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Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
Svi pricate da li vam se svidja ili ne svidja, a niko nece da kaze kako se zove. :evilwait:
Korisnikov avatar
By KorvinOdAmbera
još sam takođe poznat kao i


ljudi imaju neodoljivu potrebu da mi nadenu hipokoristiku, čim me vide. :shrug:
By Glasnik
Kad sam odrastao, mislio sam da je moje ime retko i zbog toga sam se osećao posebno. ( :puzzle: )

Sad shvatam da ovo ime nose i svakakve spodobe s kojima ne bih ni na kafu. :sigh:

I da, nije tajna - Igor is the name.
Korisnikov avatar
By De Vil
ZlatnaPtica napisao:Svi pricate da li vam se svidja ili ne svidja, a niko nece da kaze kako se zove. :evilwait:

Ajd dobro,evo ja ću da kažem,zovem se Miloš :smokin:
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Volim svoje ime, iako njegova originalna verzija (inače u varijacijama prisutno u celom hrišćanskom svetu) - na pojedinim meridijanima ponekad izazove zabunu.
Korisnikov avatar
By smaug
My daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me "Sue."

Well, he must o' thought that is quite a joke
And it got a lot of laughs from a' lots of folk,
It seems I had to fight my whole life through.
Some gal would giggle and I'd get red
And some guy'd laugh and I'd bust his head,
I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named "Sue."

Well, I grew up quick and I grew up mean,
My fist got hard and my wits got keen,
I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame.
But I made a vow to the moon and stars
That I'd search the honky-tonks and bars
And kill that man who gave me that awful name.

Well, it was Gatlinburg in mid-July
And I just hit town and my throat was dry,
I thought I'd stop and have myself a brew.
At an old saloon on a street of mud,
There at a table, dealing stud,
Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me "Sue."

Well, I knew that snake was my own sweet dad
From a worn-out picture that my mother'd had,
And I knew that scar on his cheek and his evil eye.
He was big and bent and gray and old,
And I looked at him and my blood ran cold
And I said: "My name is 'Sue!' How do you do!
Now your gonna die!!"

Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes
And he went down, but to my surprise,
He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear.
But I busted a chair right across his teeth
And we crashed through the wall and into the street
Kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

I tell ya, I've fought tougher men
But I really can't remember when,
He kicked like a mule and he bit like a crocodile.
I heard him laugh and then I heard him cuss,
He went for his gun and I pulled mine first,
He stood there lookin' at me and I saw him smile.

And he said: "Son, this world is rough
And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help ya along.
So I give ya that name and I said goodbye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
And it's the name that helped to make you strong."

He said: "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do.
But ya ought to thank me, before I die,
For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
Cause I'm the son-of-a-bitch that named you "Sue.'"

I got all choked up and I threw down my gun
And I called him my pa, and he called me his son,
And I came away with a different point of view.
And I think about him, now and then,
Every time I try and every time I win,
And if I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him
Bill or George! Anything but Sue! I still hate that name!
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars

Dobro, ne izaziva baš TOLIKU zabunu!
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
smaug napisao::kiss:
:kiss: tebi što si me podsetila na...

I live in a town called Millhaven
And it's small and it's mean and it's cold
But if you come around just as the sun goes down
You can watch the whole town turn to gold
It's around about then that I used to go a-roaming
Singing "La la la la La la la lie"
All God's children they all gotta die

My name is Loretta but I prefer Lottie
I'm closing in on my fifteenth year
And if you think you have seen a pair of eyes more green
Then you sure didn't see them around here
My hair is yellow and I'm always a-combing
La la la la La la la lie
Mama often told me we all got to die

You must have heard about The Curse Of Millhaven
How last Christmas Bill Blake's little boy didn't come home
They found him next week in One Mile Creek
His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones
Well, just imagine all the wailing and moaning
La la la la La la la lie
Even little Billy Blake's boy, he had to die

Then Professor O'Rye from Millhaven High
Found nailed to his door his prize-winning terrier
Then next day the old fool brought little Biko to school
And we all had to watch as he buried her
His eulogy to Biko had all the tears a-flowing
La la la la La la la lie
Even God's little creatures, they have to die

Our little town fell into a state of shock
A lot of people were saying things that made little sense
Then the next thing you know the head of Handyman Joe
Was found in the fountain of the Mayor's residence
Foul play can really get a small town going
La la la la La la la lie
Even God's children all have to die

Then, in a cruel twist of fate, old Mrs Colgate
Was stabbed but the job was not complete
The last thing she said before the cops pronounced her dead
Was, "My killer is Loretta and she lives across the street!"
Twenty cops burst through my door without even phoning
La la la la La la la lie
The young ones, the old ones, they all gotta die

Yes, it is I, Lottie. The Curse Of Millhaven
I've struck horror in the heart of this town
Like my eyes ain't green and my hair ain't yellow
It's more like the other way around
I gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foaming
La la la la La la la lie
Sooner or later we all gotta die

Since I was no bigger than a weavil they've been saying I
was evil
That if bad was a boot that I'd fit it
That I'm a wicked young lady, but I've been trying hard lately
Oh, fuck it! I'm a monster! I admit it!
It makes me so mad my blood really starts a-going
La la la la La la la lie
Mama always told me that we all gotta die

Yeah, I drowned the Blakey kid, stabbed Mrs. Colgate, I admit
Did the handyman with his circular saw in his garden shed
But I never crucified little Biko, that was
two junior high school psychos
Stinky Bohoon and his friend with the pumpkin-sized head
I'll sing to the lot, now you got me going
La la la la La la la lie
All God's children have all gotta die

There were all the others, all our sisters and brothers
You assumed were accidents, best forgotten
Recall the children who broke through the ice on Lake Tahoo?
Everyone assumed the Warning signs had
followed them to the bottom
Well, they're underneath the house where I do quite a bit
of stowing
La la la la La la la lie
Even twenty little children, they had to die

And the fire of '91 that razed the Bella Vista slum
There was the biggest shit-fight this country's ever seen
Insurance companies ruined, land lords getting sued
All cause of wee girl with a can of gasoline
Those flames really roared when the wind started blowing
La la la la La la la lie
Rich man, poor man, all got to die

Well I confessed to all these crimes and they put me on
I was laughing when they took me away
Off to the asylum in an old black Mariah
It ain't home, but you know, it's fucking better than jail
It ain't such bad old place to have a home in
La la la la La la la lie
All God's children they all gotta die

Now I got shrinks that will not rest with their endless
Rorschach tests
I keep telling them they're out to get me
They ask me if I feel remorse and I answer, "Why of course!
There is so much more I could have done if they'd let me!"
So it's Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovy
Singing La la la la La la la lie
All God's children they all have to die

La la la la La la la lie
I'm happy as a lark and everything is fine

Singing La la la la La la la lie
Yeah, everything is groovy and everything is fine
Singing La la la la La la la lie
All God's children they gotta die
Korisnikov avatar
By TauCeti
Ja ništa posebno. Retko se desi da odem u inostranstvo a da ljudi uspeju da ga izgovore kako treba... :/
Korisnikov avatar
By denbo
Boško....bas je cool, jel da? :lol: sta znam, meni se svidja, mada me vecina zove bole, sto nije bas da volim, ali ajde kad vec hoce i meni uslo u usi :D
imam jos par nadimaka, tipa bokičica :lol: i jos jedan koji vam ne smijem reci jer mi sluzi za vecinu passworda po netu :smilegrin:
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
gossipboy8989 napisao:Volim,svidja mi se bash...
a ako ikada budem imao decu voleo bih da se zovu: ako je musko onda Viktor, a ako je zensko onda Helena :)
i dalje ga volim :love:
...i da zovem se Luka xDD
Korisnikov avatar
By Incubus
Ime ko ime, šta tu ima da se voli ili ne
Korisnikov avatar
By Crazy_Bee
ja volim svoje ime. bas bas ga volim. tj.poslednjih par nedelje ne mogu da podnesem. :lol: ali ga volim :)
Ја волим своје име.
Не бих волео да се зовем никако другачије до овако.
Име је поприлично ретко и то је један од разлога што га волим.
Други разлог је милозвучност имена са извесном нотом грубог, котрљајућег Р. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By walt333
Volim em je nekako arhaično, em nekako ozbiljno, em se retko daje. Inače zovem se Teodor.
By Хуанита
walt333 napisao:Volim em je nekako arhaično, em nekako ozbiljno, em se retko daje. Inače zovem se Teodor.
I ja volim tvoje ime, a i tebe.
Korisnikov avatar
By speedygonsales
ZlatnaPtica napisao:A miloglasno ime glasi....? :P
Милозвучно име и оно гласи Борко! :)
Korisnikov avatar
By walt333
Хуанита napisao:
walt333 napisao:Volim em je nekako arhaično, em nekako ozbiljno, em se retko daje. Inače zovem se Teodor.
I ja volim tvoje ime, a i tebe.
Mislim da se naša ljubav podrazumeva. :kiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
Borko :love: :love: :love:

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