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Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
aaahhhh... Seamus Heaney :love: :love: :love:

omiljena mi je "Station Island" ali ne mogu da nađem online, a mrzi me da prekucavam. zato ću se zadovoljiti sa bog-men ciklusom: :D

Seamus Heaney - The Grauballe Man

As if he had been poured
in tar, he lies
on a pillow of turf
and seems to weep

the black river of himself.
The grain of his wrists
is like bog oak,
the ball of his heel

like a basalt egg.
His instep has shrunk
cold as a swan’s foot
or a wet swamp root.

His hips are the ridge
and purse of a mussel,
his spine an eel arrested
under a glisten of mud.

The head lifts,
the chin is a visor
raised above the vent
of his slashed throat

that has tanned and toughened.
The cured wound
opens inwards to a dark
elderberry place.

Who will say ‘corpse’
to his vivid cast?
Who will say ‘body’
to his opaque repose?

And his rusted hair,
a mat unlikely
as a foetus’s.
I first saw his twisted face

in a photograph,
a head and shoulder
out of the peat,
bruised like a forceps baby,

but now he lies
perfected in my memory,
down to the red horn
of his nails,

hung in the scales
with beauty and atrocity:
with the Dying Gaul
too strictly compassed

on his shield,
with the actual weight
of each hooded victim,
slashed and dumped.
Korisnikov avatar
By bas bleu
@the misfit: i sejmus, a? what else do we both like?

@alexandermagic: :kiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
I know, right... I wanted to respond to Rupert Brooke as well, but thought that'd be too creepy.

on topic:

Watching Old Movies When They Were New
by Eavan Boland

I grew up in grey and white.
In half-tones and undertones.
Sitting by a bakelite telephone,
watching grainy and snowy kisses on the small screen.
This was New York.
I was thirteen. Outside my window the gardenless
and flowerless city, with its sirens
its cents, was new to me. And I was tired
of being anywhere but home. So I settled back
to grow older quickly.
And the crescent moon,
and the shirt-collar of that man
as he kissed the girl under it and her face
as she turned away and the ocean beginning
to burn and glisten in the distance:
they were like me: what they lacked was
outside them. Was an absence within which
they could only be
less than themselves: anyone could see
their doom was not love, was not destiny, was only
monochrome. But a time was coming. Is coming. Has come
and gone. And I will know what I am watching is
a passionate economy
we call the past. Although
its other name may be memory. And somewhere else
the future is already growing consequences. They are blue
and yellow. They are vermilion or a vivid green.
Pick us, they will say. Bring us indoors.
Arrange us into a city.
Into a situation. See how quickly
you tire of us. How soon you will yearn
for these tones and coolnesses. I know
nothing of this as I lean back. As the screen flickers.
By Speculum Columbae

Triplum: Cum statua Nabucodonasor
Metallina successive (minor)
Ac gradatim decudi ac minus
Ficti colis passus est dominus
Que cum primo fuerit aurea
Virtuosus inde argentea
Carne mundus deinceps herea
Scitum loqui fictilis ferea
Ac lutea pater novissime
Novissimis quidbusdam maxime
Corde dantis una cum patribus
Ipocrisis antifrasis quibus
Dat mendici nomen sophistice.
Hec concino Philippus publice
Et quia impia
Lingua ledor unius territe
Pro vero refero:
A prophetis fasis attendite.
Motet: Hugo, Hugo princeps invidie
Tu cum prima pateas facie
Homo pacis virtutum filius
Te neminem decet in populo
Lingue tue ledere iaculo
Set ignarum doce te pocius.
Qua me culpas igitur rabie
Assignata mihi nulla die
Inconsultus causamque nescius?
Stupeo et eo
Cum invidus sic sis palam pius
Perpere dicere
Ipocritam te possum verius.
Tenor: Magister Invidie.

Philippe de Vitry, Roman de Fauvel

Korisnikov avatar
By walt333

Ja sam malo gladan; Ja sam veoma gladan; Umirem od gladi: jasno je da govorim o tri stupnja istog apetita. Volim te malkice; Volim Te puno; volim Te ludo: da li i dalje govorim o različitim stupnjevima?


Voleću te zauvek, zaklinje se pesnik. i ja nalazim da je lako tako se zakleti. voleću Te u 16 časova i 15 minuta sledećeg utorka: da li je i to podjednako lako?


Pesma koju sam želeo da napišem trebala je tačno da izrazi na šta mislim kada pomislim reči Ja Te volim, ali ne mogu tačno da doznam na šta mislim; ona je trebalo da bude očigledno istinita, ali reči ne mogu da potvrde sebe. Stoga će ova pesma ostati nenapisana. Nije važno. Ti ćeš sutra stići; kada bih pisao roman u kojem smo nas dvoje junaci, tačno znam kako bih Te pozdravio na stanici obožavanje u oku; na jeziku šala i blud. Ali ko tačno zna kako ću Te pozdraviti? Ljubazna gospa? Čuj, to je dobra ideja. Ne bi li mogla da se napiše pesma (pomalo neprijatna, možda) o Njoj.

Nenapisana pesma. W. H. Auden
Korisnikov avatar
By Markiza
Nemoj da me kljuješ
u to moje grlo
sa tim lepim očima.

Ne mogu da dišem
od tebe.
U nosu mi duša,

Ja žvaćem tvoju kosu.
Ti žvaćeš moju krv.
Ja žvaćem tvoje ruke.
Ti žvaćeš moje srce."

Mika Antić
Korisnikov avatar
By Myself
Ja Sam Stranica

Ja sam stranica tvoga pera.
Bela stranica. Ja sve primam.
Ja sam chuvar tvoga dobra.
Ja uvek stostruko vracam.

Ja sam selo i crna zemlja.
Ti si moje sunce i moja kisha.
Ti si Bog i Gospodin, a ja -
Crna zemlja i bela hartija.

Korisnikov avatar
By smaug
Belinda lived in a little white house,
With a little black kitten and a little gray mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink,
And the little gray mouse, she called her Blink,
And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard,
But the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard.

Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
And realio, trulio, daggers on his toes.

Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him Percival,
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon
At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.

Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
And Blink said Week!, which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.
Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried Belinda,
For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.

Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
His beard was black, one leg was wood;
It was clear that the pirate meant no good.

Belinda paled, and she cried, Help! Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.

But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

The pirate gaped at Belinda's dragon,
And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
He fired two bullets but they didn't hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit.

Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
No one mourned for his pirate victim
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
Around the dragon that ate the pyrate.

Belinda still lives in her little white house,
With her little black kitten and her little gray mouse,
And her little yellow dog and her little red wagon,
And her realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
Korisnikov avatar
By Markiza
Nasloni glavu na moje rame i oslušni.Oslušni zenicama.
Sve što je oko tebe, sine moj, sačinjeno je od nečega u tebi.
Pokušaj da se osvrneš. Svet ima milione vrata.
Lepo ih možeš opipati i u tami.
Možeš ih opipati kao zvuk. Kao odjek.
Svejedno kroz koja vrata prođeš, prošao si kroz sebe.
I sa obe strane te čeka ogromna ljudska nada....
Korisnikov avatar
By Sanja Steppenwolfin
I koliko puta si dosad noc provela pored heroja
A sledeceg jutra bi se probudila pored djavola?
Sedela sam na rubu tvog kreveta i bila poprilicno ostecena
Ali vec sam svoje seme u tvoj mozak posadila.
Moje samopouzdanje je lebdelo i sa svakim uzdahom
Nisam mogla da dobijem to sto sam od zivota htela.
Kontrolisala sam svoj let, zastajla bi samo na prelepi trenutak
Koji lepotu tvog sveta mojim ocima salje.
I ipak me moj put odvlaci i tebe od mene.
Ti sahranjujes to sto je bilo uspod tvoje mrtve kose.
Pitam se svakodnevno hoces li mi ikada oprostiti?
Ti si pored mene. Nas razdvaja zivot.

Bila sam tvoja buducnost, ali to je sada proslost
I pretpostavljam da jedno “zao mi je” tu vise ne pomaze.
Bila si puna ocekivanja. Ja sam bila tako prazna.
Previse si se vezala za mene, postale smo teske.
Ostala sam bez par pera, to nije pomoglo.
Pisala sam ti “Volim te”. I volim te.
Sledicu svoju karmu, mogu da vidim u buducnost.
Ne dozvoli da te to slomi, zakunimo se u ljubav!
Posalji demone u pakao, gde im je i mesto
U uverenju da niceg ne bi bilo
Da nema ljubavi.

Sta bismo saznali, kada bi sve znali unapred?
Mozda sam ti slomila srce kada smo se poljubile.
Ali, mozda ti zadajes nasoj ljubavi udarac
Ako se kajes sto si me ikada srela.
I mozda je to neki zakon u tvom zivotu
Da za svaki dan na nebu, dobijamo jedan u paklu.
Ali, u zivotu se sve samo jednom desava,
Kada to i ne bi bilo tako
Opet bih te volela, i to duplo vise.

Ovo je za sve, koji su mi svoju ljubav dali.
Bilo je lepo imati deo nje.
Ovo je za sve koje sam volela,
Lepo je sto vas je bilo.
Ovo je za svakog, s’ kim sam bila blizaka
I koji je bio povredjen tim necim sto nas je spajalo.
Razdvaja nas zivot i ipak..
Jos te volim.
By LeDeNa_
Oktavio Paz


kao iz dna muzike
izvire nota
koja odzvanja, cveta i sahne
sve dok u drugoj muzici ne zanemi,
radja iz dna tisine
drugu tisinu, ostri toranj, mac,
i uspinje i raste i vesa nas,
i dok se odizu i spustaju
uspomene, nadanja,
malene i velike lazi,
i zelimo da vicemo dok u grlu
krik zamire:
uviremo u tisinu
u kojoj tisine nema.



tvoje ime u mom imenu u tvome imenu
moje ime
jedno spram drugog jedno protiv drugoga
jedno oko drugoga
jedno u drugome
bez imena.



visoki stub otkucaja
na nepokretnoj osi vremena
sunce te oblaci i razgolicuje
dan se odvaja od tvoga tela
i gubi se u tvojoj noci
noc se odvaja od tvoga dana
i gubi se u tvome telu
nikada nisi ista
uvek upravo stizes
ovde si od samog pocetka.
Korisnikov avatar
By Markiza
Neki te ne vole ljudi

Postoje ljudi, koji te ne vole, tako...
Ali nemoj to da te brine, ne može voleti svako...
Svejedno da li ih koristiš, il im daruješ cveće, predaš se ili se boriš...

Neki te voleti neće...
Zajedno teku vam dani...
Za isti sto ćete sesti...

Ali ste svetovi strani koji se ne mogu sresti...
I mozeš pružiti ruku, vaditi srce iz grudi, priznati muke i patnje...

Neki te ne vole ljudi...
I možeš brod kad im tone, džinovskom snagom dići, opet će da te se klone...
I svom će ostrvu ići...

I zato nastavi dalje, neka te talasi nose i nebo zvezdano šalje i bure zamrse kose...
Razapni jedra i maštaj...
Pobeđuj metar po metar...

I praštaj...
Praštaj im...
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Wilfred Owen - Dulce Et Decorum Est

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of disappointed shells that dropped behind.

GAS! Gas! Quick, boys!-- An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And floundering like a man in fire or lime.--
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

8 October 1917 - March, 1918
By LeDeNa_
Nepovratna pesma

Nikad nemoj da se vraćaš
kad već jednom u svet kreneš
Nemoj da mi nešto petljaš
Nemoj da mi hoćeš-nećeš.
I ja bezim bez povratka.
Nikad neću unatrag.
Sta ti znači staro sunce,
stare staze,
stari prag?
Tu je ono za čim može da se pati
Tu je ono čemu možes srce dati.
Al' ako se ikad vratiš
moraš znati
tu ćeš stati
I ostati.
Očima se u svet trči
Glavom rije mlako veče
Od reke se dete uči
ka morima da poteče.
Od zvezda se dete uči
da zapara nebo sjajem.
I od druma da se muči
i vijuga za beskrajem.
Opasno je kao zmija
opasno je kao metak
da u tebi večno klija
i ćarlija tvoj početak.

Ti za koren
nisi stvoren
Ceo svet ti je otvoren.
Ako ti se nekud žuri,
stisni srce i zažmuri.
Al' kad pođeš - nemoj stati
Mahni rukom.
I odjuri.
Ko zna kud ćeš.
Ko zna zašto.
Ko zna šta te tamo čeka.
Ove su želje uvek belje
kad namignu iz daleka.
Opasno je kao munja
opasno je kao metak
da u tebi večno kunja
i muči se tvoj početak.
Ti si uvek krilat bio
samo si zaboravio.
Zato leti.
Stvaraj zoru kad je veče.
Nek' od tebe život uči
da se peni i da teče.
Budi takvo neko čudo
što ne ume ništa malo,
pa kad kreneš - kreni ludo,

Ko zna šta te tamo čeka
u maglama iz daleka.
Al' ako se i pozlatiš,
il' sve teško,
gorko platiš,
uvek idi samo napred.
Nemoj nikad da se vratiš.

M. Antić
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
‘We are what we repeatedly do.’

You know how it is waking
from a dream certain you can fly
and that someone, long gone, returned

and you are filled with longing,
for a brief moment, to drive off
the road and feel nothing

or to see the loved one and feel
everything. Perhaps one morning,
taking brush to hair you’ll wonder

how much of your life you’ve spent
at this task or signing your name
or rising in fog in near darkness

to ready for work. Day begins
with other people’s needs first
and your thoughts disperse like breath.

In the in-between hour, the solitary hour,
before day begins all the world
gradually reappears car by car.

(Deborah Ager, ''Morning'')
Korisnikov avatar
By bas bleu
three words

...and yet, and yet, someone loved me,
incredible, incredible.
further, to deepen incredulity,
she was beautiful, beautiful
and she told me not by letter, not by phone
but face to face
in a restaurant in peter’s lane.
three words, i love you.
i quit the place
and walked for miles and miles
till i was lost, then hopped a bus,
returned to bedsit, unrefreshed, dumb.
i love you. i have my own madness,
don’t need another’s. whatever love is
it’s what i fly from.
my heart will never house an unexploded bomb.

brendan kennelly
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
pomalo očigledan izbor, ali obožavam:

“The Second Coming”
William Butler Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
The Misfit napisao:pomalo očigledan izbor, ali obožavam:

“The Second Coming”
William Butler Yeats

Nisam mogla da prevedem bolje od ovoga.

,,Oglasavanje visine'', Janko Ninkov(1972)


Бол је разнородна лепота
Историја се дешава
Када ми из уста исцури суза

Након дугих путовања
Чекају ме
Ноћне кише



Изнова мирис покошене траве
Миришу стопе Баханткиња
Осветљено Небо у Ноћи
Путник који нигде не Путује
Без сене Васељене

Будим се као мистик
И објављујем чудо

Оглашавам висину
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Orlando the Lady napisao:
The Misfit napisao:pomalo očigledan izbor, ali obožavam:

“The Second Coming”
William Butler Yeats
:) sjajan izbor.

Nisam mogla da prevedem bolje od ovoga.

,,Oglasavanje visine'', Janko Ninkov(1972)


Бол је разнородна лепота
Историја се дешава
Када ми из уста исцури суза

Након дугих путовања
Чекају ме
Ноћне кише



Изнова мирис покошене траве
Миришу стопе Баханткиња
Осветљено Небо у Ноћи
Путник који нигде не Путује
Без сене Васељене

Будим се као мистик
И објављујем чудо

Оглашавам висину
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
i naravno:

And then old loves,
meeting again, have no idea what to do,
resuming or not resuming from where they were
years before. Or the dead come back to chat.
Or you are reduced for a giddy moment to childhood’s
innocent incompetence.

---David R. Slavitt, excerpt from ''The Valve''
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Dark Harvest
For Annie

You can come to me in the evening,
with the fingers of former lovers
fastened in your hair and their ghost lips
opening over your body,
They can be philosophers or musicians in long coats and colored shoes
and they can be smarter than I am,
whispering to each other
when they look at us.
You can come walking toward my window after dusk
when I can’t see past the lamplight in the glass,
when the chipped plates rattle on the counter
and the cinders
dance on the cross-ties under the wheels of southbound freights.
Bring children if you want, and the long wounds of sisters
branching away
behind you toward the sea.
Bring your mother’s tense distracted face
and the shoulders of plane mechanics
slumped in the Naugahyde booths of the airport diner,
waiting for you to bring their eggs.

I’ll bring all the bottles of gin I drank by myself
and my cracked mouth opened partway
as I slept in the back of my blue Impala
dreaming of spiders.
I won’t forget the lines running deeply
in the cheeks of the Polish landlady
who wouldn’t let the cops upstairs,
the missing ring finger of the machinist from Spenard
whose money I stole after he passed out to go downtown in a cab
and look for whores,
or the trembling lower jaw of my son, watching me
back my motorcycle from his mother’s driveway one last time,
the ribbons and cone-shaped birthday hats
scattered on the lawn,
the rain coming down like broken glass.

We’ll go out under the stars and sit together on the ground
and there will be enough to eat for everybody.
They can sleep on my couches and rug,
and the next day
I’ll go to work, stepping easily across the scaffolding, feeding
the cable gently into the new pipes on the roof,
and dreaming
like St Francis of the still dark rocks
that disappear under the morning tide,
only to climb back into the light,
sea-rimed, salt-blotched, their patched webs of algae
blazing with flies in the sun.
By Хуанита
Sefardska romansa (XIII vek)

A la una yo nací, a las dos m’engrandecí.
A la una yo nací, a las dos m’engrandecí.
A las tres tomí amante, a las cuatro me cazí.
A las tres tomí amante, a las cuatro me cazí.

Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón

Dime niña dónde vienes, que te quiero conocer.
Dime niña dónde vienes, que te quiero conocer.
Si tú no tienes amante, yo te haré defender.
Si tú no tienes amante, yo te haré defender.

Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón

Yendome para la guerra, dos bezos al aire di.
Yendome para la guerra, dos bezos al aire di.
El uno es para mi madre, y el otro para ti.
El uno es para mi madre, y el otro para ti.

Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón

A la una yo nací, a las dos m’engrandecí.
A la una yo nací, a las dos m’engrandecí.
A las tres tomí amante, a las cuatro me cazí.
A las tres tomí amante, a las cuatro me cazí.

Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón
Alma, vida y corazón
Korisnikov avatar
By poison
Sir John Suckling
Loves Siege

Tis now since I sate down before
That foolish Fort, a heart,
(Time strangely spent)a Year, and more,
And still I did my part:

Made my approaches, from her hand
Unto her lip did rise,
And did already understand
The language of her eyes;

Proceeded on with no lesse Art,
My tongue was Engineer:
I thought to undermine the heart
By whispering in the ear.

When this did nothing, I brought down
Great Canon-oaths, and shot
A thousand thousand to the Town,
And still it yeelded not.

I then resolv'd to starve the place
By cutting off all kisses,
Praysing and gazing on her face,
And all such little blisses.

To draw her out, and from her strength,
I drew all batteries in:
And brought my self to lie at length
As if no siege had been.

When I had done what man could do,
And thought the place mine owne,
The Enemy lay quiet too,
And smil'd at all was done.

I sent to know from whence, and where,
These hopes, and this relief?
A Spie inform'd, Honour was there,
And did command in chief.

March, march, (quoth I) the word straight give,
Let lose no time, but leave her:
That Giant upon ayre will live,
And hold it out for ever.

To such a place Camp remove
As will no siege abide;
I hate a fool that starves her Love
Onely to feed her pride.
Korisnikov avatar
By Misfit
Tom Waits - Black Wings
sa albuma: Bone Machine

Take an eye for an eye
Take a tooth for a tooth
Just like they say in the Bible
Never leave a trace or forget a face
Of any man at the table
When the moon is a cold chiseled dagger
Sharp enough to draw blood from a stone
He rides through your dreams on a coach
And horses and the fence posts
In the midnight look like bones

Well they've stopped trying to hold him
With mortar, stone and chain
He broke out of every prison
Boots mount the staircase
The door is flung back open
He's not there for he has risen
He's not there for he has risen

Well he once killed a man with a guitar string
He's been seen at the table with kings
Well he once saved a baby from drowning
There are those who say beneath his coat there are wings
Some say they fear him
Others admire him
Because he steals his promise
One look in his eye
Everyone denies
Ever having met him
Ever having met him

He can turn himself into a stranger
Wel lthey broke a lot of canes on his hide
he was born away in a cornfield
A fever beats in his head like a drum inside
Some say they fear him
Others admire him
Because he steals his promise
One look in his eye
Everyone denies
Ever having met him
Ever having met him

coz it IS poetry :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Markiza
I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine
Pablo Neruda
Divna serbian and english as well...
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Opet sam to izvela.
Jednom u svakih deset leta
To mi uspeva-

Neka vrsta pokretnog cuda, moja put
Sjajna k'o nacisticki abazur,
Moje desno stopalo

Pritiskac za hartiju,
Moje lice bezlicno, fino
Jevrejsko rublje.

Salvet u kut.
O, moj neprijatelju.
Jesam li uzasna?

Nos, ocne duplje, svi zubi
Neprijatni zadah
Nestace za dan.

Ubrzo, ubrzo ce meso
Sto grobna ga raka pojede
Kod kuce na meni da bude

A ja nasmejana zena.
Meni je tek trideseta.
I k'o macka mogu devet puta da mrem.

Ovo je Treci Put.
Koliko djubreta
Za unistenje svake decenije.

Koliki milion niti.
Gomila sto krcka kikiriki
Gura se da vidi

Kako mi odvijaju ruku, nogu-
Veliko svlacenje.
Gospodo, dame,

Ovo su moje ruke,
Moja kolena.
Moguce da sam kost i koza,

Pa ipak, ista sam, identicna zena.
Prvi put se desilo kad mi je bilo deset godina.
Nesrecan slucaj.

Drugi put sam mislila
Da istrajem i da se vise ne vracam tu.
Njihala sam se sklopljena

K'o morska skoljka.
Morali su da me zovu i zovu
I crve da s mene skidaju k'o biserje lepljivo.

Umiranje je
vestina, k'o i sve ostalo.
Ja to izvodim maestralno.

Izvodim tako da izgleda pakleno.
Izvodim tako da izgleda stvarno.
Moglo bi se reci rodjena sam za to.

Lako je to izvesti u grobnici.
Lako je to izvesti i ostali gde su.
Ovo je teatralni

Povratak usred bela dana
Istom mestu, istom liku, istom zverskom
Poviku iznenadjenja:

koji me obara.
Placa se

Razgledanje mojih oziljaka, placa se
Slusanje mog srca-
Stvarno kuca.

I placa se, mnogo se placa,
Za rec ili dodir
Il kaplju krvi

Pramen moje kose il mog odela.
Zato, zato Herr Doktor,
Zato Herr Neprijatelj-

Ja sam vase delo.
Ja sam vase blago,
Cedo od suva zlata

Sto se u vrisak istapa.
Vrtim se i gorim.
Ne mislite da vasu veliku brigu sporim.

Pepeo, pepeo-
dzarate i mesate.
Meso, kost, niceg tu nema-
Parce sapuna,
Burma s vencanja,
Plomba zlatna.

Herr Bog, Herr Lucifer,

Iz pepela
Ustajem s kosama crvenim
I muskarce k'o zrak tamanim.
Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi

Pakost u kuhinji!
Sikcu krompiri.
Sve je to Hollywood, bez prozora.
Neon trepce k'o uzasna glavobolja.
Stidljive papirne trake umesto vrata-
Pozorisne zavese, udovicine lokne.
A ja sam ti, draga, patoloska lazljivica.
A moje dete-vidi je, smetenu na podu,
Lutkica pokidanog konca, rita se do besvesti-
Zasto je ona sizofrena,
Rumeno njeno belo lisce, panika,
Bacila si njene macice kroz prozor
U nekakvu cementnu jamu
Gde pogane, bljuju i cvile a ona ne moze to da slusa.
Kazes ne podnosis je,
Kopile je devojcica.
Ti kojoj su produvali jajovode k'o pokvaren radio
Ociscen od glasova i istorije, staticke
Buke novog.
Kazes trebalo bi da udavim macice. Njihov smrad!
Kazes trebalo bi da udavim svoju devojcicu.
Prerezace sebi grlo u desetoj ako je luda u drugoj.
Beba se ceri, debeli puz,
S uglacanih rombova oranz linoleuma.
Njega bi mogla da pojedes. On je decak.
Kazes muz ti ne valja.
Njegova jevrejska mama cuva njegov slatki seks poput bisera.

Ti imas jednu bebu, ja imam dve.
Trebalo bi da sedim na steni Kornovola i kosu da ceslajm.
Trebalo bi tigraste gacice da nosim, avanturu bi trebalo da imam.
Trebalo bi da se sretnemo u drugom zivotu, trebalo bi da se sretnemo u zraku,
Ja i ti.

Dotle tu je smrad masti i bebina pogan.
Drogirana sam i tupa od poslednje pilule za spavanje.
Smog kuvanja, smog pakla
Preplavljuje nase glave, dve zlobne oprecnosti,
Nase kosti, nasu kosu.
Zovem te Siroce, siroce. Bolesna si.
Sunce ti daje cir, vetar ti daje TBC.
Nekad si lepa bila ti.
U New Yorku, u Hollywoodu, muski su govorili: "Gotova?
Uf, mala, strasna si."
Glumila si, glumila, glumila iz zadovoljstva.
Impotentni muz izlazi na kafu.
Pokusavam da ga zadrzim unutra.
Stari gromobran,
Kisela kupatila, vedrine od tebe daleko.
Baca se niz plasticno kaldrmisano brdo,
Isibana trola. Varnice su plavicaste.
Bljuju plavicaste varnice,
Rasprskavajuci se u milion cestica poput kvarca.

O, dragulju! O, dragoceni!
Te noci luna je
Teglila svoju krvavu torbu, bolesna
Gore nad svetlima pristanista.
A onda je postala normalna,
Tvrda, izdvojena i bela.
Krljustni sjaj peska na smrt me uplasio.
Nastavili smo da skupljamo pregrsti, ljubeci ga,
Meseci ga, telo mulata,
Svileni pesak.
Pas je pokupio tvoje pseto od muza. On je otisao.

Sad sam tiha, u mrznji
Do grla,
Tupa, tupa.
Ne govorim.
Pakujem tvrde krompire kao dobru odecu,
Pakujem bebe,
Pakujem bolesne macke.
O, vazo kiseline,
Ljubav je to cime si ispunjena. Znas ti koga mrzis.
Grli on svoju loptu i lanac dole kraj vrata
sto se otvaraju ka moru
Gde ono nadire, belo i crno,
A onda kulja nazad.
Svakog dana punis ga dusevnoscu, kao krcag.
Tako si iscrpljena.
Tvoj glas moja nausnica,
Sto lepce i sise, krvozedni sismis.
To je to. To je to.
Viris sa vrata,
Tuzna vestica. "Svaka je zena drolja.
Ne mogu da komuniciram."

Vidim kako se tvoj drazesni decor
Zatvara nad tobom poput bebine pesnice
Ili sase, to more
Draga, taj kleptoman.
Jos sam niskusna.
Kazem: mozda se i vratim.
Znas ti cemu sluze lazi.

Cak ni na tvojim zen nebesima necemo se sresti.
By Хуанита
Знаш ли шта је срећа? Не, то није рај,
Ни благо на сваком кораку;
Срећа је кад лепотицу видиш,
Па презреш драгуља сјај
И просиш на њеном сокаку.

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