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By Kragi
Ma boli me qrac za tudje zivote i nacin na koji ce neko da ga zivi, narocito ako mi apsolutno nista ne znaci u zivotu.
Al' stvarno ponekad i sebe zabrinem nezainteresovanoscu za druge ljude.
So-what am I not supposed to have an opinion
Should I keep quiet just because I'm a women
Call me a ***** cause I speak what's on my mind
Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled

When a female fires back suddenly big talker don't know how to act
So he does what every little boy would do
Makin' up a few false rumors or two
That for sure is not a man for me, slanderin' names for popularity
It's sad you only get your fame through controversy
But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say

This is for my girls all around the world
Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth
Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard
So what do we do girls, shout out loud
Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground
So lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will
Can't hold us down

Nobody can hold us down
Never can, never will

So-what am I not supposed to say what I'm saying
Are you offended with the message I'm bringin'
Call me whatever 'cause you words don't mean a thing
Guess you ain't even a man enough to handle what I sing
If you look back in history it's a common double standard os society
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score
While the girl can do the same yet you call her a whore
I don't understand why it's OK,
The guy can get a way with it the girl gets named
All my ladies come together and make a change
And start a new beginning for us, everybody sang

This is for my girls all around the world
Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth
Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard
So what do we do girls, shout out loud
Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground
So lift your ahnds high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will
Can't hold us down

Here's something I just can't understand
If the guy have three girls then he's the man
He can even give her some head, or sex her off
But if a girl do the same, she's a whore
But the tables about to turn
I bet my fame on it
Cats take my ideas, and put their name on it
It's aight though, you can't hold me down
I got to keep on moving
To my girls to their man who be trying to mac
Do it right back to him and let that be that
You need to let him know that his game is whack
And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got yo back

You're just a little boy
Think you so cute, so coy
You must talk so big to make up for smaller things
You're just a little boy
All you do is annoy
You must talk big to make up for smaller things

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
aaaaaaa kako svrbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum


Upoznao sam je iz nekog drugog ugla, kao osetljivu, osecajnu zenu punu empatije i razumevanja, a ne neku tamo "ratnicu-vanzemaljku" (Osmi putnik)... :wow:
Doduse, snimila je i onaj divni film "Gorile u magli", ali preovladjuju uloge zena ratnica, bar od onih koje sam licno pogledao...
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
^ pa da smem bi. al ne smem.


il cu da dobijem il cu se razbolim. il sam samo sjebana od DSPD - a. Il sva tri. Ovo trece svakako da.
Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
Meni je uvek pomagalo da nakvasim to sto me svrbi, ako ne smem da cesem. Sta znam. :nerd:
By Kragi
Lol, jak sam ja domacin kad za svojih 30 godina nijednom nisam odneo kevin kolač u crkvu za slavu. :smeh:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dr_Shortbus
[url=]sing&dunum napisao:[/url]


Upoznao sam je iz nekog drugog ugla, kao osetljivu, osecajnu zenu punu empatije i razumevanja, a ne neku tamo "ratnicu-vanzemaljku" (Osmi putnik)... :wow:
Doduse, snimila je i onaj divni film "Gorile u magli", ali preovladjuju uloge zena ratnica, bar od onih koje sam licno pogledao...
:love: Obožavam je!
Pustih suzu na ovo. Iako nije dobila ni jednu veliku filmsku nagradu za ulogu Mary Griffith, zaslužuje sve Oskare i Zlatne globuse ovoga svijeta! :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By bern
ae na spavanje, čovječe.
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
idemooooo pf pffff fšššššššššššš fssssssfssssssss :jerry: šta vam je svima, kako vas bre ne mrzi, odakle vam života, gde ima da se kupi da i ja ...kupim
By Kragi
Pokeuje me neki Dusan ********.
Iz KM je, studira arhitekturu tamo, simpatican, vidim ima rodbinu na profilu i neki pravoslavni krst, plus pise da je zainteresovan za zene. :kakodane:
I sad se razmisljam da li da krenem u pricu ili da ga iskuliram posto ga zanimaju zene jelte premda je simpa.
Korisnikov avatar
By Kiborg
-Sine, našo sam ti posao napokon, gospođipomiluj, pu pu pu da ne ureknem..
-Koja funkcija ćale?
-Punjač kobasica - veoma odgovorna pozicija kod Jove u mesari.
-Ali ćale, ja sam slikar.
-Sine, ne znam kako da ti kažem, ali glupo ti je zanimanje. Ako jednog dana potražnja za slikama bude veća od potražnje za kobasicama - ti slikaj. Do tada suči rukave i mrš kod Jove. Nemoj kući da dolaziš dok ne budeš krvav do kolena.
By Kragi
A pa menjam status na neko vreme. :D

btw, danas mi ceo dan hladno. Sad pijem caj. Mislim da idem ka tome da se razbolim.
Malo pre sam se smrz'o ko picka a nema par stepeni ispod nule.
Stvarno mi nije bas naj.
By Kragi
Da. Pretpostavljam da si reakciju donekle mogao da pretpostavis cim su reakcije takve a ti skupio hrabrost da se outujes.
Ne bih da te zadrzavam, samo se nadam da si se snasao i da ces nekako da preguras ovaj period koji je pred tobom.
Btw, ako ti je stalo do njih nemoj da gubis nadu. Mislim da strasti mogu da splasnu vremenom i da ce polako sve doci na svoje, bar delimicno.
Ja ti skidam kapu. Jos jednom bravo.
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