Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

Over a dozen reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, input groups, navigation, alerts, and much more...

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Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
'I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.'
(Sylvia Plath)
Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
"Jednom kad oluja prođe, nećeš se sećati kako si je preživeo. Nećeš biti siguran ni da li je oluja zaista prošla. Ali jedna će stvar biti sigurna. Kad preživiš oluju, nećeš biti ista osoba kao pre oluje. Upravo zbog toga oluje i postoje."
Haruki Murakami
Korisnikov avatar
By Trilian
Poplavljen srećom i jadom i snom,
strepeti nadom i grcati njom,
klicati s nebom,
nemeti pod njim -
Voleti! - Bože, šta ima nad tim.

F. Gete
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
"Smrt može biti samo jedno od ova dva. Ili, onom koji je umro nije ništa, ili je opet neka promena i seoba duše odavde na drugo mesto. U prvom slučaju, ako nema nikakvih osećanja, ako je sve kao dubok san, kada se spava i ništa ne sanja, ako je smrt, dakle, takva, onda je ona čudo od blagodeti jer sve vreme života i nije ništa drugo nego jedna neprospavana noć. U drugom slučaju, ako je smrt neka promena i seoba duše odavde na drugo mesto i ako je istina što se govori, da borave tamo oni koji su preminuli, zar nema veće sreće od ovoga – sresti se tamo sa Orfejem, sa Homerom. Što se mene tiče, ako je to istina, želeo bih i više puta da umrem. Šta bi ko dao da ispita onoga koji je protiv Troje podigao onu mnogu vojsku, pa Odiseja, pa Sizifa i hiljade i hiljade drugih. S njima se tamo razgovarati, biti s njima u društvu, ispitivati ih. To bi bilo neizmerno blaženstvo. Oni tamo, po svoj prilici, za ovakve razgovore ne osuđuju na život. No, vreme je da krenemo, ja u smrt, a vi dalje, kroz život. Ko od nas ide boljem, to niko ne zna."

Platon – Odbrana Sokratova
"Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifice himself for the good of others.
His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity."
Sitting Bull
Korisnikov avatar
By Dark Walker
Ja nisam sposoban da sebe sagledam ni u celini ni u pojedinostima, čak ni trenutno. Po svojoj prirodi ja mogu da volim sebe, kao i ostali (i to ponajčešće i činim), ili da se mrzim (često činim i to), mogu čak i da se klevećem, ali ne mogu i ne umem da se mirno posmatram, da se pravedno i stvarno ispitujem, optužujem, sudim i prema zaključcima tog suda - popravljam.

Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
"Do sreće se ne može doputovati, ona se ne može posedovati, zaraditi, nositi na sebi ili konzumirati. Sreća je duhovno iskustvo življenja svakog trenutka sa ljubavlju, milošću i zahvalnošću."
Denis Waitley
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
"Read my lips - mercy is for wimps! There's a reason "oppose" rhymes with "dispose"...If they get in your way, kill them!"

Kefka Palazzo
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
I'm not gonna delete you from my life. I'm gonna leave you there, so you can see how fucking happy I am without you.
-Lil' Wayne
Korisnikov avatar
By Noctis Lucis Caelum
Kefka: Welcome, friends! I knew you'd come, so I've been practicing my greeting!
Party: How much do you have to destroy before you'll have had your fill, Kefka!?
Kefka: I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe... Such magnificent power! You're all nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things.
Party: To be destroyed? Maybe it is! But people can always rebuild, and new lives will always be born!
Kefka: And time will destroy all of those as well. Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life, knowing that they must someday die? ...Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do?
Terra: Because it's not the end that matters! It's knowing that you have something to live for right now, at this moment! Something you've worked for... something that's worth protecting! As long as you have that...that's enough!
Kefka: And did you all find your "somethings" in this broken world that just won't die?
Party: Yes!
Terra: Love!
Locke: A person worth protecting.
Cyan: A wife and child who live on within me.
Shadow: Friends...and family.
Edgar: A peaceful kingdom.
Sabin: A loving brother who always looks out for me! Gah-ha-ha-ha!
Celes: Someone willing to accept me for who I am.
Strago: An adorable little granddaughter.
Relm: An obnoxious grandpa...who I couldn't live without!
Setzer: Wings from a dear old friend!
Mog: New pals, kupo!
Kefka: Bleh! You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living!
Party: No, Kefka, stop!
Kefka: I wield the greatest power in existence! You may as well be the dirt on the bottom of my boots! Or the dirt stuck to the bottom of that dirt!
Party: You can't destroy everything! People will always have dreams!
Kefka: No! I'll destroy the entire world! There won't be anything left to dream about!
Party: We won't let you hurt any more people!
Kefka: Hee-hee-hee! But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives are lost?
Party: It ends here, Kefka!
Kefka: Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!
The end draws near...

Kefka :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
"Ti, međutim, rasteš, uz zornjaču jasnu, sa Avalom plavom, u daljini, kao breg. Ti treperiš, i kad ovde zvezde gasnu, i topiš, ko Sunce, i led suza, i lanjski sneg. U Tebi nema besmisla, ni smrti. Ti sjajiš kao iskopan stari mač. U Tebi sve vaskrsne, i zaigra, pa se vrti, i ponavlja, kao dan i detinji plač. A kad mi se glas, i oči, i dah, upokoje, Ti ćeš me, znam, uzeti na krilo svoje."
Miloš Crnjanski
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
"Nije pička sapun da se arči" - narodna umotvorina
Korisnikov avatar
By Over the rainbow
"Patnja je jedini nacin na koji bivamo svesni postojanja, a secanje na patnju potrebno nam je kao dokaz naseg neprekinutog postojanja." Oskar Vajld
Korisnikov avatar
By V25
Baba (65 at the time) svojoj kći (42 at the time), majci moje drugarice (15 at the time), za porodičnom, božićnom trpezom: "Ti ćeš doživeti što nijedna nije, da ti ćerka s rupe smakne".
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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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Do you need a super MOD? Well here it is. chew on this

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Lasagna on me this time ok? I got plenty of cash

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Swap-in out addons, use only what you really need!