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Korisnikov avatar
By Morja
Eto i mene malo sreća da pogleda pa da upoznam "pravu" i to još 5,3 miliona dolara "tešku". :rotflmao:
Šalu na stranu, pre neki dan mi je na ovom forumu stigla poruka od korisnika lalababy:
hello. good day !!!!!!
My name is Loveline, i saw your profile today and became interested in you,please send me an e-mail now in my e-mail address here (" target="_blank" target="_blank), so that i can send you my photos and tell you more about me...Remember the distance or colour and age does not matter but love matters allot in life..Please remember to send me an e-mail in my box (" target="_blank" target="_blank) With love Loveline,

Čuj videla profil pa se zainteresovala :lol: Ali ne dade mi djavo mira pa rekoh daj da vidim tu lepoticu.
A u odgovoru imam šta i da vidim :ubise:

Dearest One,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail, how is your day today i hope all is well and fine with you including your health and job. My name is Miss Loveline Kapduro and i am 24 years, single and never been married, i am from Post Sudan, Sudan in Africa and presently residing in the missionary camp here in Senegal where i ran for refugee with the help of UN force due to the political civil war in my country. I am in sufferings and pains here in this missionary camp and i really need help from you by encouraging me with good advice in life and to help me to come out from this situation, and again to help me get my money, because my late father deposited some amount of money for me in the Bank and he used my name as the next of kin.

My late father Dr. Ellison Guneid Kapduro, who was CEO of (GUNEID INDUSTRIAL COMPANY PLC), in Port Sudan in Sudan. During the war, the rebel loyal to one of the greedy business associate of my late father attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and father in a cold blood. It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to this country Senegal by the help of UN army where i am living now in the missionary, headed by a Reverend Father, i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy in his office.

My day is very boring over here in refugee camp Dakar Senegal, in this camp we find it hard to go out because we are not allowed to do so, its just like one staying in the house of very harsh father, there is two hostel here one for men and one for female,so i am living in female hostel but here is not comfortable to my health honey,no money for some tablets,the food we are eating here is just for managing but i hope by God's grace i will come out of here soon. I don't have any relatives now that i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and there is no contact, the only person i have now is Rev. Father who is heading the missionary. He has been very good to me since i came here but i am not living with him, i am living in the women's quarter. The Rev Tel number is (00221-772818825) when you want to hear my voice, call his office phone and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me to answer your call.

As the regards of my condition here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is contrary to the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because i only stopped at my first year before the tragic war that cause to my being in this situation now took place, please i would like you to know that i have my late father's death certificate and another certification which as time go on you will know, here with me which i will like you to assist me, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money with a Bank which he used my name as the next of kin. The amount in question is ($5.3 Million US Dollars).

So i will like you to assist me to transfer this money to your account and from it you will send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to your country. I can't withdraw the money by myself due to some conditions of things here in this country which i am not permit to do, and the money can't be transferred here in Senegal.

I have got in touch with the bank through email and let them to know about my plans to withdraw this money, i also got them aware of the death of my father and they have acknowledged it with all their confirmation, however, they advise me to get in touch with a very responsible person who will stand on my behalf as a foreign partner/trustee over the transfer since i am presently of refugee status over here and wouldn't be permitted to handle this amounts of money, they also let me know about the bond which they signed with my father that they money will be handled to me in bulk amount which means that i should decide on if i should continue with the bank or not.

I just have to let you know about this so that you can assist me to be my trustee on this property, like i said i want you to call me because i have allot to tell you. l kept this secret to people in the Missionary camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend Father because he is like a father to me, have a nice time and think about me. my dear, this is the email address of the Reverend (" target="_blank" target="_blank) i hope to hear from you soonest.

I still remain yours for ever.
Mlada, lepa (poslali i slike, ko zna čije nema ih na google img) haha, puna dolara :awesome: :lol:
Samo još da nadju budalu koja će ovo da proguta!!
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Da da, meni je pisala ona sto joj je tata neki lekar jako bogat.
Pa kao da joj prosledim pare...

Jbte kakve gluposti.
By barni
I meni stiglo

hello. good day !!!!!!
POLATO NA: 30 MAR 2013, 19:03

hello. good day !!!!!!
My name is Loveline, i saw your profile today and became interested in you,please send me an e-mail now in my e-mail address here (" target="_blank), so that i can send you my photos and tell you more about me...Remember the distance or colour and age does not matter but love matters allot in life..Please remember to send me an e-mail in my box (" target="_blank) With love Loveline,
By neobavesten
Postod neobavesten » 31 Mar 2013, 00:45
moze li mi neko objasniti ovu poruku koju sam veceras zatekao u inboksu
Polato na: 30 Mar 2013, 18:49
Od: lalababy
Za: neobavesten
hello. good day !!!!!!
My name is Loveline, i saw your profile today and became interested in you,please send me an e-mail now in my e-mail address here (" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank), so that i can send you my photos and tell you more about me...Remember the distance or colour and age does not matter but love matters allot in life..Please remember to send me an e-mail in my box (" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank) With love Loveline,
Postovi: 0
Pridružio se: 30 Mar 2013, 03:46

btw fali slovo s u Polato - treba Poslato

i prva rec ovde treba da budu 2 reci - Post od

ovo sam poslao jos juce na Sta osoblje moze da ucini za vas, ali obavestenje jos nisam dobio
Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
dobij'o pre oko godinu dve. na oglasima section. ne bash chesto, ali dovoljno bizarno sranje je to tako da par tri puta vec jeste chesto.

eto i u (south) sudanu i senegalu prate Gay Serbiu. mashala. :prc:

p.s. sad kazete i u forumske Inboxe stize? :meduza:
Korisnikov avatar
By HalfJack
Naravno nisam dobio (srećom) ali to me odmah podsjeti kada na romeu je nekada znalo doći neko pismo nekog iz Gane pa sada ti njemu proslijedi pare tako da on do tebe može putovati and live happily ever after.
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