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By LeDeNa_

Celo vase telo, od vrhova jednog krila do drugog - govorio im je Dzonatan - nije nista drugo nego vasa misao, u formi u kojoj se moze videti. Ne savladate li svoju misao, ne mozete vladati ni svojim telom.

-Galeb Dzonatan Livingston-
By LeDeNa_
"Ne bojte se grehova ljudskih, volite čoveka i u grehu njegovom, jer kad ko voli čoveka i grešnog, to je već slika Božanske ljubavi i vrhunac je ljubavi na zemlji. Volite sve stvorenje Božije, i celokupno, i svaku mrvicu. Svaki listić, svaku zraku Božiju volite. Budeš li voleo svaku stvar - i tajnu ćeš Božiju razumeti u stvarima. A shvatiš li je jedared, ti ćeš je posle neumorno početi poznavati sve dalje i više, svakodnevno. I zavolećeš, najzad, sav svet vascelom i vasionom ljubavlju".

Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski "O ljubavi".
Korisnikov avatar
By Evdokija
Nije mi bas 'dodirnulo dusu' ali su mi bile lepe :)

By LeDeNa_

I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings
My angel Gabriel


I can love
But I need his heart
I am strong even on my own
But from him I never want to part
He's been there since the very start
My angel Gabriel
My angel Gabriel


Bless the day he came to be
Angel's wings carried him to me
I can fly


But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings


My angel Gabriel
My angel Gabriel
My angel Gabriel


My angel...
My angel...
My angel...
My angel...
My angel...
My angel...






Korisnikov avatar
By Sanja Steppenwolfin
Napravicu sebi kucicu od pruca na kapiji tvojoj i obraticu se svojoj dusi unutar te kuce. Pisacu iskrene pesme o neuzvracenoj ljubavi i pevacu ih glasno cak i u gluvo doba noci. Uzvikivacu tvoje ime prema brdima odjeka i ucinicu da vazduh izgovara tvoje ime *********
Korisnikov avatar
By colorado
Otisao sam danas prvi put da se prosetam do bezena otkad su ga zatvorili. Bio je mrkli mrak i osecao sam se kao na groblju... i umiralo mi se malo.
Onda sam se setio da me nesto jako lepo ceka za nedelju dana i da ne mogu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Mariška
Originally posted by mOwbid






Slika Slika

In Afghanistan and Iraq, women who should be overjoyed by their pregnancies call their condition “jelly belly”. So many babies are being born with stubby limbs, with their intestines outside their bodies, with huge bulging tumors where their eyes should be-or with a single Cyclopean eye, or without eyes, or without limbs, and even without heads - new mothers no longer ask, “Is it a girl or a boy?”
Instead, they anxiously inquire, “Is it normal, doctor?”
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
Liar! Liar, Liar, Liar! You've all got your heads up your assholes because love is. It just is and nothing you can say can make it go away because it is the point of why we are here, it is the highest point and once you are up there, looking down on everyone else, you're there forever. Because if you move, right, you fall. You fall.

iz lost and d.
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
Originally posted by Sanja Steppenwolfin

Napravicu sebi kucicu od pruca na kapiji tvojoj i obraticu se svojoj dusi unutar te kuce. Pisacu iskrene pesme o neuzvracenoj ljubavi i pevacu ih glasno cak i u gluvo doba noci. Uzvikivacu tvoje ime prema brdima odjeka i ucinicu da vazduh izgovara tvoje ime *********
I shall make me a willow cabin at your gate and call upon my soul within the house; Write loyal cantons of contemned love and sing them loud even in the dead of night; Halloo your name to the reverberate hills and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out '*********!'

lepse zvuci u originalu :)
Korisnikov avatar
By zozefin st
e, a ovo mi se najvise svidja

"Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here; and fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood, stop up the access and passage to remorse that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose. Come to my woman's breast and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers wherever in your sightless substance you wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, and apll thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry: 'Hold, hold!'"

L & D
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid
Smrt nije suprotnost životu. Život nema suprotnosti.
Suprotnost smrti je radanje, a život je vječan.

/Eckhart Tolle/
Korisnikov avatar
By Anhedonie
^ Zar nije to wilijem blejk? :misli:

edit: a neeeee setih se
Korisnikov avatar
By Anhedonie
To ovo :love:

One has to come to terms with one's own mortality. And you can't really help people who are having problems with mortality, if you've got problems of your own. So you have to begin to sort things out, and I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this excerpt from this point of certainty. I shall remember what it said: 'Life is not the opposite of death, death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal.' And i thought that it's the most profound words I have ever heard about that issue and it really put me in peace. I felt it was a wonderful story. And that's it. What else is there to say? Heh.

Life is eternal. Surely the opposite of life is not death, but life is eternal. There is no opposite.
And so, what happens is, I suppose, and isn't this a raging state of pure consciousness, stillness and silence? Yeah, what we are looking for now, we are searching for and we have been searching for, now we've become closer to it and now we know it's already there, is there for ever to seek, it's there, and it's going be there, all the time, forevermore.
Korisnikov avatar
By Anhedonie
Ovde cuo, prelepo je, i pesma i sve sve

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