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Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Ja još uvek ništa ne iskopah, mamicu im...
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Golden Globe Awards: Pored nominacije za Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy, i Christina i Cher su nominovane u istoj kategoriji za Best Original Song :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Ne pronalazim film još uvek... izgleda da ću ga dočekati u bioskopima kod nas početkom februara!

A ima li ko poslednjeg Harry Pottera?
Korisnikov avatar
By Torry
izasli linkovi

za sada cam verzija
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Izgleda da je film žešći debakl.

(htedoh da kažem fijasko, ali sam ukapirao da ne znam da li se piše sa ili bez j...)
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Odgledao sam bioskopsku kopiju... zvuk je bio malo sjeban, ali slika je bila dobra... hm. :shrug:

Dopadaju mi se kadrovi i postoji nekoliko simpatičnih scena, ali osim toga ne ostavlja nikakav utisak.

Zašto ne postoji nastup za Beautiful people, tome sam se najviše nadao!
Najbolja pesma za odjavnu špicu?!

Film još i dobro prolazi koliko je isprazan.
Korisnikov avatar
By Innamoramento
Je l' zna neko kada će film da doživi premijeru i u našim bioskopima??? :(
Korisnikov avatar
By Innamoramento
Ne znam da li da čekam ili pogledam DVDrip filma koji se pojavio na netu, ili OBA... :cupakosu:
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Nije vredan bioskopa, pogledaj DVD rip.
Možda mi bolji kvalitet snimka popravi utisak :sigh:

edit: Popravlja blago utisak.
Film je čist eye candy, ništa dublje od toga.

Tek sad ukapirah da su u pitanju akustične verzije pesama uz koje nastupaju, bez studijskog peglanja :awesome:
Korisnikov avatar
By Innamoramento
Ja sam oduševljen filmom! Upravo sam ga odgledao i u stanju sam "WOW"!
Moram okupiti drugarice (možda i ponekog drugara) i otići i pogledati ovaj film u bioskopu...!
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Ima pristojnih scena, ali nekih klišea sam se postideo.

Za film debut mogla je i bolje odabrati, mada uvek može i lošije.

Mislim da može da iznese ozbiljnije uloge, problem je u ispraznom scenariju, nabacanim scenama koje su odabrane kao da se podrazumevaju za takav film, ali bez previše razmišljanja i povezivanja priče.

Ali izgleda prelepo :awesome:
Mada više ne, sad se usvinjila!
Korisnikov avatar
By Innamoramento
Ja mislim da je film savršen za njenu biografiju!
Ovako nešto joj je trebalo u karijeri i film će ostati zapamćen sigurno... Pročitao sam na netu neki tekst gde se pored kritike filma, film poredi sa Glitter u kome glumi Mariah Carey i Crossroads u kome glumi Britney...

When I originally heard of the concept for Steven Antin's Burlesque, a movie musical starring pop phenom Christina Aguilera and the legendary Cher, I was, if you could believe it, less than enthusiastic. I was under the assumption that this film would be not just bad, but god awful. Recalling horrid pop star film debuts (ex. Mariah Carey in the depressingly hollow Glitter, Britney Spears in the mind-numbing Crossroads) I thought I was in for a cinematic train wreck of epic proportions. And I'm happy to tell you today, that I couldn't have been more wrong.

First of all, what makes Burlesque unlike Glitter and Crossroads is its aesthetics. Christina Aguilera's strong voice is enough to carry a film, as it turns out. However, Burlesque has more to fall back on. Cher plays Tess, Aguilera's character's boss and mentor. She can make any film excellent. Secondly, this film is a musical, also unlike Glitter and Crossroads. It shoots for being something of a hybrid between Cabaret and Chicago, and doesn't completely fail. Thirdly, this film has an outstanding supporting cast, including the always great Stanley Tucci, Grey's Anatomy vet Eric Dane, Kristen Bell, Cam Gigandet, and Alan Cumming, and these folks bring enough liveliness to save even the worst film, but here, they only add to the fun and excitement.

The story is really nothing new. Small-town girl Ali (Aguilera) leaves her job as an Iowan waitress, and heads for the big lights of Los Angeles. She stumbles upon a burlesque club run by Tess (Cher), starts working her way up, and eventually becomes the main attraction, with her intense vocal range and elaborate interpretations of dance numbers, which turns out to be a godsend for Tess, who is about to lose her club. She starts living with the charismatic and sexy bartender Jack (Cam Gigandet), after her apartment gets robbed. Romance ensues, and things go from there.

Cliché, right? It's been done before, right? Right. There isn't a section of this film that isn't even a little bit corny. But, that's not to say it's not a load of fun. I'm sorry, Harry Potter, Burlesque is the film event of the Thanksgiving holiday. Christina Aguilera isn't a fantastic actress, but she's better than you would expect her to be, and her song-and-dance numbers, obviously, are fantastic, as one would expect.

She and Cher have fantastic chemistry, as well as Cher and Stanley Tucci. All of these actors blend together so well, that they seem to compliment each other, enhancing each performance. And, I was rather disappointed to see that Cher only sang two out of the film's ten musical numbers, but it's safe to say that that's not enough, considering that she can still belt the hell out of these songs. However, Cher's obvious plastic surgeries don't help her performance, considering that her face barely moves throughout the entire picture, but she's still able to pull this role off, somehow.

Steven Antin is a director whom I've never heard of, however, I was fairly impressed. The film is directed with impeccable taste, and the writing is very quick and clever, and humorous, even when a little corny.

However, what really saves Burlesque in the end is its elaborate song- and-dance numbers. Soon after the movie begins, you know what kind of film you're in for. Even as cliché after cliché presents themselves, Burlesque has enough razzle-dazzle magic to outweigh its faults, and to leave you dancing in the aisles as you leave this film.
Korisnikov avatar
By gorilica
Film je promasaj.
Sinoc gledao sa drustvom i bas smo doziveli spust.
Cher je toliko botoksovana da vise ne moze normalno ni da prica, vec mumla kao da se davi, a kamo li da napravi bilo kakvu grimasu na licu i time docara emociju.
Christina je osrednja glumica i igracica. Za pevanje joj skidam kapu, i u tom delu je nenadjebiva, ali sve ostalo, jbg, nas pandan ovde bi joj bio Dara Bubamara. Smesno je kada se neko ko nije sexipilan iz petnih zila trudi da prikaze sebe kao Sex simbol. Ipak, bolja je glumica i od Britney i od Mariah-e.
Sto rece Trrty, los scenario, prepun stereotipa, ocajni dijalozi i losa montaza. Par dobrih scena i to je to.

Btw, i u dvd ripu je audio los. Muzicke deonice su ok, ali ostatak filma je sa neujednacenim tonom.
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Preterivanje nikada nije sexy, a nekada je umela da ne preteruje. :sigh:

Što se tiče plesa, vidi se da joj nije baš u krvi, a i koreografije su nekako bezveze.
Korisnikov avatar
By nsc
previse ste ocekivali i previse trazite
meni se filmcic bas dopao
u redu, nije to "Cabaret", ali je dobar
kad se film zavrsi i kad uhvatim sebe da se zadovoljno osmehujem,
kad pojedine scene zelim jos jednom da pogledam,
to je lepo utroseno vreme, a nisam ni osetio da je proslo 2 sata
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Nego šta da očekujem, posle odlaganja već gotovog albuma minimum pola godine zbog filma?!
Da je izdala ranije možda bi bolje prošao, ko zna... ma! :durenje:

Da ne spominjem koliko joj je trebalo vremena da prihvati prvu filmsku ulogu koja joj navodno odgovara...
Jedini musical film koji mi nije bio dosadan!!!! :) ))
Korisnikov avatar
By Dirrty
Samo da obavestim zainteresovane da je film stigao u naše bioskope pre koji dan :awesome:
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