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Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
#2198983 ... elancholia

From the looks of it, Melancholia starts out as a homage to Festen, as family tensions come to the boil at a well-to-do wedding. Then the bride looks at the sky and wonders "what star is that?" and from here the stage is set for a leisurely narrative swan-dive as a mystery body noses inexorably towards earth. It's like the Tintin adventure The Shooting Star – with a little added nudity.

Thus far, the only thing Von Trier has said about Melancholia is that it's his first film not to feature a happy ending. But what are we to make of that? If past form is any guide, it suggests the picture will wrap up with a joyous song-and-dance sequence to rival the end of The Sound of Music.



velika očekivanja?
Korisnikov avatar
By Evdokija
jao evo je opet Sharlota!
ja ocekujem otsecanje penisa :lezba:
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
A taman se obradovah trecem nastavku Dogville-a:sigh:
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
recap najnovije zgode nevaljalog Larsa, i još neke ruminacije na temu moralnosti:

And Now a Word From the Director

IN 1938, a month after the Nazi assault on German Jews known as Kristallnacht made headlines across the world, Walt Disney gave Hitler’s pet filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, a tour of his studio. He showed her some Mickey Mouse sketches, and she offered to show him “Olympia,” her cinematic slog through the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He turned her down because he was worried it would get out that he was playing host to a woman most of Hollywood shunned. In his biography “Leni” Steven Bach writes that when she returned to Germany, she praised Disney for receiving her, saying, it “was gratifying to learn how thoroughly proper Americans distance themselves from the smear campaigns of the Jews.”

I thought about Uncle Walt and Leni’s culture klatsch in May when, during the Cannes Film Festival, the Danish director Lars von Trier announced to a room of journalists with whirring, snapping cameras that he was a Nazi. His new movie, “Melancholia,” had just had its premiere and it was about to provide him some of the best reviews of his career. Longtime von Trier watchers should have known that he might try to sabotage all the good will coming his way, and sure enough the moment came after he took a question from a journalist who asked about the Gothic qualities of “Melancholia” and if he could expand on earlier comments he had made about Nazi aesthetics.

Stupidity started to dribble out of Mr. von Trier’s mouth, and then began to gush. He said that he used to think he was Jewish and “was very happy being a Jew.” But “then later on came Susanne Bier,” he said, referring to the Danish director of “In a Better World,” and “suddenly I wasn’t so happy about being a Jew. No, that was a joke, sorry.” He added, “Then I found out that I was really a Nazi, you know, because my family was German.” He continued: “I understand Hitler, but I think he did some wrong things, yes, absolutely.” His stars, Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg, looked progressively more embarrassed. (Ms. Dunst quietly asked him to stop.) He laughed, and after some more awkward groping (“How can I get out of this sentence?”), sighed and blurted out, “O.K., I’m a Nazi.”

The festival subsequently declared Mr. von Trier persona non grata, a mysterious designation that left attendees scratching their heads: Was he banned for life or just for this year’s event? The competition jury, however, led by Robert De Niro, kept its own counsel and — deservedly — awarded Ms. Dunst the best actress prize. Since then the movie has continued to earn praise, including at the Toronto International Film Festival, and it will soon be in the main slate at this year’s New York Film Festival alongside the event’s opener “Carnage” (Sept. 30). This adaptation of Yasmina Reza’s play “God of Carnage” was directed by Roman Polanski, who, when not picking up awards in Europe, still attracts outrage and legal interest in America, which he fled in 1978 after pleading guilty to having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl.

It’s no wonder I sometimes yearn for the good old days when directors were anonymous hires instead of beloved auteurs who sometimes say and do the darnedest, most awful things. And who make it hard to watch their movies without wincing, who force you to reconcile your love of their work with their flawed humanity, as Mr. von Trier did when, during that same news conference, he expressed ostensibly sincere admiration for the Nazi architect Albert Speer. I believe he was joking about being a Nazi, and that he was also saying, self-seriously or not, that as someone of German heritage he was inherently guilty. So I opted for the Naughty Lars defense: He was just being Lars von Trier, the irrepressible provocateur. I kept thinking about “Melancholia,” perhaps his finest movie, and whether its apocalyptic tale of depression and death was autobiographical. I also kept wondering how close Vichy is to Cannes.

This wasn’t the first time Mr. von Trier waded into treacherous, Nazi-infested waters, and for some at Cannes his comments brought up memories of his 1991 film, “Europa” (also known as “Zentropa”). That earlier work turns on an American who falls in love with a Nazi supporter and features a Nazi group that’s portrayed sympathetically enough that the film was attacked at Cannes. Talking about “Europa” later, Mr. von Trier hit a familiar note. He initially addressed its critics by saying that he wasn’t siding with the Nazis. But then, in typical fashion, he kept blabbing on and on, sharing that there had been a joke about him winning “the Iron Cross for the film.”

“Europa” is such a lugubrious bore that I haven’t revisited it to check on the friendly Nazi rap; there’s something about a bad von Trier movie that resists repeat viewings. All his movies, including dreary ones like “Dogville,” have their feverish fans. One thing that everyone, admirers and detractors, can agree on is that he relishes sticking it to his audience with nudity, violence, a child’s death, a talking fox, mutilated genitals, whatever. As a filmmaker he can be bullying, overly fond of shocks. He’s been routinely condemned for his representations of women, and there’s no question that he rains down the abuse. The rape of Nicole Kidman’s character in “Dogville,” a crude sermon on violence and power, is an assault, if largely on one’s patience. The tribulations endured by Emily Watson’s saintly character in “Breaking the Waves,” by contrast, serve a story about suffering and salvation beautifully.

When “Melancholia” hits America, the debates over Mr. von Trier may rekindle, and anyone who suggests he is merely a compulsive attention getter or rejects the idea that an author’s stated intentions offer the last (or only) word on his work, can look forward to being criticized. “You are an apologist for anti-Semitism plain and simple,” one reader wrote in response to my article about Mr. von Trier’s news conference. (Another reader told me that I had no right to criticize a towering artist like Mr. von Trier. You can’t win!) So is Mr. von Trier a Nazi? I haven’t a clue, and neither does any one else who claims he or she “really” knows what he meant. All I know is what I see in his movies, which are not Nazi-promoting vehicles for anti-Semitism any more than Mr. Polanski’s are advertisements for rape and pedophilia.

To love a film by Mr. Polanski, though, as I know from other irate readers, is to guarantee that you will be accused of going easy on a criminal. Some of this anger can be blamed on avid Polanski supporters who assert that he did nothing wrong, or that he’s an old man now and has suffered enough. And, true, that Swiss chalet of his where he stayed after he was arrested in Switzerland in 2009 while waiting to hear if he would be deported to America sure looked as chilly as a medieval dungeon. Some Polanski apologists repellently portray his victim as a culpable seducer rather than a 13-year-old who was drugged and marinated in booze. Others trivialize statutory rape, never mind that their opinions are legally immaterial. Some detractors remain insistent that he should return to America to face judgment, as do I.

Mr. Polanski belongs to a long line of liars, adulterers, sadists and slaves, wife beaters, rapists, miscellaneous miscreants and even murderers who helped make Hollywood great. Charlie Chaplin liked young girls so much that three of his four wives were teenagers when they wed. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer may have had more stars than there are in heaven, as it proudly crowed, but in the 1930s it also had an opium den on the lot and Christmastime orgies. Walt Disney, as I said, played Hollywood host to Hitler’s favorite filmmaker. In 1952 Elia Kazan gave up old colleagues to the House Committee on Un-American Activities and then went off to direct a handful of movies about betrayal, including one about selling out your nearest and dearest: “On the Waterfront.” It’s a classic.

Judging filmmakers along with their films is a favorite critical pastime, and it was fascinating to wade through the confusion of responses to Mr. von Trier’s statement, in particular the struggle to reconcile a superb work like “Melancholia” with his words. The mistake was thinking that the two could be reconciled rather than admitting that some contradictions remain insoluble. And if the case against Mr. von Trier finally seems weak while the argument against Riefenstahl remains strong it’s because of the visible evidence offered by their films. In “Triumph of the Will” Riefenstahl, with Speer — whom Mr. von Trier, at Cannes, unforgivably called “maybe one of God’s best children” — put her talents to propagandistic use for a cinematic lie in which her guilt is inscribed on every frame. ... ss&emc=rss
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Ima li ga negde na netu, da se skine, neki torrent, rapid?
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
edit: možda procuri neka kopija, ali premijera je tek u novembru.
Korisnikov avatar
By Laerem
Manohla Dargis ne kuzi von Triera.

Asides from that, film je u osnovi fantastican. Moja ocjena:

Melancholia - 8 / 10

A deeply flawed, yet masterfull picture. U osnovi antiteza od The Tree of Life, i daleko bolji film. Ono sto je von Trier estetski napravio u prvih 15 minuta filma, o tome Malick moze samo sanjati.

E sada... likovi su donekle povrsne karikature*, drugi dio filma se previse odugovlaci, neka rjesenja su prejednostavna... ali... ti momenti apsolutne ljepote. Dunst koja je perfektna, uvlaci gledatelje kao nekakav crni vir klinicke depresije. I taj fantastican, spektakularan, monumentalan kraj. Koji ti cak na neki uvrnuti nacin daje nade. Taj odjeb lazne, burzujske 'velike geste' s casom vina na terasi i s beethovenom u pozadini (u osnovi taj kratak dijalog je za mene klimaks filma). Ta prekrasna prisnost u zadnjim sekundama. Wow.

Svakako velik korak dalje od Antikrista, ali imam dojam da treci dio ove fatalisticke trilogije tek slijedi.

p.s. Alexandar Skarsgard is True Blood je fantastican kao onaj dobronamjeran, ali kronicno nedorastao nezenja. Najbolji pored Kirsten Dunst.

* iako donekle, ljudi zaista nisu nista vise od povrsnih karikatura. i ocito je koliko se to von trieru gadi.
Korisnikov avatar
By Heavy Metal Lover
Evdokija napisao:jao evo je opet Sharlota!
ja ocekujem otsecanje penisa :lezba:

Nikako da zaboravim scenu iz Antihrista, tnx a lot!
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Laerem napisao:Manohla Dargis ne kuzi von Triera.
to sam i ja pomislio, ali njegov stav je pomalo šizofren. načas iz njega izliva pravednički gnev, a zatim priznaje kako je ipak nemoguće tako jednostavno ili/ili tumačiti Larsove komentare.
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Imacu ja tu problema sa Kirsten Dunst...

Ne moze ona tu toliko dobro da glumi koliko ja godinama ne mogu da smislim njenu tupu facu i bezizrazajnu pojavu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Tungi napisao:Ima li ga negde na netu, da se skine, neki torrent, rapid?
I meni neka neko sibne.
Jer ja ovo sto sam skinula, ne mogu da otvorim.
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Pogledao sam Melanholiju. Von Trier je predivno nihilističan i apokaliptičan, kao i uvek. :love: Drago mi je da se pretplatio na Charlotte Gainsbourg. Druga Charlotte (Rampling) je dražesna, a izbor Udo Kiera kao wedding planera je naprosto dekadentan. :D Znam da je mnogima Kirsten Dunst odurna, ali ovde je u svakom slučaju i više nego dobro odglumela.

Uz sve svoje mane, ovo je definitivno jedan od najboljih filmova iz 2011. Za razliku od Antihrista koji je više hermetičan, Melanholija je sasvim jednostavna, minimalistička, gotovo providna. Ovo je film katastrofe, ali akcenat nije na efektima i klasičnom zapletu koji se kreće linijom uzbuna-priprema-panika-pompa, već je fokusiran na porodičnu dramu koja je na svojevrstan način eksternalizovana nadolazećom katastrofom. Elegičan kraj je odlično postavljen i svakako najbolji deo filma.

Von Trierovi kadrovi su gotovo slikarski u obradi egzistencijalnih/metafizičkih tema, te su me dosta podsetili na Tarkovskog, mada je film (naravno) na mnogo nižem stupnju od remek-dela kao što su Stalker ili Nostalgija. U tom ključu, obratite pažnju na uvodnu sekvencu gde je na simboličkom planu pojašnjeno dosta toga što će kasnije da se dešava, a posebno odnos između dve sestre.

Lars jednostavno ne može, a da se ne podsmeva ljudskoj gluposti, trivijalnosti i uzaludnosti - čitav odnos ljudi spram Melanholije je nadrealan i apsurdan, dok je njihova karakterizacija često na rubu karikature. Ceo film je, zapravo, u neku ruku apsurdan. Zbog tog posprdno-kritičkog pristupa obožavam von Triera, a ljudi jednostavno ne mogu a da se ne prime, kao u slučaju Rigeta ili ovog poslednjeg spoofa sa nacizmom.

Dakle, nije sve baš peachy, niti smatram da mu je ovo do sada najbolji film, ali krajnji utisak je veoma pozitivan.

P.S. Pored ostalih slikarskih referenci koje Lars daje, evo i slidže Ofelije kojom je inspirisana naslovnica/scena u filmu.

Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Ljudi, pa daj posaljite mi torent :/
Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
e sad, tko bi mu povjerovao da vise nikad nece dati intervju? :D

"Today at 2pm I was questioned by the Police of North Zealand in connection with charges made by the prosecution of Grasse in France from August 2011 regarding a possible violation of prohibition in French law against justification of war crimes."

"The investigation covers comments made during the press conference in Cannes in May 2011. Due to these serious accusations I have realized that I do not possess the skills to express myself unequivocally and I have therefore decided from this day forth to refrain from all public statements and interviews."

Lars von Trier

Avedøre, 5. October 2011
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
The Misfit napisao: Von Trierovi kadrovi su gotovo slikarski u obradi egzistencijalnih/metafizičkih tema, te su me dosta podsetili na Tarkovskog,

Upravo sam ga pogledala, svideo mi se.
Korisnikov avatar
By V25
Gledaću ga večeras pa pišem utiske. Kao što Mars reče, imaću problem sa Kirsten Dunst. Ona je meni ostala "Spider-man" diva. Recimo da je se sećam još i iz "The Virgin suicides", mada opet ona mi je u rangu sa Juliom Stiles, bezlična, nezanimljiva.
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Viktor Vilotijević napisao:Kao što Mars reče, imaću problem sa Kirsten Dunst. Ona je meni ostala "Spider-man" diva..
Iskreno, meni se svidela, mislim da je lepo odradila svoju ulogu :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
mrzeli vi nju ili ne, ovo joj je uloga života. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By V25
Moram priznati da mi se dopao. Kirsten Dunst je prijatno iznenađenje, a Charlotte Gainsbourg je divna kao i uvek.
Korisnikov avatar
By Galadriel
Film je teško sranje i na grame je preneo ideju koju je pokušao da ima. Ideja je bila dobra, ali traljavo totalno. Baš razočarenje, jer Trira obožavam. Kamera mi se dopada.

Mislim da film sa ovakvom idejom, što je spomenuo misfit, nihilizma i apokaliptičnosti, još i prolaznosti, životne zatočenosti u vremenski i prostorni okvir i besmisla treba biti mnooogo mučniji za gledanje. Ili sam ja oguglala, ili je film rekta limunada. Iritantna kamera vadi malo stvar.
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Pa, ne znam, meni su svi ti ljudi bili poprilično mučni za gledanje, ali to je više bilo na suptilnijem nivou, kada se malo odmakneš i shvatiš: jebote, šta se ovde dešava i šta oni kojeg đavola rade.

U stvari mi se to najviše i svidelo u filmu, taj ton koji pominješ. Umesto da čitava apokalipsa bude predstavljena mučno i panično, mi zapravo imamo totalno bizarnu postavku jedne u suštini porodične limunada-drame (koju je Lars uvek voleo da koristi za svoje zle svrhe) koja sve čini još besmislenijim, a sam kraj sveta je: meh, ništa specijalno i jednako besmisleno. U tom i takvom svetu, apokalipsa je zapravo 'dah svežine'. :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Galadriel
Hm. :hmm: Imaš smisla. Ali u tom slučaju meni tu nedostaje motiv svođenja na apsurd koji bi filmu dao dosta veću težinu. Ona scena sexa jeste apsurdna, ali nema apsurda u egzistencijalnom smislu. I taj motiv je pokušao da provuče sa smrću njenog muža, no opet fail. Mislim još da je porbao da je prikaže mučno i panično, ali da nije uspeo. A aluzija melancholia mi je jeftina. Ja volim život takav kakav jeste i nemam emotivnu reakciju na uzročno - posledičan sled u ovom filmu. Fail. I likovi, su loše motivisani, naročito ona ludaja. Doduše to je možda i do Kirsten Dunst ili kako...

Dijalozi su opori, jako malo odaju. Temama među dijalozima i događanjima je hteo valjda da pokaže koliko su ljudi, bedni, i tu fail. Mnogo su bedniji.

Uvod je obećavao.

Filmu fali mnoogo, mnooogo više dramatičnosti, crnila, dna i depresije.
Korisnikov avatar
By Galadriel
E da. Dopao mi se jedan detalj: scena kada sa sinom ulazi u jedan auto od 400000 hiljada dolara koji neće da upali, a onda i u drugi koji zakaže isto tako.

Kako kaže jedna japanska poslovica: 'pred smrću smo svi jednaki.'
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Čini mi se da bi film bio mnogo manje uspešan da je koristio takav pristup koji pominješ, i u tom smislu Melanholija predstavlja svojevrsnu suprotnost Antihristu.
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