Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Ljubi, ljubi al glavu ne gubi

Moderatori: KorvinOdAmbera, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
e svi vi, idem do prodavnice, nemojte nista pisati
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna

jesi li to ti?
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
You’re like the cover of a book that’s been read, baby
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
uf, jako. ne mogu da se pokupim šta je htela da kaže i kako šta treba da odradim
Korisnikov avatar
By *Sandra*
^ ajde onda nadji mi ko peva i kako se zove pesma koja ide: the noise that you hear is the sound..? i valjda "the sound that ypu hear is the voice..."? na googlu mi izbacuje neke gluposti.
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
ne znam koja je to pesma, moraćeš da mi otpevaš :D

otišla sam da legnem, kad nećete da se družite sa mnom. neka. posle ću biti asocijalna opet
Korisnikov avatar
By *Sandra*
alo bre ZENSKA GLAVA vidis da samo ja pisem i odgovaram ti na teme a ti nista!!

e ajd onda zdravo dovidjenja.
Korisnikov avatar
By EnMademoiselle
pa šalim se sandrice, nemoj da si tako okrutna prema meni :(

ja to namerno da vas navučem da pišete, budući psiholog sam, zaboravljaš :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By *Sandra*
ne zaboravljam ne brini, zamisljam te u belom uskom mantilu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Sanja Steppenwolfin
I hate you, do you hate me?
Good cause you're so fuckin' beautiful when you're angry,
It makes me wanna just take you,
And just throw you on the bed,
And fuck you like I don't even know you.
You fuck other people, and I fuck other people,
You a slut but I'm equal, I'm a mutt,
We're both evil in our ways,
But neither one of us would ever admit it,
Cause one of us would have one up on the other,
So forget it,
We can make accusations, people spread rumors,
But they ain't got proof,
'Til they do it's just the two of us,
It's you and me, cause any chick can say that she's screwin' me,
But you gotta believe me to a degree,
Cause true indeed if you didn't I wouldn't be hittin' it,
Yeah I would cause the sex is too damn good,
If I ran who would I run to,
That would be this soft and warm,
So it's off and on, usually more off than on,
But at least we know that we share this common bond,
You're the only one I can fuck without a condom on.
Korisnikov avatar
By Delete
Razlike su prevelike, mogu da trošim vreme uludo.
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
ne svijda mi se to u sta se pretvaras
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
mogla si da mi javis, da ne dolazim dzabe -.-
Korisnikov avatar
By *Sandra*
da li da li da li u galami :kolo:

call me maybe :awesome:
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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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