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Korisnikov avatar
By Vel boy
Groundbreaking: Turkish Parents of Gay Children Make Video (Video) ... video.html" target="_blank

by Paul Canning
January 12, 2012
7:30 pm

More positive change in Turkey with the news this week that the High Court of Appeals has ordered a newspaper to pay compensation for calling gay people “perverts” in a headline it printed in 2008.

Now a feature documentary is being produced with parents of LGBT children.

‘My Child’ is being produced with the group LISTAG (Families of LGBT in Istanbul), a solidarity and support group for friends, families and especially parents of LGBT individuals established in 2008.

LISTAG has worked with LGBT organizations, released public statements and engaged with politicians. It has actively been working against homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and hate crimes, being a source of inspiration and strength for LGBT individuals, by reminding them that it is not impossible to come out to their families.

The movie tells that story as well as about how they found out about their child’s sexual orientation, and how they learn to accept and embrace them. Some of them describe the experience as traumatic but how it has ‘led to their own rebirth, as they have been questioning what it means to be an individual, to be true to oneself, and to be a parent.’

The film is the first time the parents have ‘come out’ themselves, having previously hidden their identity.
Korisnikov avatar
By crni90
u turskoj se odrzavaju gej parade bez incidenata

turci su se izgleda odavno oslobodili turaka
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