoguce naci jedan deo za pusku koji je pukao. Tj. moze da se nadje verovatno, ali ne mogu pronaci neku firmu/radnju/whatever gde se prave izmedju ostalog ti delovi koji su i meni potrebni. Pa jao, nema normalnog treniranja do marta, jer ne postoji dovoljna kompresija. Divno. :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
jedna devojka sa kojom se dopisujem; i druga devojka sa kojom sam se muvala...
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
juce Lepa, i drugar
a danas drugarica iz srednje skole, koju sam videla posle godinu dana...
By Spirit of the sea
Sestric, koji sa 5 godina izvodi komplet "Mi smo ta ekipa" od BG sindikata

Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
^ ja cu ti ispuniti dan, jel da? kad kreces?
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
ju, ja cu tek sad da se tusiram
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Da dodjem po tebe?
shibni mi sms, da bih pokupila muziku.
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
ma donecu na flesu, nemoj doci po mene, kasnim
By Kragi
Neki klinac 8-9 godina.
Prijede mi se Milka i ja svratim u mini Maxi, prva radnja usput, i stavim Milku u korpu i krenem ka kasi a tamo komplet porodica sa sve uskrsnjom trpezom u tri korpe ceka.
I mali mi pokazuje rukom da stanem ispred njih. Ja zbunjeno pitam - zasto?, pa kaze -ti imas samo jednu cokoladu, mi tri korpe, neces valjda da cekas tolilo?
:smeh: :sweet:

I ja kupim i njemu jednu bez obzira na protivljenje roditelja. Zasluzio :D
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
ponuda za bolju poziciju na poslu
Korisnikov avatar
By Kiborg
kevine mantije i sarmice od zelja i tetkina baklava
Korisnikov avatar
By Cincila
Vraca mi se devojka kuci posle par dana :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
to što je već treća drugarica provalila gde mi stoji rezervni ključ i banula mi jutros u kuću u sobu i probudila me da pijemo kafu i igramo remi jer joj se pila kafa i igrao remi

pa ja ne znam
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
i što sam našla video iz osnovne gde snimam dve drugarice koje izjavljuju:

"ja sam ____ i želim da izjavim svetu da sam ja glupo i retardirano dete"

jedna da bih joj dala salvete a druga da bih joj uradila pismeni iz matematike jer nije imala pojma :pucaodsmeha:
kakav sam jebeni car od malena.
Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
Nasla sam slike, za koje nisam znala da postoje, sa proslogodisnjeg prvenstva u Kikindi.
Korisnikov avatar
By horus.
cinjenica da sam ga prespavao... :radosnice:
Korisnikov avatar
By Pauceti
My oldest son is six years old and in love for the first time. He is in love with Blaine from Glee.
For those who don’t know Blaine is a boy…a gay boy, the boyfriend of one of the main characters, Kurt.
This isn't a ‘he thinks Blaine is really cool’ kind of love. It is a mooning at a picture of Blaine’s face for a half hour followed by a wistful “He’s so pretty” kind of love.
He loves the episode where two boys kiss. My son will call people in from other parts of the house to make sure they don’t miss his ‘favorite part.’ He’s been known to rewind it and watch it over again…and force others to, as well, if he doesn't think people have been paying enough attention.
This infatuation doesn't bother me or his father. We live in a very hip-liberal neighborhood, many of our friends are gay, and idea of having a gay son isn't something that bothers either of us. Our son is going to be who he is, and it is our job to love him. End of story.
He is also six. Six year olds get obsessed with all kinds of things. This might not mean anything at all. We always joke that he’s either gay, or we have the best blackmail material in the history of mankind when he’s a 16 year old straight boy. (Take that naked bath time pictures!)
Then the other day we were traveling across the state listening to the Warblers album (of course), and in the middle of Candles, my son pipes up from the back seat.
“Mommy, Kurt and Blaine are boyfriends.”
“Yes, they are,” I affirm.
“They don’t like kissing girls. They just kiss boys.”
“That’s true.”
“Mommy, they are just like me.”
“That’s great, baby. You know I love you no matter what?”
“I know…” I could hear him rolling his eyes at me.
When we got home I recapped this conversation to his Dad, and we stood simply looking into each other’s eyes for a moment. Then we smiled.
“So if at 16 he wants to make a big announcement at the dinner table, we can say ‘You told us when you were six. Pass the carrots’ and he’ll be disappointed we stole his big dramatic moment,” my husband says with a laugh and hugs me.
Only time will tell if my son is gay, but if he is I am glad he’s mine. I am glad he has been born into our family. A family full of people who will love and accept him. People who will never want him to change. With parents who will look forward to dancing at his wedding.
And I have to admit, Blaine would be a really cute son-in-law.
A writer for Huffington Post Gay Voices.
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